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Viagra Acess Same As Abortion

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By Mike Zapler

WASHINGTON — As abortion took center stage in the Senate's historic debate over health care reform, Sen. Barbara Boxer was right in the middle of the fight, comparing an effort to limit women's access to abortion to restricting men's access to Viagra.

Her combative stance on the issue was a familiar one for the third-term Democrat, whose support of abortion rights has been central to her political career.

"Why are women being singled out here? It's so unfair," Boxer said on the Senate floor Tuesday. "We don't tell men that if they want to ... buy insurance coverage through their pharmaceutical plan for Viagra that they can't do it."

Boxer was weighing in against an amendment offered by Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., that would greatly restrict abortion services for women buying individual insurance through a new health care insurance exchange. Although the amendment was rejected in a 54-45 vote, it was not the last word on the issue.

Largely mirroring a provision passed by the House last month as part of its health care overhaul bill, Nelson's proposal would bar abortion coverage for anyone who receives taxpayer subsidies to buy health insurance. Those who pay for health insurance completely on their own would have to purchase a separate "rider" in order to have abortion services covered.

"This amendment would be the biggest rollback to a woman's right to choose in decades," Boxer said Monday. "What have women done to deserve this?"

Supporters said the amendment was meant to preserve a long-standing prohibition against spending federal funds on abortion.

The abortion proposal has emerged as one of the main stumbling blocks to a final deal on sweeping health care reform, pitting a handful of anti-abortion Democratic senators against their counterparts who support abortion rights.

Nelson has signaled that he would vote against the overall health care bill if his abortion amendment failed. That would

leave Democrats one vote short of the 60 they need to break a filibuster. Forging a compromise is tricky, given the firm moral beliefs on both sides of the debate.

Abortion was a central issue in Boxer's first race for the Senate in 1992, when she defeated anti-abortion Republican Bruce Herschensohn, and she has used it successfully to rally her female base and twice win re-election. Next year, Boxer is expected to face either former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina or state Assemblyman Chuck DeVore — who both oppose abortion — in her bid for a fourth term.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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