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This is a very interesting article/broadcast about our water.


Fox News Covers Mass Drugging of Society with Lithium

In the remarkable Fox News report posted below, Dr. Archelle Georgiou, described as a well-recognized physician leader who “helps consumers make better health care decisions,” argues the case for adding lithium to the water supply. Georgiou is affiliated with the Center for Health Transformation, an organization founded by the notorious neocon Newt Gingrich.

Georgiou is also a “medical expert” for Fox News 9 in Minneapolis where she commented on a proposal to drug people during a segment on “Health Care Innovations 2009.”

“Lithium in the Water Supply: America has been adding fluoride to its public water supplies for decades to help prevent/reduce tooth decay. Now researchers from Japan suggests expanding the list to lithium,” is how how Fox News 9 describes the segment.

Georgiou does not explicitly call for adding the mood-stabilizing drug to the water system, as suggested by Japanese researchers, but she does not denounce the proposed practice. Instead, she says the draconian proposal is a “very interesting concept.”

Japanese researchers, according to Georgiou, are “investigating whether trace amounts of lithium can just change the mood in a community enough — in a really positive way without having the bad effects of lithium — to really affect the mood and decrease the suicide rate.”

Remarkably, Georgiou does not address the moral issue of forcibly drugging a population into submission.

On May 1, the BBC reported on the Japanese research. “Researchers examined levels of lithium in drinking water and suicide rates in the prefecture of Oita, which has a population of more than one million. The suicide rate was significantly lower in those areas with the highest levels of the element, they wrote in the British Journal of Psychiatry.”

Scientists are not certain how lithium works in the brain. “Lithium increases the amount of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which can help stabilize both the manic and depressive sides of the disorder, but the exact method behind this is still under investigation,” notes Discovery News.

Apparently the unresolved scientific aspects of lithium were not a concern in the Japanese research.

Research conducted in Texas from 1978-1987 revealed lower incidences of crime, suicide, and arrest when lithium is present in water, according to PubMed. “These results suggest that lithium has moderating effects on suicidal and violent criminal behavior at levels that may be encountered in municipal water supplies.”

[I wonder if the public knew about this "research"]

Peter D. Kramer, in an article on lithium in drinking water, states there are serious ethical considerations to any plan to drug the populace. “The neurotrophic factors seem to protect against psychiatric and neurological disease. But they may also affect personality traits – and that possibility poses ethical dilemmas for any broad-based effort to improve resilience in the brain,” he writes for DoubleX.

Lithium has well-documented harmful effects. It is known to be responsible for significant amounts of weight gain and reduces the activity of thyroid hormone. It is also believed to affect renal function.

Our water supply already contains dangerous levels of pharmaceutical drugs. Preliminary results from two important federal studies compared the waste water flowing from sewage plants that handle waste from drug companies and compared them with others that do not, redOrbit reported in April. According to a U.S. Geological Survey’s report, some of the samples contained a range of pharmaceuticals, from over-the-counter medications to opiates, barbiturates and tranquilizers; some of them at significantly higher concentrations than what were found at other plants.

“All of this comes down to the mass medication of the public with trace amounts of prescription drugs. In another words, if you’re drinking tap water that’s tainted with these drugs, you’re getting a little bit of Prozac whether you like it or not,” remarks Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.

Drinking water in the United States has been polluted with fluoride for decades. The often cited reason given for this forcible drugging of the American public is that fluoride prevents tooth decay. Numerous studies prove otherwise. (A study conducted in Tucson, Arizona in 1992 on 26,000 elementary school students produced empirical evidence of just the opposite — the more fluoride a child consumes, the more cavities appear.)

According to chemist Charles Perkins, fluoride is added to the water supply because in time reduces an individual’s power to resist domination by incrementally poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making an individual submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.

This is precisely why the Nazis forced concentration camp internees to ingest fluoride. Americans liberating of POW camps at the end of the Second World War discovered stockpiles of fluoride stored near water supplies. When they asked what the fluoride was used for, they were told that the Germans used the substance as an additive to the prisoners water to make them docile.

Researchers in Japan and Dr. Archelle Georgiou may believe adding lithium to the drinking water is beneficial to society – never mind the unresolved scientific issues of the drug’s use and the immorality of the forcible drugging on a population – but there is a larger context here.

Adding fluoride and lithium to drinking water is an effective way to subdue and narcotize the population, especially during times of social and political upheaval.

Our eugenicist rulers are not perturbed by crime and suicide in society. Like the Nazis, they are primarily interested in rendering the masses docile and making certain they are unable to resist the draconian plans – from an engineered crash of the global economy to the establishment of a totalitarian world government – now unfolding with increased speed and determination.

Man, I hope this is another "conspiracy theory", but somehow, I doubt it. The end is going to more sinister than we can imagine. Imagine that!!

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But, if you have the stomach for it, the movie 'Serenity' shows some unintended side effects of trying to mass-medicate a society to calm it...

Truth is important

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Saying one thing is one thing, showing evidence is another? It is true that opinion has all too often made a mockery of truth; nonetheless the truth is the truth. Everyone reading this knows that most cities are putting chemicals and heavy metals into our water systems under the guise of cleanliness or purity or stronger teeth and bones. This problem is not a conspiracy but fact. A question arises then in regard to what exactly "needs" to purify our water?

This is a world issue/affair therefore I believe it is appropriate for this section.

There is a new world order and "they" do plan to enslave or exterminate those that are not apart of their system. This is Biblical and world wide. My question is, is water apart of their plans? I am starting to see evidence it is indeed.

In regards to the Nazi issue, history does repeat itself. However, intellectual techniques do improve. Therefore the type of weapons used by the globalists will of course become more demonic. If the control of water and CO2 becomes regulated by a world body/governance, we will witness control at a level that could take our liberties away forever, then how long until “they” demand our homage in regards to worship?

This truly is a world affair. Let's just not take things for granted. Let's investigate, it's way more fun.

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Since Statins supposedly reduce the incidence of heart attacks more than 40%, shall we then put that in the drinking water too?

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