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Hello friends and family:

I really need your help at this time. I have a friend who is a single mother who works two part-time jobs to make ends meat. As of 6 weeks ago, she lost her apt. because she couldn't keep up with the bills while one of her jobs were calling her off due to a low census.

Anyways, on Christmas she got a flat on the road and didn't have the money to tow it...When she went back to fix the flat the next day her car was gone. She found out that the police towed it...She said that she cannot pay for it to get out until January 20th...They are charging her $30.00 per day on top of the tow charge and the police charge...As of right now, in order to get her car out tomorrow morning, she needs $355.00 to get it out...This is the $80.00 police fee + $155.00 tow fee(it's so high because they towed her car on Christmas) + $30.00 since the 26th including tomorrow(4 days)..so that would be an additional $120.00 which totals $355.00

If she doesn't get her car out til the 20th of next month, the fee is going to be an additional $660.00 + the $355.00 we already calculated, which if she pays, she won't be able to pay her rent in the room she is renting out now...

I was wondering if there was any way you could help this person. Times are very hard I know, but if you help by giving $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, whatever you can help with would be one step closer to getting her car out...As far as transactions, I can set it up where you can pay via paypal or deposit it into one of my accounts(depending on which one you have in your area)

It surely would be a blessing if you could help in any way. The Lord will surely bless you...

By the way, we will be sure to fax or mail copies of all receipts to show you exactly where the money went...

(Luke 6:38) Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."

Thank you so much...

Christine G. (BKA Cbiblical/BKA Auntie Christine)


facebook. /teresa.quintero.790

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And we send the money to ...where? Got an address?

It would be totally cool to shower her with letters containing five or ten or twenty bucks in each. Pennies from heaven.

They surely hit her at a bad time, didn't they? Christmas.

That towing/storage routine is a ridiculous scam.

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i supplied the email address for the person who sent this to me:

Christine G. (BKA Cbiblical/BKA Auntie Christine)


i feel the person who sent me this is on the up-and-up since she emails me regularly about various issues. but,

if there are any who would like to help but have concerns, there are scam artists, i would suggest asking for the name of the tow company and making check, or whatever, payable directly to them.

that is a beautiful thought, karl, but i am merely the "relay" person. im in a really bad situation myself at the moment and couldnt help, but it occurred to me to post it on some forums where maybe others could help if they were so inclined. :)

facebook. /teresa.quintero.790

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i supplied the email address for the person who sent this to me:

Christine G. (BKA Cbiblical/BKA Auntie Christine)


i feel the person who sent me this is on the up-and-up since she emails me regularly about various issues. but,

if there are any who would like to help but have concerns, there are scam artists, i would suggest asking for the name of the tow company and making check, or whatever, payable directly to them.

that is a beautiful thought, karl, but i am merely the "relay" person. im in a really bad situation myself at the moment and couldnt help, but it occurred to me to post it on some forums where maybe others could help if they were so inclined. :)

I sent her an email. I'll let y'all know what I find out about an address to send donations.

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Will at least be praying...

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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