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Wacky Jihad Therapy' Didn't Take For Underwear Bomb Plotter

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American Thinker

'Wacky jihad therapy' didn't take for underwear bomb plotter

Rick Moran

If you saw the film "The Kingdom," you are familiar with the Saudi Arabian program to rehab terrorists. In the film, a long time bomber turned himself in after he couldn't sleep at night because he saw the faces of his victims. The bomber was placed in a Saudi program that was a combination religious instruction, and community service - a program the Saudis claim is very successful.

A closer look at this program by Chuck Bennett in the New York Post reveals a different story:

Said Ali al Shihri -- a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who now heads the terror group al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula -- obviously didn't get to the bottom of his America-hating issues while undergoing the controversial rehab for jihadists.

Inmates like Shihri are supposed to while away the days playing ping-pong, PlayStation and soccer in hopes that the peaceful environment will help them cope with their jihadist rages.

Bomb-makers and gunmen participate in art therapy to help them explore their feelings non-violently.

In between tasty picnic-style meals of rice and lamb and snacks of Snickers along with dips in the pool, participants practice Arabic calligraphy, produce dizzying Jackson Pollack rip-offs and imagine the aftermath of car bombings in crayon.

Some 1,500 al Qaeda terrorists have "graduated" from the program, including 108 former Guantanamo Bay detainees, the Washington Post reported.

"The Saudis talk about a success rate of 80 to 90 percent, but when you look at what those numbers mean in reality, it all falls down. There is no criteria for evaluation," John Horgan, a Department of Homeland Security consultant, told the New York Post.

In 2009, Horgan visited several of the Saudi terrorism rehab centers to report on the programs for Homeland Security.

"These guys are not being de-radicalized. They are being encouraged to disassociate from terrorism, but that doesn't mean their fundamental views changed," said Horgan, director of the International Center for the Study of Terrorism at Penn State.

One observer referred to the program as "more like 'Hogan's Heroes' than 'Escape From Alcatraz.'"

No one can verify if the Saudi figures on recidivism are correct. And one thing the program does not cure the terrorists of is an unwavering hatred for the United States and the west.

No wonder they slide so easily back into terrorism.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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These guys hate us so much. I think they might even hate the US more than they hate Jews. But we only have ourselves to blame for this. All these years of our politics towards them, playing them against one another. I think this was one of the reasons Obama wanted to try a different approach. But I think that its time to look at that and say this is not working. I don't think they will change, because even if we get them to back off, they still will have a problem with us because of our friendship with Israel.



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These guys hate us so much. I think they might even hate the US more than they hate Jews. But we only have ourselves to blame for this. All these years of our politics towards them, playing them against one another. I think this was one of the reasons Obama wanted to try a different approach. But I think that its time to look at that and say this is not working. I don't think they will change, because even if we get them to back off, they still will have a problem with us because of our friendship with Israel.


Are you saying the radical msulims are justified in their hatred.That it has all been brought on by the US so all they can do is their acts of cowardly murder?

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Radical Muslims hate us because we support Israel. Regardless how many times President Obama bows to them they will not stop hating us until we stop supporting Israel.

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From talking with Muslims I know, that is not why. It has more to do with CIA, US Military and Blackwater terrorism in Muslim countries, according to them.

I remember when GeorgeW said, it is because they 'Hate our freedom', and they were saying they did not want an amoral society pushed upon them

It would be interesting to find what a neutral research party would find out. It is hard to understand by only conversing with a few people.

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Originally Posted By: pkrause
These guys hate us so much. I think they might even hate the US more than they hate Jews. But we only have ourselves to blame for this. All these years of our politics towards them, playing them against one another. I think this was one of the reasons Obama wanted to try a different approach. But I think that its time to look at that and say this is not working. I don't think they will change, because even if we get them to back off, they still will have a problem with us because of our friendship with Israel.


Are you saying the radical msulims are justified in their hatred.That it has all been brought on by the US so all they can do is their acts of cowardly murder?

Not saying that 2 wrongs will make a right. But think back at least 40 years, and look how we've treated the Arab and Muslim countries. We went over there and got oil out of the ground for them, we showed them lots of things and than we started acting like we were better than them. Exploiting them using one country against the other and on and on. Than the radical ones started coming out of the wood work and getting worse and worse. And there hatred of Israel just spurned them on. I know that it it weren't for the US they probably would never have what they have now. Our politics has caused this gap, our arrogance has kept it alive. I don't condone terrorism, but I see the "cause to effect", or the "you reap what you sow" principle brought out so plainly from the Bible. You can say what you want, but we did this to ourselves. But we don't deserve having terrorist acts committed against us or anyone for that matter.




Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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From talking with Muslims I know, that is not why. It has more to do with CIA, US Military and Blackwater terrorism in Muslim countries, according to them.

I remember when GeorgeW said, it is because they 'Hate our freedom', and they were saying they did not want an amoral society pushed upon them

It would be interesting to find what a neutral research party would find out. It is hard to understand by only conversing with a few people.

I agree with you Stan.



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We have to distinguish between mainstream Muslims and radical Muslims. I suspect that Stan hasn't been rubbing elbows with the extremist radicals. These are the ones blowing people up and killing themselves in the process. They are very anti-semitic.

I am sure there are a variety of reasons that many mainstream Muslims do not like America. Three are many Mexicans and other Latin Americans I have met that dislike America for a variety of reasons. I know several such people that have lived in the US and returned to their homeland by choice because they didn't like America. I suspect mainstream Muslims are not that much different than people from other parts of the world.

Radical Muslims on the other hand have a different mindset.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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From talking with Muslims I know, that is not why. It has more to do with CIA, US Military and Blackwater terrorism in Muslim countries, according to them.

I remember when GeorgeW said, it is because they 'Hate our freedom', and they were saying they did not want an amoral society pushed upon them

It would be interesting to find what a neutral research party would find out. It is hard to understand by only conversing with a few people.

The bloody history of radical Islam did not begin with 9/11,CIA or Blackwater.

If I remember correctly their aim at one time was to rule the world. They had this nasty little habit of conquering all in their path. It was not a gentle persuasion they used

Didn't these peace loving people slaughter tens of thousands of armenians and blame Islam's fall on the armenians.

What was the sin of Armenia?

They should have nothing whatsoever to say as to who the allies of the US are. To bad if they want the Jews obliterated.

Any that do not bow to their warped view should be killed.They appoint themselves,judge,jury and executioner.

Radical muslims have slaughtered for centuries,long before they could blame the US.

Unless the US would embrace radical Islam they will use any reason to slaughter more

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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From talking with Muslims I know, that is not why. It has more to do with CIA, US Military and Blackwater terrorism in Muslim countries, according to them.

I remember when GeorgeW said, it is because they 'Hate our freedom', and they were saying they did not want an amoral society pushed upon them

It would be interesting to find what a neutral research party would find out. It is hard to understand by only conversing with a few people.

The bloody history of radical Islam did not begin with 9/11,CIA or Blackwater.

If I remember correctly their aim at one time was to rule the world. They had this nasty little habit of conquering all in their path. It was not a gentle persuasion they used

Didn't these peace loving people slaughter tens of thousands of armenians and blame Islam's fall on the armenians.

What was the sin of Armenia?

They should have nothing whatsoever to say as to who the allies of the US are. To bad if they want the Jews obliterated.

Any that do not bow to their warped view should be killed.They appoint themselves,judge,jury and executioner.

Radical muslims have slaughtered for centuries,long before they could blame the US.

Unless the US would embrace radical Islam they will use any reason to slaughter more

Oh I agree with you, but lets not forget that the christains and there crusades basicly did the same thing. All these crazy wars over there are all over religion. How about the old Yugoslavia, where the christians killed the muslims because of some 500 hundred year or so vendetta they had for them killing there families. And the Serbs killing the christians and muslims and back and forth.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Oh I agree with you, but lets not forget that the christains and there crusades basicly did the same thing. All these crazy wars over there are all over religion. How about the old Yugoslavia, where the christians killed the muslims because of some 500 hundred year or so vendetta they had for them killing there families. And the Serbs killing the christians and muslims and back and forth.


What does any action by christians and the crusades have to do with 9/11 and radical Islam.

Right or wrong there have been wars since Old Testament times.

So many seem to imply that radical Islam and the attack on 9/11 somehow had some type of justification or understandable reason.Radical Islam has always behaved in this fashion,long before there was a US of America. Their brutality just has a new target

They have been slaughtering those that oppose them for hundred's of years. If you are not part of radical Islam you deserve to die. If radical Islam does not like the foreign policy of a country bomb and kill thousands of innocents.

Maybe that should be flipped by those that do not want radical Islam influencing our foreign policy. Bomb them out of existence.

If we are looking for a understandable reason to destroy Islam we have it.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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