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Now Stim Bill Money Being Sent to Fake Zip Codes

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These are the same incompetent buffoons that are going to run our health care.Can't hardly wait. Wonder who got their greedy little mitts on money spent on non existent locations

Now stim bill money being sent to fake zip codes

Rick Moran

Jim Scarantino of New Mexico Watchdog was the first to uncover the fact that stim bill money was being listed as spent in non-existent congressional districts.

Now he's uncovered another tasty tidbit; the money is going to fake zip codes:

The agency charged with tracking the stimulus funds, the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, attempted to eliminate this embarrassment by lumping all the billions reported going to nonexistent Congressional districts into a new category called the "unassigned" Congressional district.

Closer examination of the latest recovery.gov report for New Mexico shows hundreds of thousands of dollars sent to and credited with creating jobs in zip codes that do not exist in New Mexico or anywhere else. Moreover, funds reported as being spent in New Mexico were given zip codes corresponding to areas in Washington and Oregon.

The recovery.gov site reports that $373,874 was spent in zip code 97052. Unfortunately, this expenditure created zip jobs. But $36,218 was credited with creating 5 jobs in zip code 87258. A cool hundred grand went into zip code 86705, but didn't result in even one person finding work.

None of these zip codes exist in New Mexico, or anywhere else, for that matter.

The recovery.gov report also credits New Mexico with $131,139, though the zip codes receiving these funds (but creating no jobs) are in fact located in DuPont, Washington, Richland, Washington, and Gales Creek, Oregon.

These errors were found by checking the zip codes reported at recovery.gov against the United States Postal Service's on-line zip code locator. Coming on top of our discovery of millions of dollars reportedly going to ten phantom New Mexico Congressional Districts, this latest discovery confirms that the data released by the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, at least for New Mexico, contains serious errors. All told, we have found over $27 million dollars that has been reported as going to either nonexistent Congressional districts or nonexistent zip codes.

I suppose the White House will lump these expenditures under some bureaucratic rubric like "unassigned state."

Next up: stim money listed as being spent on Mars, Venus, and Jupiter's moon Io as well as other "unassigned planets."

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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These are the same incompetent buffoons that are going to run our health care.Can't hardly wait. Wonder who got their greedy little mitts on money spent on non existent locations

Now stim bill money being sent to fake zip codes

Rick Moran

The government has no financial incentive to take good care of taxpayer money. It does not have to make a profit to satisfy shareholders. It ALWAYS operates at a dead loss, so there are no performance incentives.

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