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Eric Holder, Dems Turn Their Bigoted Eyes to You

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American Thinker

Eric Holder, Dems Turn Their Bigoted Eyes to You

By Matt May

Because the current administration's existence seems infinite, it is striking to note that not even a calendar year has passed since Attorney General Eric Holder declared the United States "a nation of cowards," and that Americans "simply do not talk enough with each other about race."

Well, if excerpts from a newly published book by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann are to be believed, then the Democratic Party is certainly in need of some straight race talk among its own.

While it is tempting to dismiss the book as a compendium of axe-grinding gossip and rumor (Steve Schmidt is listed as a credible source), Sen. Harry Reid has already apologized for remarks appearing in the book which he thought were made in private regarding Barack Obama's lack of "Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one." Although waiting days and days before commenting on the airline passenger with a bomb in his Super-Jihadist underoos (and then only calling him a "suspect"), President Obama accepted Sen. Reid's apology with lightning efficiency. As messiahs are wont to do, he extended forgiveness to the Nevada pugilist.

Never one to be outdone by anybody in anything -- be it illicit campaign donations, the defining of "is," or cigar sex -- Bill Clinton reportedly attempted to gain the favor of the late Edward Kennedy's endorsement for Hillary Clinton by saying of Obama something along the lines of "This guy would have been getting us coffee" just a few years before running for president. In the upside-down world of Obama's America, the president has said nothing regarding this crisis -- but then again, President Clinton has not commented to deny or confirm. No word yet on how many Hail Barrys the former president will be made to recite before reconciliation takes.

Of course, most everyone remembers now-Vice President's Biden's remarks about how "clean" and "articulate" Obama seemed. These dangerous codewords seemed to do no harm initially, but in retrospect, perhaps the vice president is in need of some sensitivity training. Such training might be led by Rev. Jesse Jackson, since although he called Barack Obama a "[theN-word]" on television, he apologized appropriately enough, and he was only "talking to black people" anyway. What's a Democrat to do?

Let's be clear: This issue -- this issue of race and Democrat bigotry -- needs to be addressed immediately. While the anecdotal evidence presented in this new book may or may not be true, it is the seriousness of the charges that warrants attention. It is, if not a national emergency, certainly a factional emergency. Since he appointed himself arbiter of cowardice relating to race in America, Eric Holder should immediately resign his position and facilitate what is obviously a desperately needed dialogue about race among Democrats.

Think of the possibilities: a panel discussion featuring Rev. Jackson and Sen. Robert Byrd on the differences between "niggers" and "white niggers"; Bill Clinton can roleplay the angst-ridden Barack Obama's tribulations that only private prep schools and the Ivy League can sow; and a special breakout session on dealing with Jews can be hosted by Billy McKinney (Cynthia's dad). Like the well of racial insensitivity and bigotry in the Democrat yard, the possibilities are endless. Biden can bring the beer for the "Acting Stupidly" brainstorming session. These are mere suggestions, as of course, the entire affair should be left to the capable hands of Eric Holder.

Seriously, Mr. Attorney General, these terrorists trying to blow up planes in midair, the troublesome upcoming trial in the shadow of Ground Zero, and jihadists running around Yemen is chump change compared to such racial cowardice and malice among the elite of the Democratic Party. Really, Gen. Holder, you are too big for the top spot at Justice. Fulfill your destiny as American Race Czar and tell your boss to hand Justice back over to some clown like Michael Mukasey. Please?

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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