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Scott Brown's Shot Heard 'Round the World: What If?

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Well ... no matter what. This does spell ...


May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Well it is:

Bye Bye to the Bill

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Here's what karl said:

Anybody want to bet money on whether they try to do it anyway? I believe the Dems will suicidally try to push Obamacare through because I don't think they answer to us anymore. If they push this through, even if they lose their seats in politics, they will be rewarded with cushy jobs in international business or in other areas of politics plus lots of money.

I really think this is the big crunch issue of the globalists to finish the socialist takeover in the US. Only then can they proceed to one-world totalitarianism (socialism.) The rest of the world already has it. They want to merge us into it. That's what Global warming is about. That's what the war on terror is about. Globalism. Global problems for which they try to sell globally socialist solutions (global governance.) The UN is global socialism.

Only when the US is brought to its knees economically will our people accept a merger with the rest of the countries of the world and a one world currency.

They've almost got us there and I don't think there is any political reason they will stop short of armed revolution, and maybe not even then. Democrats said yesterday that no matter what happened in today's Senate election, they plan to pass a health care rationing bill (but, of course, they don't call it that.)

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But I just think that there are far too many people and even Senators who are opposed to Health Care Rationing to let this Bill pass.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Sarah is talking about the Victory right now of Fox Richard. Listen up.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I can hear her. I know that sweet voice anywhere.

Yes. It is sweet ain't it. Especially in VICTORY.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Well ... no matter what. This does spell ...


I wouldn't count him out just yet. He is the front man for some extremely powerful backers who got him elected POTUS as a virtual unknown junior senator from Illinois. And I think he is narcissist enough to think he is a kind of Messiah for the American people. I'm betting he will come back hitting harder than ever with his socialist agenda.

The big question is whether there are enough politicians on Capitol Hill who actually care more about their jobs than they do about turning the US into a socialist "paradise."

We shall see. The next three days will tell the tale. If they ram Obamacare through, they don't care about keeping their seats.

Healthcare is the holy grail of socialism. Everybody on Capitol Hill knows it. The American people suspect it and drew the line there. But have you noticed that all the polls and townhalls have not deterred our liberal legislators in the least? They really are arrogant enough to believe they can ram this down our throats and make us swallow it. And some of them believe if they pass Obamacare right now, they can spout enough backpedaling rhetoric in the months to come to get re-elected.

They have set Obamacare up so it really doesn't have any immediate consequences other than deficit spending which they already have out the ceiling and can blame on Bush, GM and AIG. If they can just get Obamacare passed, people will forget about it until it starts to cause greater rationing of care. By then they will be already re-elected and can "work to fix the flaws in the system." It's the system (power) they want and they will gladly take any flaws to get it.

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Hey ... where's pk. I wanna hug him also. I just love Massachusetts.


May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Healthcare is the holy grail of socialism. Everybody on Capitol Hill knows it. The American people suspect it and drew the line there. But have you noticed that all the polls and townhalls have not deterred our liberal legislators in the least? They really are arrogant enough to believe they can ram this down our throats and make us swallow it. And some of them believe if they pass Obamacare right now, they can spout enough backpedaling rhetoric in the months to come to get re-elected.

I think you're right karl.

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Originally Posted By: karl
Healthcare is the holy grail of socialism. Everybody on Capitol Hill knows it. The American people suspect it and drew the line there. But have you noticed that all the polls and townhalls have not deterred our liberal legislators in the least? They really are arrogant enough to believe they can ram this down our throats and make us swallow it. And some of them believe if they pass Obamacare right now, they can spout enough backpedaling rhetoric in the months to come to get re-elected.

I think you're right karl.


May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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