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Brown Would do Well to Listen to the People who are Sending Him

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January 20, 2010

Brown would do well to listen to the people who are sending him to Washington

Ann Kane

I can just hear Scott Brown saying to himself after winning in Massachusetts last night, "How great I am!"

Not so fast Senator Brown.

Bay State patriots put Brown into office in order to keep Coakley and the Democrats from creating more of a stranglehold on our very existence. By last week, reports on donations to Brown's campaign from across the U.S. were totaling $1.2 million per day.

He had better keep his promise to vote against the health care reform bill, and to fight for our constitutional rights, or he'll be finding himself being kicked out into the cold by the very people who voted for him.

Ben Nelson had to feel ashamed when restaurant goers told him in plain language to get out of their sight. That is the way it will be from now on. Ordinary Americans are speaking up; they're mad as hell, and they're not taking it any more.

Scott Brown's first order of business should be to listen to his supporters. It sounds so simple, yet, most of our elected officials, both Democrat and Republican, have been turning a deaf ear to the people's wishes.

The Massachusetts senatorial election is an American referendum on the people's dissatisfaction with the reckless spending going on in Washington by a Democrat controlled congress.

Last fall, the Virginia and New Jersey governors' elections triggered a massive wave promising to wash away any politician not worthy of his office.

Americans have joined together in the battle to save our country, and we are doing it state by state, city by city, and county by county. We have put our politicians on notice, and there will be no stemming the tide of the Great Tsunami of November 2010.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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January 20, 2010

Brown would do well to listen to the people who are sending him to Washington

Ann Kane

I can just hear Scott Brown saying to himself after winning in Massachusetts last night, "How great I am!"

Not so fast Senator Brown.

Bay State patriots put Brown into office in order to keep Coakley and the Democrats from creating more of a stranglehold on our very existence. By last week, reports on donations to Brown's campaign from across the U.S. were totaling $1.2 million per day.

He had better keep his promise to vote against the health care reform bill, and to fight for our constitutional rights, or he'll be finding himself being kicked out into the cold by the very people who voted for him.

Ben Nelson had to feel ashamed when restaurant goers told him in plain language to get out of their sight. That is the way it will be from now on. Ordinary Americans are speaking up; they're mad as hell, and they're not taking it any more.

Scott Brown's first order of business should be to listen to his supporters. It sounds so simple, yet, most of our elected officials, both Democrat and Republican, have been turning a deaf ear to the people's wishes.

The Massachusetts senatorial election is an American referendum on the people's dissatisfaction with the reckless spending going on in Washington by a Democrat controlled congress.

Last fall, the Virginia and New Jersey governors' elections triggered a massive wave promising to wash away any politician not worthy of his office.

Americans have joined together in the battle to save our country, and we are doing it state by state, city by city, and county by county. We have put our politicians on notice, and there will be no stemming the tide of the Great Tsunami of November 2010.

This person really likes spinning the facts.

1-I heard his interview and he seemed pretty humble. I don't believe that her thought for one moment "How Great Am I"

2-I don't think donation's had one thing to do with him being elected, if they did, than people should wonder if money buys a win, he that person worth it?

3-He never said he would vote agianst HC, he said he would vote against it as it is right now.

I have more comments on this, but have to go right out right now.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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