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President Obama Said Today That He Believes He Lost Direct Connection

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President Obama said today that he believes he lost a direct connection to the American people in his first year in office because he focused too heavily on policymaking.


One year into the president's term, George Stephanopoulos interviews Obama.

"If there's one thing that I regret this year is that we were so busy just getting stuff done and dealing with the immediate crises that were in front of us that I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are and why we have to make sure those institutions are matching up with those values," Obama told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview at the White House.

Watch George Stephanopoulos' exclusive interview with President Obama tonight on "World News" and "Nightline" and tomorrow on "Good Morning America". Check your local listings.


Exclusive: Obama Admits Voter 'Anger' Key to GOP Victory in Massachusetts

GEORGE: A Most Reflective President Obama

Obama: Seat Scott Brown and Move On with Health Care

The president said he made a mistake in assuming that if he focused on policy decisions, the American people would understand the reasoning behind them.

"That I do think is a mistake of mine," Obama said. "I think the assumption was if I just focus on policy, if I just focus on this provision or that law or if we're making a good rational decision here, then people will get it."

Instead, the president said the American people ended up with a "feeling of remoteness and detachment" from the policymakers in Washington who are making big decisions.

"I think, you know, what they ended up seeing is this feeling of remoteness and detachment where there's these technocrats up here making decisions. Maybe some of them are good, maybe some of them aren't, but do they really get us and what we're going through?" he said.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Personally I think the man is oblivious.He will go on his merry socialist path. We don't mind,we just don't understand him.I don't care how remote he and his friends are. Just leave my checkbook alone and stay out of my health care. Medicare has enough hooks

Instead, the president said the American people ended up with a "feeling of remoteness and detachment" from the policymakers in Washington who are making big decisions.

"I think, you know, what they ended up seeing is this feeling of remoteness and detachment where there's these technocrats up here making decisions. Maybe some of them are good, maybe some of them aren't, but do they really get us and what we're going through?" he said.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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this is an interesting article and interview

but some how OBAMA is still not accepting the

blame here


I think being unable to accept responsibility for anything that is not full of praise for himself is in his DNA.

I don't think he can help it. I heard a interview with him today and he blamed Bush for the way this went.

Maybe if he keeps his head wherever it is at it will be easier for republicans in Nov

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Again as I see it, and I'm not saying that I'm right, It's just the way I see it! Is the people wanted a change, so he attempted that and the people are so fickle that they don't really know what they want. And the media can stear (sp) them where ever they want. But I was pleased to hear him admit that.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Hey ... where are all the demos hiding today. Come on folks ... speak up.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Again as I see it, and I'm not saying that I'm right, It's just the way I see it! Is the people wanted a change, so he attempted that and the people are so fickle that they don't really know what they want. And the media can stear (sp) them where ever they want. But I was pleased to hear him admit that.


I believe Obama knows exactly what he wants,he misjudged the adoration for him as a mandate to do about what he chose to do.

Everything he has done was included in his campaign.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I believe Obama knows exactly what he wants,he misjudged the adoration for him as a mandate to do about what he chose to do.

Everything he has done was included in his campaign.

Ah so all this was promised in his campaign, and than as promised he has tried to do what he promised? And the voters voted for him anyway? As I said than, they wanted a change and that got it! But now they can't live with what they did and they want another change? Nothing is going to change or get better.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Originally Posted By: bonnie

I believe Obama knows exactly what he wants,he misjudged the adoration for him as a mandate to do about what he chose to do.

Everything he has done was included in his campaign.

Ah so all this was promised in his campaign, and than as promised he has tried to do what he promised? And the voters voted for him anyway? As I said than, they wanted a change and that got it! But now they can't live with what they did and they want another change? Nothing is going to change or get better.


Your right,there were those that wanted to be recipients of his socialism. When many found out what it actually would cost them personally,it didn't seem like such a great idea.

Along with the obvious lie of "being so transparent it would all be on C-Span".

There seems to be a lot at work. Looks like a lot of buyer remorse.

It would be nice if he would quit acting like a little boy in trouble trying to blame someone else every time he opens his mouth.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Do you really think Obama can undo 8 years of Republican bungling in 1 year? Do you hate his personality/character even more than his supposedly Socialist agenda?

And why do I detect (just reading between the lines) a loathing of the man that transcends political disagreement and division and clearly smacks of unchristianlike regard for our fellow humans, no matter how much we disagree with them?

Lastly, (staying in the questioning mode), there is no deeply submerged racial undertones that can be attached to this vitriol, is there? bwink

Alex (can you guess that I'm a Democrat?)

We are our worst enemy - sad but true.




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To some ... there is absolutely NO way for a white person to disagree with the policies of a black man. And I suspect it will remain that way for all of eternity. It's racism pure and simple.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
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Do you really think Obama can undo 8 years of Republican bungling in 1 year?

I think many Americans-- even of those who voted for him-- are convinced that President Obama is continuing to bungle and do it even worse. We are now far more in debt and there seems little to show for it.

Do you hate his personality/character even more than his supposedly Socialist agenda?

I don't know about the person you asked this question of, but speaking for myself, I think he has an attractive personality. I don't have anything against him personally.

I think it's obvious, though, that he has a tendancy toward Socialism.

And why do I detect (just reading between the lines)

Gotta be careful about reading between the lines. People are often wrong.

a loathing of the man that transcends political disagreement and division and clearly smacks of unchristianlike regard for our fellow humans, no matter how much we disagree with them?

I agree with you that people should show respect for the American president. I do hope,though, that you made the same objections to the way some people talked about President George W. Bush.

It seems to me that most people who disagree with President Obama are pretty respectful.

Lastly, (staying in the questioning mode), there is no deeply submerged racial undertones that can be attached to this vitriol, is there? bwink

Why do you ask this?

Nowadays it seems to me that "racism" is too often something that people use to intimidate others into being quiet, etc. True racism is a serious issue and should never be used merely as a tool of manipulation.

Let's hope that people can still critisize political leaders and their policies without fearing that their words will be seen as "deeply submerged racial undertones."

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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I want to apologize for implying that anyone who has posted in this sub-forum is racist. I confess to being guilty of the Biblical admonition: "Judge not lest ye be judged."

I ask and pray for your forgiveness.

My questions were based on an examination of the rhetoric that is being used in many of the posts here. There is a clear distinction between the usage of diction and syntax that's being used. Words are very powerful. They reveal our innermost thoughts and feelings and most importantly, they can't be taken back.

When I refer to "diction", I mean the way a word carries a specific meaning, whether that be its dictionary meaning, its colloquial meaning or its informal meaning. By the word "syntax" I refer more to its contextual meaning.

After reading many of the posts here and examining them rhetorically, there seems to be quite a bit of rancor and loathing expressed (especially by one poster). I know this is a political forum where people have strong feelings but it is also a Christian forum and a public one at that.

Shouldn't we as Adventists be different from the secular crowd in how we express ourselves? If God loves all of us, can't we? Playing nice is hard but at least we can try?

Alex (your Democratic brother in Christ bwink )

We are our worst enemy - sad but true.




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My questions were based on an examination of the rhetoric that is being used in many of the posts here. There is a clear distinction between the usage of diction and syntax that's being used. Words are very powerful. They reveal our innermost thoughts and feelings and most importantly, they can't be taken back.

When I refer to "diction", I mean the way a word carries a specific meaning, whether that be its dictionary meaning, its colloquial meaning or its informal meaning. By the word "syntax" I refer more to its contextual meaning.

If that non-implication was directed at me,let me assure you I don't have the slightest desire to take back any words concerning Obama.

Because he is black??? NO!!!!!!! I couldn't care less if he was a little green man from mars.

I like nothing this man has done with the exception of getting into Haiti.

After reading many of the posts here and examining them rhetorically, there seems to be quite a bit of rancor and loathing expressed (especially by one poster). I know this is a political forum where people have strong feelings but it is also a Christian forum and a public one at that.

Obama has a very strong socialist ideology. I dislike it intensely.

If I had to be faced with a man like this having influence over my children or grandchildren in a teaching or church setting I would either remove my family or have him removed.

Every acquaintance,every mentor,every friend has the same socialist or worse ideology.

From his childhood this has been the case. His spiritual mentor was a man that was filled with hate and Obama sat there for twenty years. When he was called on it is was "Oh Gee,was he saying things like that,I never noticed"? Lie,not possible. Placing self proclaimed communists in position of power without being vetted. You don't do that unless you have agreement with the man.

Safe school czar is a man that NEVER would get near my children.Obama doesn't have a problem.

The list goes on and on if you care to look it up.

A man that would have such close associations would not be near my children.

yShouldn't we as Adventists be different from the secular crowd in how we express ourselves? If God loves all of us, can't we? Playing nice is hard but at least we can try?

Alex (your Democratic brother in Christ bwink )

And how would you like it to be phrased? It has nothing to do with hate of the man because of his color or anything else.I hate everything he is doing.

I dislike Obama as president,I can't think of one thing he has done except for Haiti I agree with.

He was voted in on a wave of emotion that had nothing to do with any qualifications.

Part was just because he was black by some, to anger at Bush by others.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Do you really think Obama can undo 8 years of Republican bungling in 1 year? Do you hate his personality/character even more than his supposedly Socialist agenda?

Obama has more to do than undo Bush. Bush was not a conservative,in fact he spent money like a democrat and he lost mush of his conservative support.Besides the dems ruled congress

prior to his presidency.

And why do I detect (just reading between the lines) a loathing of the man that transcends political disagreement and division and clearly smacks of unchristianlike regard for our fellow humans, no matter how much we disagree with them?

You are not all that good about reading between the lines. Obama is a socialist and is determined to take the country down that path. Socialism is not what this country was based on.

Lastly, (staying in the questioning mode), there is no deeply submerged racial undertones that can be attached to this vitriol, is there? bwink

Alex (can you guess that I'm a Democrat?)

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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The race card is always a diversion to cover up for a weak position. If there is evidence of racism on this thread ... I would call for it to be exposed. Otherwise ... it is purely imagination. And it says more about the one with the imagination than it says about the accused.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
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Yes Richard. I've had that explained to me before.

But, it seems to come from those who are dim.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I apologized for making the implication that I'm playing the race card. I simply asked the question which in retrospect I realized I shouldn't have. But there is something more serious than partisan politics going on here. It's more serious than Socialism and Communism. It's more serious than health reform.

It's about anger and hatred. Maybe our passionate feelings about political issues serve as a catalyst? But are these healthy feelings for a Christian to have? Can we have a conversation when we're filled with hate? Can we even have a degree of objectivity if our vision is blinded by anger? Can we listen to each other if our hearing is obscured by seething loathing?

Where are the suggestions for improving our plight besides making sure we vote Obama out the next time around? Where is "the peace that passeth understanding?" The Sabbath School lesson this week touches on this.


Please take some time to read this well-written comment. I for one was blessed by it. I only want to extend my "peace" to all of you.

Alex (somehow I don't think we can take our characters to Heaven- me included)

We are our worst enemy - sad but true.




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Hey Alex. You is cool. We are blessed to have you here and would not want to discourage that in any way. But for the sake of discussion it would be helpful if you would give us examples and quotes of what you are referring to rather than baseless accusations and labels.

I am sorry if you sense 'anger and hatred'. If you are referring to the anger about what this administration is doing to this country ... you would be correct. If you are referring to anger at the person ... a black man ... you would be wrong.

So, it is very difficult to know what your accusations are referring to. Could you be a little more specific? This would be helpful towards a fruitful conversation. Please tell us what feelings are not " healthy feelings for a Christian to have". Please. Be specific.

I appreciate the peace you want to extend to us. But so far I just see a lot of baseless accusations thrown at us. I appreciate the invite to read the lesson. I read it each week. And so being told to reread it seems accusatory. I enjoy peace. But it is difficult to have it when accusations are flying instead of communication.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I apologized for making the implication that I'm playing the race card. I simply asked the question which in retrospect I realized I shouldn't have. But there is something more serious than partisan politics going on here. It's more serious than Socialism and Communism. It's more serious than health reform.

It's about anger and hatred. Maybe our passionate feelings about political issues serve as a catalyst? But are these healthy feelings for a Christian to have? Can we have a conversation when we're filled with hate? Can we even have a degree of objectivity if our vision is blinded by anger? Can we listen to each other if our hearing is obscured by seething loathing?

Sorry,your insight is seriously lacking in fact.

There is no skin color that is so special that people must be silent about political matters. Nor is it necessary to preface everything with "I don't hate the man because of the color of his skin"

I do hate what he is doing to this country and will continue to if not stopped.

You determine someone is blinded by anger,you are wrong again.

Does he make me angry,YES. Would he make me angry if he were white and a republican.YES!!!!

Where are the suggestions for improving our plight besides making sure we vote Obama out the next time around? Where is "the peace that passeth understanding?" The Sabbath School lesson this week touches on this.

That would be a start.

Please take some time to read this well-written comment. I for one was blessed by it. I only want to extend my "peace" to all of you.

Maybe a good place to start would be to decide that you really haven't a right to decide hatred and racism on the part of another.

This country is not and was not founded on socialism. Socialism is not illegal but it is a bit unethical to have a socialist ideology and claim to be something different.

Obama has in many ways told the country he is a socialist.I am not required to like that whether you do or not.

This is not a man that I would not allow to teach my children or lead out in my church.

I know it may come as a surprise but many of us do read our SS lesson without instruction from you or anyone else

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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This is not a man that I would not allow to teach my children or lead out in my church

Need I mention where who he got his religious training from. And whom he trusted the care of his children to?

Do any of you recall the name Rev. Wright ?

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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You quoted President Obama as saying:

If there's one thing that I regret this year is that we were so busy just getting stuff done and dealing with the immediate crises that were in front of us that I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are and why we have to make sure those institutions are matching up with those values.

The way he worded this makes it sound like he wants to tell us what our core values are. I know what my core values are. Why do I need him to tell me what my core values are? Am I misreading what he said?


Just remember these words of warning, for they will come to pass all too soon:

If you are ever flying through the desert and your canoe breaks down, remember that it takes three pancakes to lift the doghouse, because there ain't nary a bone in ice cream!

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Socialism is not illegal but it is a bit unethical to have a socialist ideology and claim to be something different.

I agree. If America goes socialist, it should be because the majority of the people vote for it, and not because they got hoodwinked. This reminds me of the way the health reform bill is being rushed through and not debated openly and publicly. Everything should be above board and in plain sight.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Yes. I agree John. I think that Obama's legacy will be 'secrecy'.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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