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James Dobson, a power in America


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James Dobson’s radio program was a wonderful support to me when my girls were preschoolers, and his books on raising children and teens provided some great insights, but over the years the focus of his message has changed. He is less interested in the day-to-day how-to of raising a family and more interested in politics and how policy and national culture affect the Christian family. When I visited the Focus on the Family headquarters in Colorado Springs a couple of years ago, I came away feeling quite disturbed about James Dobson’s apparent messiah complex.

Today, when Stan asked about Robert Brinsmead, I googled that question and it brought me to the Worldwide Church of God, which brought me to some articles about James Dobson, one of which details a visit to the FOF headquarters in which the person felt much the same way as I about the exhibit. This is how the article ends:

“With our tour ended, our guides assured us not to go away thinking of all that Dobson had accomplished, but to think of what God had accomplished. Still, I kept seeing all those trophies, plaques and pictures with Dobson in the center of it all.”

CLICK HERE FOR THE WHOLE ARTICLE ABOUT A TOUR OF FOF . This inclues other links to concerns about Dobson.

National Public Radio recently aired a program about James Dobson.

CLICK HERE FOR "COLORADO SPRINGS A MECCA FOR EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS" This link includes links to other interesting-looking NPR stories on religion in America.

US News also had an article on James Dobson that same week, January 17, 2005 issue. The abstract is below. The complete article can be ordered for $2.95 from the US NEWS ARCHIVES


Title: The Dobson way

Highlight: An evangelical leader steps squarely into the political ring

Author(s): Dan Gilgoff with Bret Schulte

Citation: January 17, 2005 p 62-66, 68-71

Section: Special Report


Word Count: 3592

Abstract: Profile of Dr. James Dobson, a child psychologist and founder of Focus on the Family, who is a major leader among evangelicals. His Action organization aims to reverse such legalizations as abortion and same-sex marriage by influencing judicial appointments and supporting conservative candidates. With chart: Moral values: How important?

The current issue of US News contains interesting follow-up LETTERS TO THE EDITOR about their Dobson piece, both pro and con.

I realize that's a big influx of info and that most people probably won't have time to follow the links, but what do you think? Is Dobson's efforts to redirect our national focus good for the nation, or bad? Should we support him financially?



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I agree with you about Dobson's focus changing. When my children were young, Dobson's ministry really blessed me. It seems that his politics have changed the direction of his ministry. I can't tolerate his radio program any more because his topics don't interest me.


Proverbs 15:15

He that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.

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It is interesting that one of the letters warns against the use of cultic groups leading worship. One being the Oneness Group (to which T D Jakes et al are linked) and the other being SDAs


I was just speaking to FifiQueen last night as to how I felt his ministry has changed. It is interesting to see the growth of the "cult of the celebrity" that seems to permeate all areas of Christendom. From TD Jakes to Dobson to Rick Wareen to 3ABN.

Whilst I believe God has blessed many people with various gifts, my only concern is to focus on that he has asked me to deal with. Truth will always out.

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I wonder if the SDAs mentioned are WCG in reality? I haven't read everything yet, but have read 6-8 articles/letters and am curious if that's what is meant in the original letter.

Fascinating. Thank-you LynnDel for doing the research. I didn't know so many other people felt this way about Dobson--I thought I was one of the only ones.


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David, I read through the mass of material that you referenced. I never saw anything that would suggest that SDAs are a cult that came from FOF or Dobson. the main mention that I saw came from a FOF critic.

Please tell me where I can find something that would support the idea that either Dobson or FOF considers SDAs to be a cult.

Thank you,


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Dr. Dobson has gotten himself involved in the cultrue war and believes it is God's will for him to do so. He is in the open about it and has formed a seperate organization for his political activities. Nothing wrong with that. Reverand Martin Luther King Jr. was very political and most will agree it was God's calling for him.

Dr. Dobson is not to the extreame that other religious zealots like Pat Robertson are. Dr. Dobson has assured Seventh-day Adventists that he does not support a Sunday law. If you no longer like his ministry then change the radio dial but let's not condemn him for what God very well may be calling him to do.

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Dr. Dobson enters Schiavo fray

Says Terri deserves same chance as woman who came out of 20-year coma

Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, yesterday called for preservation of Terri Schiavo's life, citing the recent, spontaneous recovery of Sarah Scantlin after 20 years of memory loss and inability to speak.

Dobson said Schiavo – the brain-injured Florida woman whose parents are battling her husband in court to save her life – deserves the same chance at life Scantlin was given.

"Both cases have involved women who suffered debilitating injuries and continued to live in a disabled state.," said Dobson. "Today we celebrate the news that Ms. Scantlin has regained her memory and ability to speak, and is apparently on the road to recovery."


<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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