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Hello Brethren,<p>My name is David Lynch (formerly David Farkas - I changed my name legally several years ago)...<p>I have not been to an SDA service in about five years. I had been an SDA since 1983, and between 1983 and 1995, I had been involved in a WIDE variety of SDA ministries, from the Van Ministry in NYCity, where I was born and raised, to "self-supporting" work, to Conference work, evangelism, conducting Revelation seminars... all of it.<p>The problem was, I never quite let go of "the world" or my friends in it. I experienced failure after failure, followed by re-commitment after re-commitment. I have been baptized twice, yet still continued to harbor love of the world and the things in it.<p>In 1995 or '96, I decided to heed the Message to Laodicea, and because I knew I could not be "hot" decided to take my sin outside the church, and stop "playing" Adventist. I stopped trying to not sin, and decided to do whatever my heart desired. <p>During the last several years, I have sunk quite low (I won't give details.... nothing like child molesting or robbing banks, or anything like that, more lifestyle stuff) and found that no matter what I did, GOD NEVER LEFT ME! He never stopped loving me. He never stopped trying to bless me with good things. It was an eye-opening experience.<p>I asked God, when I first left, to put it in my heart to WANT to stop doing the things that kept bringing me down when I was trying to be a Christian, but didn't really WANT to be.<p>Now, through some providence that I'll maybe share another time if anyone is interested, I have come to the point where I WANT to give up the things that kept me from experiencing victory. I am praying again (although, I never really stopped talking to God at all), reading my Bible again, and tomorrow will be attending my first Sabbath service in many years.<p>I'm posting this here, because due to the change of heart I've had, I've chosen to give up a close relationship with a business partner I've had for four years. Our business was immoral in the extreme (but not illegal) and the potential earnings were very high. I want to solicit prayers for my former partner (a devout athiest) and for myself, that the Lord will open a clear path for me. <p>I just don't know what to do now. My finances are not good, and my living situation is not what God would have it to be. Please ask God with me, to show me what His will is, and to then do it. <p>I appreciate having a forum like this to turn to. Thanks for reading this.

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Thank you David for your openess. You can be assured that God will neither leave you nor forsake you. We may not know the road that you must walk, but Jesus will be with you.<p>Welcome.


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David, I think I can relate, very well, to what you are saying here. <p>I'm not going to give you any big pieces of advice... I need them too much for myself... but what I AM going to tell you is my own experience...<p>I learned that all of the times that I lived "in the world" and failed.... it was God's opportunity to say again to me, "Lean on me, my child".... when the world would seem to turn against me He would say to me, "When you can trust no one else, you can trust ME, my child"... <p>Allowing me to live a life of (what I would now call) straying from God... is what God used to show me that He has never left me or forsaken me from that very first moment that I said "I accept you, Jesus". <p>Trust Him, David. Don't trust man...not even Gregory or myself... Place your complete dependance upon Him and He WILL show you the way and He WILL comfort you when you think everything is a loss.<p>Keep us informed, David. You are precious to us.

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I appreciate the replies... looking forward to getting to know you all better.<p>I've spent LOTS of time on boards like these over the last few years, but none of it productive, and all of it in a bad spirit. This is a nice change []images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/]

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Sometimes David, you're going to find that same spirit here on this board. We are all human and we sometimes keep God's hands tied behind His back... so that we can go out and fight the battle on our own.. but take heart, the overall Spirit of this board is the Spirit of the Lord.<p>I'm glad you're here.

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[]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/] Thanks, Del....<p>However, if you knew the nature of some of the boards I've been on, you would know.... this board will always have a better spirit.<p>Happy Sabbath all.... I just spoke to the pastor of the church I'll be attending tomorrow for the first time in... years.... and I'm really looking forward to it.

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David,<p>Have a wonderful and spirit filled sabbath. I'll be praying for you. I too have been struggling with my attachment to the world and I bet you have more in common with some here than you think. I grew up in the world and not as an Adventist. I converted before I got married 18 yrs ago. Its not easy to let go of the comfortable and familiar; it takes will power and the Holy Spirit to fight. Every morning I pray for the strength to keep from backsliding on the progress Ive made. Just like other addictions you can overcome and win with God, prayer and friends on your side! []images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/] <p>Amelia

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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Praying David: I would like to join the others in praying for you as you seek to follow God's will in your life. I hope that you will find your experience on ClubAdventist an encouraging one and will gain strength and courage to keep walking ahead, one step at a time.<p> God bless you-

[]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/] []images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/] []images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/] []images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/]

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Hello Praying David. I have just come across this thread and was impressed with your story. How did that first Sabbath back at church go ? I will pray for you too.<p>We all have the same need to stay close to Jesus and let Him lead the way. I have been SDA all my life, and it is easy to let smugness rule my attitude to others if I do not try to see them through Jesus eyes. And to try to see myself the same way. Whatever I do for my own salvation is tainted by pride and self interest, it is only acceptance of what He has done that will save. And it is something that must be a daily transaction.<p>As you try to move beyond your former lifestyle, I pray God will provide for your spiritual, social and physical needs. If you have found some of those needs fulfilled in this forum, that is wonderful.

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Yes, David, how about an update.

Hope you didn't let anyone scare or intimidate you out the back door.<p>I was raised an SDA and was baptised at age 13 but by the time I was 16, I was involved in a messy divorce. I felt responsible for mother so I went with her. Was out of the church by that point. Married out of the church and had lots of worldly fun, for a while. My aunt had been praying for me and the Holy Spirit stepped in. I ended up back in the church and can't help wonder what I ever saw out in the world.<p>The things of earth will grow strangely dim as we look into His wonderful face. Nothing else else matters but our relationship with Him. Because we love Him, we want to please and obey Him.<p>I pray too that He keeps you safe in His arms and gives you the strength and fellowship that you need. []images/icons/cool.gif" border="0[/]<p>[ January 05, 2002: Message edited by: ChildofChrist ]</p>

Wakan Tanka Kici Un

~~Child of Christ~~

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