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Obama's snide remark to the Supreme Ct Justices

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What did you think of Obama's snide remarks to the Supreme Court Justices and one of them mouthing 'Not True' to the President's remarks?

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What did you think of Obama's snide remarks to the Supreme Court Justices and one of them mouthing 'Not True' to the President's remarks?
Woody, whadid he say? And who responded? I didn't watch.
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That was a mistake. It is unwise to anger supreme court justices. They may rule against the white house just to get back at him on the next White house lawsuit. After all they are just humans and as humans sometime spite is not above them to do.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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the Supreme Court Justice was Samuel Altio

that shook his head no


Thanks, I just heard it on the radio this morning. Conservatives are all over him and I think they have good cause. The SC ruling was on the Constitutionality of corporate contributions not the result of allowing those contributions. I think Obama's upset because they didn't exercise the judicial activism that any good liberal would employ. You know, if YOU don't think the law is just,void it.Or, if the law is unconstitutional but accomplishes what you consider to be just,keep it. Shades of Roe v.Wade
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What did you think of Obama's snide remarks to the Supreme Court Justices and one of them mouthing 'Not True' to the President's remarks?

Our federal government was deliberately designed to balance power between three branches - the legislative, the judicial and the executive.

Obama believes only in one.

He let the Supreme Court know that unless they kowtowed to him he would treat them like second class citizens, calling them on the carpet in front of the entire nation.

He was also contemptuous of Congress. Obama said he would use an executive order to create a bipartisan commission to devise a plan for reducing the growing federal debt. The Senate recently defeated a bill by Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad of North Dakota and Republican Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire to set up such a panel.

The first step in reducing the federal deficit is not a panel. It is bipartisan blocking of the grandiose and fantastically expensive schemes Obama is trying to ram down the throats of the American citizens (ie Obamacare and Cap and Trade.) Next, we can repeal what he's already rammed. Then we can go into more remote past legislation to rid ourselves of the pork-infested waters that seem to swirl around Capitol Hill at all times.

Keep agitating for a conservative revolt. If you're like me and stuck in a blue state, keep reminding the good folks of your state that these clowns in Washington are not reflecting our conservative goals. Keep emailing your senators and representatives.

Obama made clear in his State of the Union address that he still plans to rule us with an iron fist.

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