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The Case for Impeachment

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The Case For Impeachment

Why Obama Should Be Impeached

Obama swore to uphold the constitution.

It is unconstitutional to force people to buy anything ( Health Care ) from others.

It is unconstitutional to dictate what health care procedures are allowable.

It is unconstitutional to hard wire our bank accounts to the IRS and take our money without due process.

It is unconstitutional to appoint Czars that are not answerable to congressional oversight.

It is unconstitutional to fund organizations that further his election funded with taxes.

It is unconstitutional to give away US sovereignty to the UN.

It is unconstitutional to own parts of businesses.

It is unconstitutional to dictate salaries in the private sector.

Obama has done all of the above: All are violations of the constitution and high crimes.

Obam's vote has allowed live babies to die after they are born.

Obama tried to bring the Census into the White House so he could rig it.

He wants to set up a national youth corps answerable to him.

Obama's health care is systematically trying to reduce the life spans of Millions of old people by:

Cutting Medicare,

Reducing Early Cancer Detection,

Taxing Wheelchairs, Pacemakers, Heart Valves, Other Medical Devices,

Cutting Nursing Homes,

Cutting In Home Health Care,

Refusing Life Saving Treatment With No Appeal

Instituting Coercive End Of Life Panels

All to save money and buy votes ( of those now here illegally that he will try to legalize in 2010 ) to maintain permanent power.

Obama is a tyrant that will enslave the young, kill off the old, and in effect reduce the entire United States to one large forced labor camp/holding pen where one’s life is only valuable to the degree they can be taxed or bought off to vote to keep them in power. We are not cattle waiting for the slaughter.

When Barack Obama was sworn in to be President, he took an oath to uphold our Constitution. He has violated that oath numerous times. It is a High Crime when the President violates the constitution, he must legally be removed. Americans far and wide must call for impeachment in the House and he must be found guilty in the Senate.

Putting an IMPEACH OBAMA bumper sticker on your car is like raising a flag - the sight of it will embolden others. The are millions huddling in mental foxholes waiting for Obama to take everything; their property, their livelihoods, their hope of a healthy old age, and now even their very lives with his no appeal medical board and the coercive encourage-you-to-do-your-duty-and-die end of life counselors.

One IMPEACH OBAMA bumper sticker will be seen by 20 to 200 people a day, depending upon miles driven and population density. Giving one bumper sticker to a friend or relative will lift their spirits and give them hope, determination and courage. Then even more people will take action.

Once a mere 5% take action and put on the IMPEACH OBAMA bumper sticker, a realization of commonality will be born, then a critical mass of believers will emerge, then enough congressmen will be elected with the single vow - IMPEACH OBAMA!

Spread a Little Hope, Send a Little Cheer, Obama is Going To Be Impeached Next Year!

We still live in a free country. If good men do nothing....our freedom of expression many someday be forbidden.


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THIS is crazy and yes it seems that OBAMA and his

administration want to break down peoples wills and

try to have to government control as much as it can


The only thing worse than Obama as president is Biden. Biden always comes across as a happy drunk.

But maybe he would not care enough to cause anymore damage

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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