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Obama's Sucker Punch; McDonnell's Knock Out Punch

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January 29, 2010

Obama's sucker punch; McDonnell's knock out punch

Scott Strzelczyk

In what is nothing short of an embarrassing, patronizing, and un-presidential moment, President Obama threw the proverbial sucker punch at the Supreme Court last night during his State of the Union address when he verbally chastised the justices for the Citizens United ruling.

Obama ridiculed the justices in a nationally televised speech much to the joy and amusement of Congressional Democrats. Their boisterous standing applause is equally demeaning as Obama's statement. The Supreme Court justices are Congress's invited guests. As a host you do not ostracize your guests publicly, especially Supreme Court justices. Congressional Democrats were obliged to remain silent when Obama foolishly patronized and embarrassed the justices. I was hopeful that one or more of the justices would have a Joe Wilson moment and shout "You Lie" to the President. We settled for Associate Justice Alito's shaking his head and mouthing the words "Not True".

The President's speech lasted 70 minutes and, to me, sounded just like everything else he says. A friend summed it up nicely by saying "history reference.... bumper sticker quote.... anecdotal story from a swing state about health care.... contemplative pause and look at the horizon.... overstate the obvious with mock sincerity.... blame Bush.... bumper sticker quote....stump speech excerpt.... knowing nod.... reinvent the wheel.... exaggerate accomplishments.... false promise.... blame Bush... repeat.... repeat.... repeat."

Contrast Obama's speech with Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell's speech. McDonnell's speech was brief, concise, and delivered with the proper tone and authority we expect from a leader. He summarized the challenges we face; unemployment, intrusive federal government, and the 12 trillion dollar debt. He discussed solutions to the issues. He eloquently quoted Thomas Jefferson, referenced scripture, and stated our founding fathers pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to create our country. And, he was able to communicate this succinctly and without any ambiguity in a mere 15 minutes.

Obama threw a sucker punch last night. McDonnell delivered a knockout punch.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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The patient had just read the 20/20 line on the eye chart


The eye doctor then asked him if he could read the next line down.


The man exclaimed, "Read it? I KNOW the guy! His first name is Scott. He wrote an article exposing Obama as the insufferable so-and-so he really is!

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