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Digital Video Cameras


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We're kind of looking to get a digital video camera for ease of travel (since we're going to China for a couple of weeks, we don't want a significant weight addition with our 10 year old Cannon 8mm video camera). I'm curious if there is one out there that is simultaneously purse-sized or at least backpack size, has decent optical zoom, and has a way of holding significant amounts of data without being downloaded (since we don't necessarily want to take the laptop along to download--kind of defeats the purpose of not taking the Cannon!). And takes decent video at the same time. We're not asking for much, I know! grin.gif We found one that was a nice size, but not enough memory.

I have a Pentax Optio S4 digital camera that I love because of the size--tiny and pocket size. if I could have a matching video, it would be very easy to carry along on the various modes of transportation (bus, plane, several different classes of train).


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Digital video tends to be huge - 15 GB an hour or so - so unless the laptop has a huge hard drive it would get full very quickly anyway. That's the beuty of tape, though - you can just pop in another. So I'd recommend a mini-DV one that fits your other requirements. Don't have a specific recommendation because I've mainly used ones that are physically bigger than you want.

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Thanks for the links, Bevin.

The digital camera we had looked at and liked the size did NOT have the kind of memory capability that we need.

My ignorance--I didn't realize there were digital cameras which used tape. I assumed they were all on a "stick" or disk. Hmmm. (actually, I know virtually nothing about cameras--obviously!)

If we don't come up with something, we'll just take the Canon along. I'm just thinking of the week+ that I'll be there with the boys and no DH, and I don't want to be lugging too much around! (even with only a backpack apiece, that Canon gets heavy!)


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We have a Sony mini-DV, which uses tape, and we are quite satisfied with it.

A newer technology uses a mini-CD (mini-DVD?) which takes less space than a mini-DV.

My suggestion is that you purchase one of the two.

However, if you want to go to a slightly larger camera, there are a few that take a full-sized CD/DVD (I have forgotten which.). But, the two mini versions mentioned above are most popular, and generally the smallest. [Of course, is you wanted to go professional, and were willing to spend several thousand dollars, you could purchae some larger cameras.]

You can still purchase some older technology cameras. Some of those are digital, and some are analog. I recommend that you do not purchase any of them, but only purchase from what I have mentioned above.


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I have a mini-DV one that I haven't used in years. It was a gift to me about 4 or 5 years ago, think the last time I used it was 2002? It works fine, I just don't have much occasion to get it out.

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