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Why are so Many Women Unhappy?


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Again ... I would call upon any moderator present to please relocate the comments that are not on topic.

Let's get back to the topic at hand. If you want to discuss me ... you can start a new thread .

Thank you people.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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OR .... even Stan could do it if so inclined. :)

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Wow, this topic sure has deviated from its title!

I think this is a GREAT topic, but it's easy to get stuck in the blame game.

In the last few years, I've seen men being more helpful to women in the areas of child-rearing and helping with her with the household duties. I've always admired seeing men taking the kids to the park and being involved with their little lives.

I wonder if these are the unhappy women.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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  • Administrators

Again ... I would call upon any moderator present to please relocate the comments that are not on topic.

Let's get back to the topic at hand. If you want to discuss me ... you can start a new thread .

Thank you people.

And it would be helpful if you took your own advice as well.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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I think it is so clear, a lot of men here have a deep, deep understanding of women...

I know it! That is why I'd like to see some really constructive comments.

Also from women who are NOT unhappy! What is the secret?

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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That can be found in the "Why are so Many Women Happy?" thread. :D

"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." - Oscar Wilde

�Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets." - Jesus

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I suspect (and hope) that women would be unhappy with threads going like this one has.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Dear friends,

I have read this with interest, but I believe you have all missed the point. God created woman to be the complement to man. God made us different in order that we might be a support unit. Marriage was never intended to create dominance, it was designed for two people in cohesion with God to become a working thriving unit within a sinful world. They were to become one flesh.

Also, we seem to forget God never commands that which is not for our good. He is a loving father, and Christ is our elder brother. They desire nothing but our best good. And that includes the relationship between men and women. What they have commanded will bring us happiness, peace, and contentment. Rather than trying to explain away the roles which God created within a marriage relationship, rather, we need to study them in order that we might have that fuller, more complete life which God has promised His children if they follow their guidance.

Feminism is suspect because it is of the world not of God. Any movement which causes the damage which has come as the result of feminism is not of God. No-fault divorce is the result of feminism, and it has brought pain and misery. All the current studies are now indicating that divorce, rather than being the savior from unhappiness, is now discerned for its real character. It has become the source of much pain and hardship which lasts not for a few short years. It affects all involved including the children way into their adult years. And those who have gotten divorces after five years wished they had stayed with their first mates. Whereas, those who stayed were much happier five years later. Feminism sold us a bill of goods.

Feminism brought us abortion. We are now finding that it causes psychological problems with a majority of women and men. God created ties between the child of conception and those who conceived the child. We break this bond to our own hurt and heartache. God is very clear in Exodus that those who cause abortion which end in death are also subject to death. He also declares that He desires Godly offspring from the union of His children. Abortion was never of God. This has brought much grief among women, and they must live with the pain.

Feminism brought us the sexual revolution with all its heartache and pain. Before the late 60's and early 70's, there were only 4 STD's, now there are over 30 of them and more are appearing. Women and men are experiencing infertility at increasing rates because of STD's. And the bonding which occurs through the sexual union is being destroyed as men and women have sexual relations outside of wedlock. The intimacy which they thought could be obtained through sex is an illusion. The real intimacy they seek, the relational, is out of their reach because they have fallen for the lie.

Feminism has put a divide between men and women. God declares that men are to leave father and mother and be joined to their wives in order that they might become one flesh. Now marriage is entered not with the idea of support to the other, but, rather, what can you do for me. Marriage is entered into for selfish purposes. If one doesn't meet the needs of me, then it is time to find another. And the thought of permanence is gone. If you do not satisfy me, then I will go somewhere else to get my satisfaction. True intimacy is the result of commitment which cannot be broken, trustworthiness, and forgiveness. Without these three, there is no intimacy. And sexual intimacy is not a path which will allow these to grow.

Feminism has sought to denigrate the role of men and the role of women as outlined by God in Genesis. This is in direct opposition to Paul who commands, it is not a suggestion, Wives reverence your husbands. The word here is the exact same word used in regard to God when we are told to reverence God. And this is unconditional reverence. I have watched women denigrate their husbands and think nothing of it; they do not realize the pain they cause men when they do this. They also do not realize that they loose their husbands and the love which could be their's simply because they believe that a husband has to earn their respect. In marriage, respect must be given unconditionally, he does not have to earn it. But feminism would have us believe otherwise. Respect for a man is as love is to a woman. Paul also tells the women to be subject to their husbands, using the same word as when he declares we are to be subject to the governments set over us. He also declares we are to be subject to one-another. So please get it out of your head that subjection is subservience. Furthermore, Christ was subject to His father; He did nothing outside His father's will. All of us must be subject to those entities God has placed over us.

Feminism would have us believe that Christianity is against the woman. But Paul commands husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the Church. Does anyone understand what that means? Christ died in order to save the Church. Are you willing to give your life for your spouse in order to save them? He commands, not a suggestion, men are to cherish their wives and sanctify them as Christ cherishes and sanctifies the Church. He is to protect his wife as Christ protects his church. He is to provide for his wife as Christ provides for his church. Peter also declares that men are to treat their wives as the weaker vessel, or their prayers will not be heard by God. He also declares that women are to treat their husbands with respect as did the God-fearing women of the Old Testament.

God has set forth the order for marriage. But He has also set the relation of men and women to their parents. We are to honor them. Both men and women are subject to their parents, and they are to honor them. Feminism and Hollywood have denigrated the role of fathers. Yet, again research has shown us that the greatest determiner for the success of a daughter through their teen years is the father. The same is also true for boys, but much more so for daughters.

Feminism has not done us any favors.

Again, the important point is that God made a woman to be the complement of her husband. Are you the complement of your husband? Are both of you working to develop your relationship with one-another so that you are becoming one? It is time we studied what it really means to become one flesh. And we need to leave feminism behind. God alone knows what will make us complete. Lets not be so glib about the roles of men and women. Yes, we are all equal before God for our salvation, but it is God who made us men and women and defined for us our roles. God's principles do not change; He gave us the commands knowing full well there would be a 21st century. His principles are not temporary; they are eternal.


The Seeker

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Originally Posted By: Woody
Again ... I would call upon any moderator present to please relocate the comments that are not on topic.

Let's get back to the topic at hand. If you want to discuss me ... you can start a new thread .

Thank you people.

And it would be helpful if you took your own advice as well.

am thinking.... everyone is right in their own eyes...

If you receive benefit to being here please help out with expenses.


Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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Great article. Now the Review needs a companion piece about studies conerning the happiness of Christian women who accept what the Bible teaches about the roles of men and women. Would such studies show that such Christian women are any happier? I suspect they would.

Anyone know if a study has been done about the happienss or unhappiness of SDA women?

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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I would just like to apologise for this comment to Redwood:

In England we have a saying that deals with this type of behaviour:

Grow up and stop acting like a spoilt child.

I apologise to Redwood and all here for an unnecessary, un-Christian comment.

My flesh rose up and I did not give it to the Lord.


The best wisdom is always second hand...

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Wait a minute here, Twilight....

How do you know that Woody wasn't appologizing with the above statement? In fact, how do you know WHAT the tone of the response was??? Are there some 'magical' words that must be uttered to be an apology? Or some ritual rite that must be printed out for it to be real???

I would suggest that this is rather vague....and your past experience is clouding your interaction with Redwood.

My suggestion- get a grip and place him on ignore...

And Redwood, you REALLY need to alter those responses...I know you can do it...because you have done it before...

Because this comment has been used to wind people up on this board over and over.

It is a sarcastic comment that Redwood and another poster use when they are upset with someone.


The best wisdom is always second hand...

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Dear friends,

I have read this with interest, but I believe you have all missed the point. God created woman to be the complement to man. God made us different in order that we might be a support unit. Marriage was never intended to create dominance, it was designed for two people in cohesion with God to become a working thriving unit within a sinful world. They were to become one flesh.

Also, we seem to forget God never commands that which is not for our good. He is a loving father, and Christ is our elder brother. They desire nothing but our best good. And that includes the relationship between men and women. What they have commanded will bring us happiness, peace, and contentment. Rather than trying to explain away the roles which God created within a marriage relationship, rather, we need to study them in order that we might have that fuller, more complete life which God has promised His children if they follow their guidance.

Feminism is suspect because it is of the world not of God. Any movement which causes the damage which has come as the result of feminism is not of God. No-fault divorce is the result of feminism, and it has brought pain and misery. All the current studies are now indicating that divorce, rather than being the savior from unhappiness, is now discerned for its real character. It has become the source of much pain and hardship which lasts not for a few short years. It affects all involved including the children way into their adult years. And those who have gotten divorces after five years wished they had stayed with their first mates. Whereas, those who stayed were much happier five years later. Feminism sold us a bill of goods.

Feminism brought us abortion. We are now finding that it causes psychological problems with a majority of women and men. God created ties between the child of conception and those who conceived the child. We break this bond to our own hurt and heartache. God is very clear in Exodus that those who cause abortion which end in death are also subject to death. He also declares that He desires Godly offspring from the union of His children. Abortion was never of God. This has brought much grief among women, and they must live with the pain.

Feminism brought us the sexual revolution with all its heartache and pain. Before the late 60's and early 70's, there were only 4 STD's, now there are over 30 of them and more are appearing. Women and men are experiencing infertility at increasing rates because of STD's. And the bonding which occurs through the sexual union is being destroyed as men and women have sexual relations outside of wedlock. The intimacy which they thought could be obtained through sex is an illusion. The real intimacy they seek, the relational, is out of their reach because they have fallen for the lie.

Feminism has put a divide between men and women. God declares that men are to leave father and mother and be joined to their wives in order that they might become one flesh. Now marriage is entered not with the idea of support to the other, but, rather, what can you do for me. Marriage is entered into for selfish purposes. If one doesn't meet the needs of me, then it is time to find another. And the thought of permanence is gone. If you do not satisfy me, then I will go somewhere else to get my satisfaction. True intimacy is the result of commitment which cannot be broken, trustworthiness, and forgiveness. Without these three, there is no intimacy. And sexual intimacy is not a path which will allow these to grow.

Feminism has sought to denigrate the role of men and the role of women as outlined by God in Genesis. This is in direct opposition to Paul who commands, it is not a suggestion, Wives reverence your husbands. The word here is the exact same word used in regard to God when we are told to reverence God. And this is unconditional reverence. I have watched women denigrate their husbands and think nothing of it; they do not realize the pain they cause men when they do this. They also do not realize that they loose their husbands and the love which could be their's simply because they believe that a husband has to earn their respect. In marriage, respect must be given unconditionally, he does not have to earn it. But feminism would have us believe otherwise. Respect for a man is as love is to a woman. Paul also tells the women to be subject to their husbands, using the same word as when he declares we are to be subject to the governments set over us. He also declares we are to be subject to one-another. So please get it out of your head that subjection is subservience. Furthermore, Christ was subject to His father; He did nothing outside His father's will. All of us must be subject to those entities God has placed over us.

Feminism would have us believe that Christianity is against the woman. But Paul commands husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the Church. Does anyone understand what that means? Christ died in order to save the Church. Are you willing to give your life for your spouse in order to save them? He commands, not a suggestion, men are to cherish their wives and sanctify them as Christ cherishes and sanctifies the Church. He is to protect his wife as Christ protects his church. He is to provide for his wife as Christ provides for his church. Peter also declares that men are to treat their wives as the weaker vessel, or their prayers will not be heard by God. He also declares that women are to treat their husbands with respect as did the God-fearing women of the Old Testament.

God has set forth the order for marriage. But He has also set the relation of men and women to their parents. We are to honor them. Both men and women are subject to their parents, and they are to honor them. Feminism and Hollywood have denigrated the role of fathers. Yet, again research has shown us that the greatest determiner for the success of a daughter through their teen years is the father. The same is also true for boys, but much more so for daughters.

Feminism has not done us any favors.

Again, the important point is that God made a woman to be the complement of her husband. Are you the complement of your husband? Are both of you working to develop your relationship with one-another so that you are becoming one? It is time we studied what it really means to become one flesh. And we need to leave feminism behind. God alone knows what will make us complete. Lets not be so glib about the roles of men and women. Yes, we are all equal before God for our salvation, but it is God who made us men and women and defined for us our roles. God's principles do not change; He gave us the commands knowing full well there would be a 21st century. His principles are not temporary; they are eternal.


The Seeker

A wonderful repsonse Seeker.

You should keep that safe somewhere.

Much food for thought, praise God.

Mark :-)

The best wisdom is always second hand...

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I think it is so clear, a lot of men here have a deep, deep understanding of women...

am thinking.... everyone is right in their own eyes...

Women would be much happier if they just accepted this truth and quietly and meekly acted accordingly.

The crux of the problem has been simply stated...

Now, you women folk just get back to work...

Oh, wait a minute... What was the point of that article?

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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Feminism would not have been able to gain a foothold if people didn't believe that it answered a need...

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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The only good thing that the feminist movement did, or at least tried to do, (IMHO) was to bring equal pay for equal work. The rest of the feminist movement I'm not in the least interested.. I'm not interested in being a man, or acting like one!

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Because this comment has been used to wind people up on this board over and over.

It is a sarcastic comment that Redwood and another poster use when they are upset with someone.


Moderator hat-on

You need to step back and take another look. Sarcasm is discovered by tone. You can not tell tone in this medium. We HAVE to go by what is written in this forum. His comment was pretty neutral. You injected your past relationships with him in this thread. You are obviously antagonistic toward Redwood.

I am taking this to the moderator's circle. You will be watched much closer by the moderators. If we recommend that you need a break, you WILL be given a break from this BBS.

I suggest that you take a rest from this for a week. [Did I say that I "highly encourage it"?] Then come back and reread this thread and see if it meaning is slightly different and not what you thought it currently is. I know that I have done that and didn't see the venom that I thought was there...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Originally Posted By: Twilight
Because this comment has been used to wind people up on this board over and over.

It is a sarcastic comment that Redwood and another poster use when they are upset with someone.


Moderator hat-on

You need to step back and take another look. Sarcasm is discovered by tone. You can not tell tone in this medium. We HAVE to go by what is written in this forum. His comment was pretty neutral. You injected your past relationships with him in this thread. You are obviously antagonistic toward Redwood.

I am taking this to the moderator's circle. You will be watched much closer by the moderators. If we recommend that you need a break, you WILL be given a break from this BBS.

I suggest that you take a rest from this for a week. [Did I say that I "highly encourage it"?] Then come back and reread this thread and see if it meaning is slightly different and not what you thought it currently is. I know that I have done that and didn't see the venom that I thought was there...

I will of course abide by the moderators rules as long as my own principles are not broken.

I would ask however that you do a search of these boards for the terms:

"thank you for sharing that"

You might then see that my point is valid.

It is easily testable.

This exact search string will bring this point to the fore:

"you for sharing"

Mark :-)

The best wisdom is always second hand...

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Dear Friends,

In answer to a question placed earlier, Have they done studies on those who are Christian and married?, and the answer is yes. Much to the chagrin of the feminists and the secular crowd, it turns out that Christian married couples are, in the main, happy, content, and satisfied with their marriage and their spouses. They do well.


The Seeker

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I will of course abide by the moderators rules as long as my own principles are not broken.

I would ask however that you do a search of these boards for the terms:

"thank you for sharing that"

You might then see that my point is valid.

"as long as my own principles are not broken".....

What rules on this board could possibly break your rules? What empty threat are you throwing out here?

Let me assure you, that if you want to badger people, including the moderators, you will not have to worry over your principles being broken.

Trust me when I say, " Thank you for sharing that" is a whole lot nicer than "I think you're daft".

So, the suggestions that I have given to you, are very good at resolving the anger in your heart. You need to step back and give it a week of not looking at the posts...and then come back and reread the whole thread....[i also suggest some prayer, if you are a spiritual person.]You will discover that there was some things there that you didn't take into account and it changes the thread just a bit...and it will change your heart....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I must wonder how (certain men) can speak very highly of the man's role in protecting women... and subsequently insult them.

It must be something I'll learn when I get married.

you can be an absolute jewel!! :)

i have to admit that certain comments make me very scared to be anywhere near that person.

facebook. /teresa.quintero.790

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Good question. There is a blessing in the curse, apparently (Deut 11:26-28).

1) For man, the curse brings out the masculine in him, and helps prepare him to tbe the protector (house-band) of the home.

2) In the same manner, the aspect of the curse that said “Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” assumes already the reality of Eve’s God-ordained role–namely to be Adam’s help-meet. This was her purpose for existence. What the curse now says is—that which God previously ordained will now become difficult because of an opposition factor within her. Her submission to his will, will no longer be natural or spontaneous. Indeed now that submission will require self-sacrifice and self-denial. In this submission, she shares in the Law of heaven–the law of love. The curse becomes a blessing.g

where did you get this?!?

ill take ellen white any day!!

soooo, whoever came up with this sees woman as merely here for mans convenience.

being a woman and having a somewhat ---- for a "dad" who also had little regard for women and some of the comments he made, made me feel there was little reason for me to live since i was basically here for "someone" elses needs.

essentially it says, God gave you talents, etc., but you are to kill those and live only for your husband and children unless you can use those talents for them.

thanks people for resurrecting all those feelings i had forgotten. that i am nothing because im a woman. and of course it is the men who know what women should be.

note there is no mention of the woman going to God to be instructed. no, no, the men will tell her.

Jdg 13:3 And the angel of the LORD appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son.

Jdg 13:8 Then Manoah intreated the LORD, and said, O my Lord, let the man of God which thou didst send come again unto us, and teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born.

Jdg 13:9 And God hearkened to the voice of Manoah; and the angel of God came again unto the woman as she sat in the field: but Manoah her husband was not with her.

Jdg 13:12 And Manoah said, Now let thy words come to pass. How shall we order the child, and how shall we do unto him?

Jdg 13:13 And the angel of the LORD said unto Manoah, Of all that I said unto the woman let her beware.

facebook. /teresa.quintero.790

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Originally Posted By: Woody
Oh. Thank you for sharing that.

To which you respond with sarcasm...

wow!, woody, guess you cant win for losing. instead of retaliating a simple, "thank you for sharing that" and moving on was seen as sarcasm.

perhaps what was wanted was a "yessuh, massuh suh", with the appropriate submission that goes with it. duno

some of the posts so far have certainly verified the impressions ive had of those posting them.

facebook. /teresa.quintero.790

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Because this comment has been used to wind people up on this board over and over.

It is a sarcastic comment that Redwood and another poster use when they are upset with someone.

since i am the other poster that says "thank you for sharing that", how do you know it is done with sarcasm? how do you know it isnt done with a smile and the intention to just move on instead of arguing back and forth with insults?

could it be that most of your posts are sarcastic towards those who disagree with you?

When men indulge this accusing spirit, they are not satisfied with pointing out what they suppose to be a defect in their brother. If milder means fail of making him do what they think ought to be done, they will resort to compulsion. Just as far as lies in their power they will force men to comply with their ideas of what is right. {MB 126.2}

facebook. /teresa.quintero.790

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