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Higher taxes are on the way like it or not.

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Higher taxes are on the way like it or not.

States that are in Budget Crises are trying to find money to tax any way they can. Since it takes a two thirds majority to raise taxes and republicans will not allow higher taxes the only option is to tax what is not taxed.

Proposals on the table.

Put the sales tax on ALL Utilities

Cable TV

Internet Access



Natural Gas or Coal

Even Sales tax on food is on the table.

California has an 8.75% sales tax right now and to tax these items will raise the cost of these items by that much.

At a time of fixed wages that have not gone up for several years and may of us have taken pay cuts this adds more of a burden.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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California has enacted a Millionares tax. The result was hundreds of Millionares have moved out of the state taking the revenue they created with them.

Now many states are discussing enacting a universal Millionares tax accross all 50 states to stop this exodus.

Good Luck with that states. Many states will not do this to lure those millionares to their states. After all the net effect would be more revenue by sales taxes and property taxes that would not be otherwise received. States should take a lesson from this. Raise taxes and more people will move elsewhere. Many Retirees move to Florida or Nevada where they do not have income taxes to avoid state income taxes on their low income. The result is more property taxes for those states and income from the sales taxes those people pay.

A Millionares tax is a failure and should be repealed. It did not work in New Jersy and it is not working in California.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Other states are in simlar crises.




and many others

The federal stimulus money runs out in 2011. These states will then have a severe Budget shortfall that will have to be made up in other ways. Higher taxes or sales taxes on items that are not yet taxed but will be are on the way.

We all need to start spending less to prepare for these higher taxes.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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California has enacted a Millionares tax. The result was hundreds of Millionares have moved out of the state taking the revenue they created with them.

Now many states are discussing enacting a universal Millionares tax accross all 50 states to stop this exodus.

A Millionares tax is a failure and should be repealed. It did not work in New Jersy and it is not working in California.

California has been suicidal for a long time. They started driving industry out a long time ago with exorbitant taxes and regulations.

I was surprised when I moved to Arkansas from California thirteen years ago to find so many Californians living here. A guy from Torrance had moved his entire custom fastener manufacturing business here. Moving a machine-shop business with 50 employees and huge pieces of equipment is an expensive and difficult job. But it paid for itself quickly in lower taxes, lower labor costs, fewer regulations and fees.

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California has the highest welfare recipiants in the country. It is five times higher than the nearest state with high welfare. It pays so well that many would rather not work because they get less money working than collecting welfare.

The republican front runner who is running for Governor in 2010 is promising to change that. Limited time on welfare and them they are dropped. Train them for jobs rather than just pay them to sit at home and do nothing.

Unions are the death of California. During good times the Unions by law enacted by the legislatures get a certain percentage of the tax revenue. Trouble is during bad times when revenue is down they do not want to cut their wages. They would rather cut their union workers jobs than cut wages.

My brother is in the teachers union which he has to be a member of by law when you work in the public school system. He gets 80 percent more than a teacher working on the SDA school system. He even admits he thinks he is overpaid but that is what the Unions have done to california.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Many retirees move out of california to Florida or Nevada where they do not have state income taxes to save money. California is Number 2 in the highest State taxes in the country. Only New Jersey have higher taxes.

California to try to solve their budget crises put a millionares tax on everyone earning over 1 million dollars a year. Result is hundreds of millionares have left the state worsening the budget crises for California. California should have learned from New Jersey. When New Jersey enacted a Millionares tax Millionares left the state by the thousands. California must have thought they were an exception to the rule. They found out they were not.

It is the law of diminishing returns. The higher the tax you put on people the less revenue you make as people leave the state or spend less to avoid the higher taxes.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Many retirees move out of california to Florida or Nevada where they do not have state income taxes to save money. California is Number 2 in the highest State taxes in the country. Only New Jersey have higher taxes.

California to try to solve their budget crises put a millionares tax on everyone earning over 1 million dollars a year. Result is hundreds of millionares have left the state worsening the budget crises for California. California should have learned from New Jersey. When New Jersey enacted a Millionares tax Millionares left the state by the thousands. California must have thought they were an exception to the rule. They found out they were not.

It is the law of diminishing returns. The higher the tax you put on people the less revenue you make as people leave the state or spend less to avoid the higher taxes.

Ever heard of the Laffer curve?

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One more regulation this year in california. Any truck older than 15 years are banned from california highways. The theory is that the older trucks create more smog and newer trucks are cleaner burning plus it will generate more revenue and taxes by having people have to buy newer trucks. Will have to see how that turns out.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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