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What did you think of Tiger's Apology?


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Originally Posted By: Gail
So then, would it be a medical issue or a moral issue? Should the morality of it even be considered?

Sexual addiction is not a disease it's a human nature issue.

I'm curious? Where do you draw the line between physiological illness and a "human nature issue"? Would you consider depression to simply be a manifestation of our sinful nature or possibly a symptom of family genetics relating to chemical imbalances in the brain? And are all addictions not to be considered diseases?


We are our worst enemy - sad but true.




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I'm curious? Where do you draw the line between physiological illness and a "human nature issue"? Would you consider depression to simply be a manifestation of our sinful nature or possibly a symptom of family genetics relating to chemical imbalances in the brain? And are all addictions not to be considered diseases?


Sin is the cause of all our problems and diseases. Get rid of sin and you'll have perfection in body, spirit and mind.

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Thanks Pam,

There is quite a bit of research that equates favorable results for sexual paraphilia with the use of SSRI's. With this in view, it seems that sexual addiction is very real and possibly related to chemical imbalances in the brain?




We are our worst enemy - sad but true.




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Originally Posted By: abelisle
I'm curious? Where do you draw the line between physiological illness and a "human nature issue"? Would you consider depression to simply be a manifestation of our sinful nature or possibly a symptom of family genetics relating to chemical imbalances in the brain? And are all addictions not to be considered diseases?


Sin is the cause of all our problems and diseases. Get rid of sin and you'll have perfection in body, spirit and mind.

Since we obviously aren't going to eradicate sin in our lifetimes, do you see a need for modern medicine and doctors?


We are our worst enemy - sad but true.




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I think this may be a great opportunity for God to work through Tiger with this apology and demonstrate to others what it means to be sorry and to turn one's life around.

I am praying that Tiger will do much good.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
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Tiger's god is Buddha and the golf god. They don't have the ten commandments.

Do you have some personal knowledge of this that I've not been privy to? Tiger stated today that he left Buddhism.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Woody, I did not hear what Tiger said today, I just read some articles on the religion of Tiger in the 'Christian Times'. My question would then be, so, if he left Buddhism, then what does he believe in now?

Can a tiger change his stripes?

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He stated that he left Buddhism at a young age. It was not clear what if any religion he is now.

And YES ... a tiger can change his stripes or we are ALL lost.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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No, a tiger cannot change his stripes, nor a leopard his spots. Only God can change our hearts. I agree with what Robert has said here.


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26.

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." -- C. S. Lewis

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While I agree with Robert, lets not put the blame on God if God does not do anything to change Tiger. Each of us has our own choice and we must live with that choice.

This all reminds me of the covenant God made for His 'bride' and they all said they would keep it, but didn't. God's love was so great He said He would forgive them IF they repented and changed (making the right choice). But again, God's bride made the wrong choice.

So, are we to blame God for not having enough love and grace to be the God of those who refuse to keep the covenant? I would like to know your thoughts on this.

Should Tiger's wife take him back? Can she trust him, or should she just have 'faith' in him?

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Since we obviously aren't going to eradicate sin in our lifetimes, do you see a need for modern medicine and doctors?

When it comes what? having multiple sex partners while married? That's a nature problem that can't be solved with medicine. Sure, they can dope you up and that will prevent you from messing around, but I put very little confidence in our psychiatric system.

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Tiger's god is Buddha and the golf god. They don't have the ten commandments.

That's really the same problem. Righteousness doesn't come by the law. Even Tiger knows adultery is wrong, but he has no power to resist as a Buddhist.

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Should Tiger's wife take him back? Can she trust him, or should she just have 'faith' in him?

They mean the exact same thing, thou bonehead. Dictionary.com is at your fingertips. Why be ignorant?

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My two cents:

I think Tiger seemed sincere. I think he is sorry all this trouble has come upon him and its hard to take. It destroys lives, families, careers. Its not like he has had one affair and needs to seek help and reconciliation. This is a much bigger humiliation.

I was married to a sex addict. After many different counselors ideas and opinions it became evident to me that he was not going to be getting better. They say 10% to 30% of acoholics and drugs addicts usually recover. The number for sex addiction is 1%. Its easier to recover from herion and cocaine addiction combined than it is for sex addiction. I would never point my finger at my ex and say anything cruel or nasty as I know what a life he lived. It was not pretty or fun. Some people say if your going to have an addiction that is the one to have but after watching my ex suffer and cry and ask for help it hurts to know his powerlessness. He was molested as a child by a neighbor boy held down against his will for many years. I know how rehab goes, 12 step work in this area, as well as group therapy.

out of that 1% that do recover---- do you think they are mostly committed sda christians?

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And, BTW, all these women that cheated with Tiger knew that he was a married man. Did that stop them? Didn't they care about hurting his wife? No! Why not? They loved themselves more....They put a knife in her back...and her kids too! They need to apologize for their sexual sins....Don't hold your breath....


You make some very good points Rob in your posts.

How about that one that is now asking for an apology from tiger? I think she is after some money, but her lawyer wouldn't say. But I thought that was interesting anyway. I agree with you that the other women should really apologies to tigers wife and kids.



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I am not a sex addict or married to one but have experience with one and I don't want to go into detail on this forum of exactly what relation he was to me. Sex addiction is real. Regardless if we call it a disease, an illness, a malady, a sin or whatever... it is a condition.

Tiger said he was raised a Buddhist and is going to return to that religion. Christ said He has sheep in other flocks. Remember, Soophaphone Sirivongsack was a Buddhist when the angel came and spoke with her.

Tiger took responsibility for being a bad role model. Many athletes use the cop out that they never asked anyone to make them a role model. I have been involved with a 12 step program for over 24 years. I have seen a lot of people come in broken and wanting to change their lives. I can normally tell who is going to make it and who won't. Once in a while I am surprised by one that makes it that I didn't think would or one that doesn't make it that I thought would. However most of the time I can tell if they are going to make it or not. I would say Tiger has about an 80% chance of making it. That doesn't mean he won't slip. That is likely. It means that when he dies he will probably have gone years without cheating or using pornography.

It was good for Tiger to make a public confession. His sin was public and his confession needed to be too. Not for our sake but for his. I was impressed.

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If this is a 12-step program (which I think it is) he may very well find God. I was mixed up in that about 10 years ago. I wanted to stop but couldn't. Part of it was that I didn't feel loved at home. I remarried and am cured. Jesus healed me and sent me the love of my life. Many of those in the group had real horror stories to share. He may wake up and leave Buddhism when he gets a taste of the power of the True God. Pray for him. Pray for all celebrities. They're made to be thought of us gods. That's too much for a human to deal with.

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I am not a sex addict or married to one but have experience with one and I don't want to go into detail on this forum of exactly what relation he was to me. Sex addiction is real. Regardless if we call it a disease, an illness, a malady, a sin or whatever... it is a condition.

Tiger said he was raised a Buddhist and is going to return to that religion. Christ said He has sheep in other flocks. Remember, Soophaphone Sirivongsack was a Buddhist when the angel came and spoke with her.

Tiger took responsibility for being a bad role model. Many athletes use the cop out that they never asked anyone to make them a role model. I have been involved with a 12 step program for over 24 years. I have seen a lot of people come in broken and wanting to change their lives. I can normally tell who is going to make it and who won't. Once in a while I am surprised by one that makes it that I didn't think would or one that doesn't make it that I thought would. However most of the time I can tell if they are going to make it or not. I would say Tiger has about an 80% chance of making it. That doesn't mean he won't slip. That is likely. It means that when he dies he will probably have gone years without cheating or using pornography.

It was good for Tiger to make a public confession. His sin was public and his confession needed to be too. Not for our sake but for his. I was impressed.

I like the idea of giving hope....You've express hope that Tiger makes it....Other's here seem ready to express that his soon coming destruction....

Something has changed.....for tiger....

I desire that he makes it...I have not seen the appology....nor do I want to...Nevertheless, my desire is that he makes it....

...thanks, Shane...for being a bit more positive...

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While I agree with Robert, lets not put the blame on God if God does not do anything to change Tiger. Each of us has our own choice and we must live with that choice.

This all reminds me of the covenant God made for His 'bride' and they all said they would keep it, but didn't. God's love was so great He said He would forgive them IF they repented and changed (making the right choice). But again, God's bride made the wrong choice.

So, are we to blame God for not having enough love and grace to be the God of those who refuse to keep the covenant? I would like to know your thoughts on this.

Should Tiger's wife take him back? Can she trust him, or should she just have 'faith' in him?

I don't think anyone here has put any blame on God. He is always ready and willing to change anyone's heart, but He respects our freedom of choice most of all, and won't change us without our permission.

As to Tiger's wife, if I were her, I wouldn't take him back anytime soon. He'd have to prove, over a period of time, that he really has changed his course. Anybody can START changes in their lives, but the follow-through is the only thing that really matters. Too often, when someone starts reforming and family/friends start trusting them again right away, they very soon go right back to their addiction/sin/whatever.


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26.

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." -- C. S. Lewis

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My two cents:

I think Tiger seemed sincere. I think he is sorry all this trouble has come upon him and its hard to take. It destroys lives, families, careers. Its not like he has had one affair and needs to seek help and reconciliation. This is a much bigger humiliation.

I was married to a sex addict. After many different counselors ideas and opinions it became evident to me that he was not going to be getting better. They say 10% to 30% of acoholics and drugs addicts usually recover. The number for sex addiction is 1%. Its easier to recover from herion and cocaine addiction combined than it is for sex addiction. I would never point my finger at my ex and say anything cruel or nasty as I know what a life he lived. It was not pretty or fun. Some people say if your going to have an addiction that is the one to have but after watching my ex suffer and cry and ask for help it hurts to know his powerlessness. He was molested as a child by a neighbor boy held down against his will for many years. I know how rehab goes, 12 step work in this area, as well as group therapy.

out of that 1% that do recover---- do you think they are mostly committed sda christians?

I can't read his heart, and I'd like to think the best of him, but I'm still stuck with the question: Is he truly sorry like repentant? Or sorry because he got found out?

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