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Ever Experienced a Miracle?


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Wow. You must have been traveling at a great amount of speed considering it was a dirt/gravel road.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I grew up on them, I could tell you where we were just by the bumps in the road. 60 mph was slow for me then. now... I'd be lucky if I do 50...

there is no try

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I remember coming home from camp berkshire in upstate NY, driving my camaro. Don't remeber how fast I was flying (what I was doing couldn't be call driving that's for sure). I came around a curve and right in front of me was a bunch of cars stopped at a red light. I did not see anywhere to actually be able to stop or even time to stop before hitting the cars in front of me. There was this small piece of road to the right of all the cars that I really didn't think I could fit the car into. But somehow not only did it fit but I actually was able to mounever (sp) without hitting the guard rail or any car on either side. God placed me right in there. I don't think that a piece of paper would have fit between me and the car on my left or the guard rail on my right. No scratches anywhere. It still amazies me to this day.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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