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What is your hope____


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____depicted in some certain song.

One of my favorites is, "When He was on the Cross, I was on His Mind".

Perhaps the second is, "You Needed Me", by Anne Murray, written as a secular ballad but only understood at its' best as a song of praise to God (Jesus).

Joy!! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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"How Sweet Are the Tidings" I want everyone to sing it at my funeral, if I have one.

"Lift Up the Trumpet" As a child, I listened to the VOP every week, and it is instilled deeply in my brain, and comes to mind very frequently nowadays.

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Perhaps the second is, "You Needed Me", by Anne Murray, written as a secular ballad but only understood at its' best as a song of praise to God (Jesus).

When I was in high school, one of my friends was going to perform this song as "special music" in church.

I was accompanying her on the piano, and travelled halfway across Melbourne to her church just for the occasion.

We had been practicing for weeks.

At the last minute our performance was vetoed by a senior saint who had taken upon himself the position of Music Police. Apparently it was too secular/ not religious enough or something like that.



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At the last minute our performance was vetoed by a senior saint who had taken upon himself the position of Music Police. Apparently it was too secular/ not religious enough or something like that.


I am so sorry to hear of that loss, Aldona, for it surely was a loss to those who didn't get to hear the message of that song. While the song may have been initially intended, by the composer, for someone that obviously wouldn't meet all that is voiced in the lyrics, if a person applies them to Jesus they seem to fit fine.

Many people down through the ages have lost some of God's most precious blessings as a direct result of the misconception that our Father only speaks to people through the "Holy" channels.

One of the most recent that comes to mind is connected to the article from Adventist World, posted by, I believe, Tom Wetmore or Ablisle (sorry about that spelling if it's wrong), re: Elder Jan Paulsen's contacts with the Muslims. I shared the article with some close Christian friends of mine and instead of seeing it as an effort to reach out to the sinner, they saw it as yoking up with the devil. Go figure.

Whatever happened to "Love your enemy as you love yourself"? Just another commandment put in the deleted file because the heart has not been changed as direct result of the misconception that being religious makes one Holy. Or is that "holier than thou"?

But then I digress, on my own thread mind you!! backtopic

Blessings! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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I Know Whom I Have Believed. That is the hymn that speaks my hope more than any other.


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26.

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." -- C. S. Lewis

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Perhaps the second is, "You Needed Me", by Anne Murray, written as a secular ballad but only understood at its' best as a song of praise to God (Jesus).

When I was in high school, one of my friends was going to perform this song as "special music" in church.

I was accompanying her on the piano, and travelled halfway across Melbourne to her church just for the occasion.

We had been practicing for weeks.

At the last minute our performance was vetoed by a senior saint who had taken upon himself the position of Music Police. Apparently it was too secular/ not religious enough or something like that.


There loss Aldona. Back in '67/68 I came home for about 5-6 weeks vacation during my military service. I went up to AUC to visit my best friend Alex and they had the Wedgewood Trio performing for vesters I believe, almost half the older members got up and left, because they were playing drums and guitars. And of course they had long hair and beards. Pretty sad I'd say. All I can say is all those that left, left without being blessed that day.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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There loss Aldona. Back in '67/68 I came home for about 5-6 weeks vacation during my military service. I went up to AUC to visit my best friend Alex and they had the Wedgewood Trio performing for vesters I believe, almost half the older members got up and left, because they were playing drums and guitars. And of course they had long hair and beards. Pretty sad I'd say. All I can say is all those that left, left without being blessed that day.


Ah! yes, I remember the good old days of the Wedgewood Trio. Back when the guitar was considered a musical instrument of the devil's, by some, even declared anathema in the church body in which I attended.

Just a fairly new Adventist at the time, if I had not known Jesus was the One Who led me there, my normal logic would have come to the conclusion that I must have made

some mistake. OTOH this comment comes to mind.

"The Lord does not now call many into the church as it is not yet ready to receive them."

uncertain place found LHC

That may be an outdated statement as we now see so many, even in the church in the states, responding to Jesus' call to join the Adventist body of believers.

Blessings! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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Ah! yes, I remember the good old days of the Wedgewood Trio. Back when the guitar was considered a musical instrument of the devil's, by some, even declared anathema in the church body in which I attended.

Just a fairly new Adventist at the time, if I had not known Jesus was the One Who led me there, my normal logic would have come to the conclusion that I must have made

some mistake. OTOH this comment comes to mind.

"The Lord does not now call many into the church as it is not yet ready to receive them."

uncertain place found LHC

That may be an outdated statement as we now see so many, even in the church in the states, responding to Jesus' call to join the Adventist body of believers.

Blessings! peace

thumbsup Good Shabbat LHC



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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I Know Whom I Have Believed. That is the hymn that speaks my hope more than any other.

Were you at Andrews in 1975?

"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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No, I've never attended any Adventist educational institutions. I joined the church during my next to last year of college, in 1976.


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26.

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." -- C. S. Lewis

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Their loss Aldona. Back in '67/68 I came home for about 5-6 weeks vacation during my military service. I went up to AUC to visit my best friend Alex and they had the Wedgewood Trio performing for vesters I believe, almost half the older members got up and left, because they were playing drums and guitars. And of course they had long hair and beards. Pretty sad I'd say. All I can say is all those that left, left without being blessed that day.


And we can't get rid of Wedgewood Trio in the store because the music is too dull!!!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Originally Posted By: pkrause

Their loss Aldona. Back in '67/68 I came home for about 5-6 weeks vacation during my military service. I went up to AUC to visit my best friend Alex and they had the Wedgewood Trio performing for vesters I believe, almost half the older members got up and left, because they were playing drums and guitars. And of course they had long hair and beards. Pretty sad I'd say. All I can say is all those that left, left without being blessed that day.


And we can't get rid of Wedgewood Trio in the store because the music is too dull!!!

Isn't that funny how things change.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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And we can't get rid of Wedgewood Trio in the store because the music is too dull!!!

Makes me wonder whether some are seeking an emotional thrill or whether they're seeking Jesus, although I've found walking with Jesus is nothing short of thrilling.

"I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance."Luke 15:7 KJV

I do believe that at the fast paced and intense world of today, if we are going to reach all, it is important to be open to new avenues of communication, for the sake of revealing Jesus to those who are acquainted only with that which has a tendency to enslave.

"For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.

And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;

To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.

To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some."1 Corinthians 9:19-22 KJV

JOY!!! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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