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R S Folkenberg


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I spent last Friday, Saturday and Sunday with Elder Folkenberg. Much of it was driving together for a couple of meetings.

I came away thinking, this is one incredible person, he is organizing a Global Evangelism lifestyle for Adventist Churches, and in my opinion, gets more done in a weekend to advance the Gospel than most of us do in a lifetime.

Check out some of what he is doing here www.global-evangelism.org.

I came away from our time, blessed and refreshed, as well as rejuvenated in my own experience, I only wish we had 1000 more actively advancing the work of the Gospel.

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Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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I only wish we had 1000 more actively advancing the work of the Gospel.

I think I understand your desire well, Stan. However I do recall a comment I believe was inspired by someone a lot wiser than I, that allows any and all who seek God's will to be accomplished in their life, to be content while pursuing the goal. [:"blue"] "Blossom where you are planted." [/]

When that is allowed to happen as God wishes, then we will be useful in the fullfillment of this promise, don't you think?

[:"red"] "what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God" [/] 2 Pet 3:11,12

[:"red"] "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." [/] Phil 3:13,14

Lift Jesus up!! DOVE.gif

Lift Jesus up!!

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However I do recall a comment I believe was inspired by someone a lot wiser than I, that allows any and all who seek God's will to be accomplished in their life, to be content while pursuing the goal. "Blossom where you are planted."

When that is allowed to happen as God wishes, then we will be useful in the fullfillment of this promise, don't you think?

Problem is that we have so many choices of what to blossem into ....

Our problem is that we tend to like ....skunk cabbage...


Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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"Blossom where you are planted."

When that is allowed to happen as God wishes, then we will be useful in the fullfillment of this promise, don't you think?

When we first came back from China, we looked at several avenues of going back, either with AFM or another organization. When it became evident that God was not opening a door at that time, I was crushed. In tears, I asked God that if it was not his will that we go back to China, to make me content and to be a missionary where I was. He flooded me with peace, and gave me a missionary spirit for where I was living/working, both when I was teaching, and after I quit.

However, I also know a lot of people who respond to a call to mission service by saying, I'm a witness/missionary right where I am. In reality, they are warming a church pew. So there is truth in what both LHC and Neil have said.

Just out of curiousity to Stan--I didn't read through the entire site, but does this organization have good follow-up programs to their evangelism? That's one of the biggest complaints of people who work in different countries is the people who bring in teams, have lots of baptisms, and leave without leaving any kind of structure to deal with the new recruits, who then fall by the wayside. I would assume that Folkenberg knows this and would avoid it, but just curious (and I suppose if I had more time, I could find out the answer for myself! blush.gif)


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He is a good man and so dedicated to the Lord. We heard him speak at Arizona Campmeeting last year and the experiences that he related were so inspiring!

One thing to consider in whether someone has a follow up program or not is this:

1. In some places, like India where the people being converted are being converted from Hinduism etc to christianity there is a HuGE need not only for follow up but pre-work as well. Also, culturally there must be churches built, or they are not viewed as a legitimate religion. Some of the older adults in the rural areas are illiterate and the only way to have the Bible read to them is to have their children read it to them. They need help with understanding what they are reading as it is so very new to them so they need mentors and guides in the form of pastors or at least Bible workers.

2. In places like Central America it is not uncommon at all for church groups to meet in auditoriums, store fronts, in rural places under a tree etc so it doesn't carry the stigma it does in India to not have a church. That said, Maranatha is so active in Central America that churches are being built the time. Most are literate and can read the Bible for themselves. They have come out of christian religions such as catholocism and so the step isn't nearly as great as for the INdians. They can study things out for themselves and still need shperding but not as intensly as those in India.

I grew up as a the kid of missionary parents and there is NOTHING like going on a trip oversease to conduct evangelism. I have seen people who were dear SDA's but were more pew warmers than anything go on such a trip and they come back so on fire that their local church is ignited to do something for the Lord here in their own USA in a deeper way. Foreign mission trips to not cost, they pay! They pay back in on fire church members, they pay in the joy of seeing many people giving their lives to Jesus, they pay in igniting the local church to do more local evangelism or outreach programs, they pay in changing people's world view forever. People come back much more willing to give to any project the Lord lays in their path, they come back with their priorities rearranged forever. I know becuase I went last year to India and had some of the most touching, deeply moving experiences of my life. To see people with a life of hopelessness discover a hope of hope, to see the "lowest of people" in their society suddely realize that they are children of a heavenly king is amazing! To see prejudice towards people of other "groups" in their society melt away and they become brothers in Jesus, to see family relationships turned around. Well I could go on and on. Sufficed to say, if you haven't participated in such a trip, make plans to go this year! You will NEVER regret it!


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