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What's the Point?

Tom Wetmore

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Of what value or benefit is it to argue with a caricature of the opposition?

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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Really understanding the opposition's point of view requires a lot of listening and thinking, and that's hard work.

I say this with 95% at least pointed squarely at myself.

Truth is important

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Amen Tom. That's why you should replace that crafty looking cat, with a real picture of yourself.

And Bravus, I'm glad you finally see my point. And admit what you've been doing wrong 95% of the time. You're bound to feel better about yourself now.

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Of what value or benefit is it to argue with a caricature of the opposition?

Hmm . . . I was thinking the same thing and it goes on and on and on and on . . . . . . .

Alex (at least I'm the "real thing" avatar bwink )

We are our worst enemy - sad but true.




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Written elsewhere (by me) this morning:

I think the whole ‘conservative vs liberal’ mindset is part of the problem, certainly – because I don’t even think that way. Arguments stand or fall on their own merit, not whether they are conservative or liberal. And most ideas are complex enough that they partake to some extent of both of those rather arbitrary frames. The division of the world into two and only two warring camps is an unfortunate development of the past decade or so, and impoverishes debate. It would be excellent if we could get beyond it here. I am not flying a liberal flag in a den of conservatives, I am having a conversation with a group of fellow believers in Christ.

Truth is important

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Hmmm, it appears that someone here finally figured 'us' out Richard. Now would you like to switch places? People would scream!

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Written elsewhere (by me) this morning:

I think the whole ‘conservative vs liberal’ mindset is part of the problem, certainly – because I don’t even think that way. Arguments stand or fall on their own merit, not whether they are conservative or liberal. And most ideas are complex enough that they partake to some extent of both of those rather arbitrary frames. The division of the world into two and only two warring camps is an unfortunate development of the past decade or so, and impoverishes debate. It would be excellent if we could get beyond it here. I am not flying a liberal flag in a den of conservatives, I am having a conversation with a group of fellow believers in Christ.


I've lived three quarters of a century. Never in my lifetime has there been such a schism in American politics. There's always been a healthy disagreement about various things, but never has there been an attempt to cause the other party to fail.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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Call me paranoid. Call me a heretic. Call me an anomaly. Call me a liberal. Call me an iconoclast. Call me an existentialist. Call me a racist. Call me an idiot.

But please call me your "brother in Christ"

I sure hope that some of the more strident political views expressed here aren't smokescreens for other more scary things?

Alex ("come let us reason together")

We are our worst enemy - sad but true.




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>>Of what value or benefit is it to argue with a caricature of the opposition?<<

Coupla things: first, wouldn’t it be that “caricature”, as beauty, is in the eye of the beholder?

Second, ...practice makes perfect?

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>>I sure hope that some of the more strident political views expressed here aren't smokescreens for other more scary things?<<

Contrarily, let us hope that truth will out..., as indeed, things are very, very much scarier than let on; but never fear, doesn’t perfect luv cast out scare?

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