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"Religion Needs Atheism"


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Originally Posted By: cardw

No an atheist is generally a default position in the absence of evidence for god. I choose the term agnostic because I don't know that there are no gods. I am, however, reasonably sure that the god of the bible doesn't exist.

As a result of the fact that there are some many billions of parts of the human body that work together successfully for many years, and more often than not, can be found to fall apart as a result of abuse over the years, it is incredulous that one could find no evidence there is a Creator God.

Of course the big bang answers all that since when it went off, miraculously something came from nothing, all without a Designer.

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Originally Posted By: cardw
This implies that fear ultimately convinces people to convert.

The only God of Love is willing to use any means to give one the greatest possibility of being motivated toward the kingdom, even fear though fear does not come from Him.

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18 NKJV

As one pastor stated to me, 'God may use fear to move a person to the right direction, however fear will not keep him/her there'! And I concur.

Regards! peace

First of all your text is saying the very opposite of your point.

And second you are presenting a situation where the ends justifies the means and that is a little scary to me.

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You see, I don't see what you are offering as peace. I see it as a life spent continually inspecting how good I am and wondering if I measure up.

It is true, you do not see...

Mark :-)

The best wisdom is always second hand...

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On the other hand I believe that you are claiming to know things you can't possibly know. .

In things spiritual, I think you are making a huge leap to stake such a claim, Rich.

"Be still and know." What does that say to you? It says to me that if we will just be receptive, God will reveal Himself to us. This doesn't necessarily mean He will reveal Himself to anyone else in the same way.

Some of what I know about God may be different from what you or anyone else knows.... for eternity. This may be part of what it means to have a personal relationship with God.

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You see, I don't see what you are offering as peace. I see it as a life spent continually inspecting how good I am and wondering if I measure up.

It is true, you do not see...

Mark :-)

That may be true, but I don't see any evidence that you see either.

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That may be true on a personal level. But to claim that your experience is evidence that everybody needs to accept Jesus as their personal Savior seems rather presumptuous to me.

I don't think God gives us evidence that we can bash somebody else over the head with. If he did, there would be an inquisition to make the Spanish one look like a Bday party.

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Maybe you are looking for a life, when you should be looking for a death?

Spiritually speaking. :-)

The best wisdom is always second hand...

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Originally Posted By: cardw

That may be true on a personal level. But to claim that your experience is evidence that everybody needs to accept Jesus as their personal Savior seems rather presumptuous to me.

I don't think God gives us evidence that we can bash somebody else over the head with. If he did, there would be an inquisition to make the Spanish one look like a Bday party.

Well if god is talking to everyone it seems quite evident that he isn't telling everyone the same thing.

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