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Obama: Vote on Healthcare, Then Evaluate the Bill

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March 18, 2010

Obama: Vote on Healthcare, Then Evaluate the Bill

Ed Kaitz

In Wednesday evening’s Fox News interview with Bret Baird, Barack Obama struggled to maintain the image of a cool, cerebral, reassuring and trustworthy Chief Executive laboring tirelessly on behalf of the general welfare.

The President’s breezy confidence, in other words, is a product of his conviction that ObamaCare is “the right thing to do” for the American people:

“[The] reason I'm confident that it's going to pass is because it's the right thing to do.”

And although President Obama was both convinced of the bill’s rectitude and supportive of the unorthodox procedures for getting it passed, when pressed by Baier the President admitted that he wasn’t entirely sure what exactly was in the bill:

"By the time the vote has taken place, not only I will know what's in it, you'll know what's in it because it's going to be posted and everybody's going to be able to evaluate it on the merits.”

In other words, the chief marketing strategist for ObamaCare wants you to take a chance on his product without either of you knowing exactly what’s in it – a product that will plant deep federal roots in one sixth of our economy for generations to come.

Somehow Barack Obama developed the quite astonishing belief that Americans should allow a vote on the fundamental restructuring of their entire lives before evaluating the merits of that same transformation. And if Democrats get their way it will be a non-refundable transformation.

I think I understand now what Obama means by the “Audacity of Hope.” But if history teaches us anything, it is that societies prosper through merit, not hope.

As Sir Francis Bacon once said: “Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.”

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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March 18, 2010

Obama: Vote on Healthcare, Then Evaluate the Bill

....In other words, the chief marketing strategist for ObamaCare wants you to take a chance on his product without either of you knowing exactly what’s in it – a product that will plant deep federal roots in one sixth of our economy for generations to come.


As Sir Francis Bacon once said: “Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.”

WE liberals know what is best for you sheeple. Don't try to reason it out or understand how we are magically gonna make everyone well. You're gonna like this whether you do or not. We will control most of the airwaves and will continually massage you with the message that what we have foisted upon you is wonderful.

We will preach the wonderfulness of Obamacare in the schools (er, I mean in the national daycare system,) on the TV, in the Senior Citizen Programs, and in the halls of power. You will like it or we will make certain you are considered a fringe looney.

We learned these techniques from the Nazis. Resistance is futile.

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WELL does not OBAMA know what is best for us

I remember a T.V. called "Father Knows Best"

but then I an not so sure the OBAMA knows best


This whole thing reminds me of a buyer on ebay.I did a lot of selling on ebay for years.

One buyer still astounds me,but she is like all those that want this to go thru.

The listing turned into a bidding war. When it was done I e-mailed the buyer .Her return e-mail to me convinced me pretty quick that she was not operating on all cylinders.

She responded with "Oh Goody,Goody,I won,now what do I get" This is after bidding well over a 100.00.

No one knows what is going to be in the bill,what services will be provided,what it will cost,who will be denied what services.

Let's just pass it and work out the details later. Would you sign a contract to purchase a house under these same terms. Who would be dumb enough to accept employment,not knowing what would be required of you,how much you would be paid etc.

Or is it simply a matter of "Oh Goody we won,now tell us what we won and what it will mean"

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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[No one knows what is going to be in the bill,what services will be provided,what it will cost,who will be denied what services.

Let's just pass it and work out the details later. Would you sign a contract to purchase a house under these same terms. Who would be dumb enough to accept employment,not knowing what would be required of you,how much you would be paid etc.

Or is it simply a matter of "Oh Goody we won,now tell us what we won and what it will mean"

Apparently there are quite a few people with this level of gullibility. I don't hold them personally as responsible as I do the politicians, the educators, and the news media who have conditioned them to this kind of expectation.

You basically have to be cynical and maybe a little paranoid to see through the hype.

It was a real eye opener one day when I went to the supermarket to buy Cheerios and as I was doing the math in my head I discovered that the family size which advertised "4 bonus ounces free!" actually cost more per ounce than the 12 ounce size.

Reality is frequently not what people want you to think it is.

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