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Who Is The Wacko Left?

Dr. Shane

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In other words, you are not allowed to think any of these things or else you are "wacko left". In other words, someone else wants to control what you think by pre-emptively labelling it in a dismissive fashion. Sorry, it doesn't fly with me. I say you ought to think what you will, and it is what it is. If people who characterized things like this had their way no one would dare say a peep outside of what THEY deem "acceptable thought". Shane, I am thoroughly disappointed in you to see you play "thought police" this way. I thought at the very least, despite our differences of opinions, you could be counted upon not to stoop to this level of crass, cheap social engineering.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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My point is that many of us know who the radical right are: Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hanity, etc.

But who is the wacko left? The graphics I posted are actually real products that are sold. Real people are buying them. There are even more offensive ones but in good taste I couldn't post them. So who are these real people that buy these things? Do you know the bias of the journalists you read?

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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But who is the wacko left?

Surely not Ann Colter!


The graphics I posted are actually real products that are sold. Real people are buying them. There are even more offensive ones but in good taste I couldn't post them.

Let me guess, you found them on a 'liberal' left site, correct? So what? Have you looked at the right? They have 'em too... And they are expressions of the fustration that people have with the goverement. The point here is you got no point.


So who are these real people that buy these things? Do you know the bias of the journalists you read?

The same people who just have dysfunctional problems with social agendas. Doesn't matter if they are democratic or republican. They are angry people...some with good reason, and some without a good reason. They are on the right as well as the left.

I am more concerned with people who use words like "wako" "left" and "right" , "conservatives", "liberals"...Those people have an agenda of thier own in my book and I have seen that too many times....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Have you looked at the right? They have 'em too

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Yes I did look for them and couldn't find any. I thought that might be because the left is out of power. If you know where these radical right fanatical products are, please provide them. They should be good for a laugh.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

I am more concerned with people who use words like "wako" "left" and "right" , "conservatives", "liberals"...Those people have an agenda of thier own in my book and I have seen that too many times...

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

I may be wrong, but you sound paranoid. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Yes I did look for them and couldn't find any. I thought that might be because the left is out of power. If you know where these radical right fanatical products are, please provide them. They should be good for a laugh.








The honest truth is that I don't think that either side protrays the actual truth of the matter. The problem with these adds are that I don't think of them as humorous...I think of them as viscious [sp] and I don't like them. You will not see them come up on this board from me, with this one exception...

Oh, and Shane, it only took me 10 minutes to find these...And it will take another 10 minutes to find some more repulican stores.... tongue.gif


I may be wrong, but you sound paranoid.

Paranoia is -

1. A psychotic disorder characterized by systematized delusions, especially of persecution or grandeur, in the absence of other personality disorders.

2. Extreme, irrational distrust of others.

In all honesty, I doubt that you can put me into the paranoid catagory. Your attempts to smear people who disagree with you are legend. And this is what makes your statements so damable...your lack of indicating that you are being humorous. There is no [tic] (as in Tongue In Cheek statement), no quotation "" marks to indicate that there is a tonal change in the post, no indication that you are attempting to convey that that is humor coming. Whether it is juat lazyness on your part or deliberately indicated, there is nothing here to make that distinction. You come across as a flat personality on these forum. The reciever of these posts have nothing to go on when it comes to humor with you.

So, when you make some rather amazing remarks, for example, about abortion, can we also assume that you are being 'humorous'?? When you press the point George Bush is a good man, can we assume that you are being...humorous? The honest trueth is that you have come acrross as extreme....even when you're being 'moderate'.

Quite being lazy...put some punctutation in your posts to indicate your humor, you lazy poster. [Hey, it's the first time I catagorized you! I called you a name!] shocked.gif

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Thank you, Brother Neil. I had seen the "I see red" stuff but not any of the other. Still not as mean spiritted as the Left stuff but Jay Leno and Hilary buttons clearly are over the line.

I would not hesitate to say anyone that wears such buttons seems to have issues with hatred.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I would not hesitate to say anyone that wears such buttons seems to have issues with hatred.

I would say that anyone who posted this stuff is promoting hatred.

But that is another issue...... 129933-offtopic2.gif

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Post # 156581 is YOUR post, and it is the first post in this thread....

You said the right doesn't do what the left does....I showed you otherwise....I gave you your evidence at your request. But you started this thread with that post....all promoting hatred.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I was not promoting hatred as you falsely accuse me of. I was showing that there is real Bush hatred out there. Many on this forum have claimed that is just a figment of my imangination.

You have pointed out that there is hatred on the Right and I have agreed with you. There is hatred on the Left and Right. So now when I refer to the Bush-hating crowd everyone will know who I am refering to (the wacko left). It is great if you are not part of that crowd but beware of them.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I was not promoting hatred as you falsely accuse me of. I was showing that there is real Bush hatred out there. Many on this forum have claimed that is just a figment of my imangination.

No, Shane...We were telling you that it was a figment of your imagination. Rather we were telling you that you were a part of it, the hating mongering. We have tried to tell you this and you refuse to accept it. But in your above post, I can show you that you use the very techniques that engender hate and devalue your message.


You have pointed out that there is hatred on the Right and I have agreed with you. There is hatred on the Left and Right. So now when I refer to the Bush-hating crowd everyone will know who I am refering to [:"red"](the wacko left) [/] . It is great if you are not part of that crowd but beware of them.

See those words in the red, Shane?...you have devalued anyone message who happens to be left of you. You have promoted hatred again.... We beg you and plead with you , but you ignore our requests...

Poor form, Shane...poor form...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Not true, Brother Neil. You appear to be bearing false witness again.

My very best friend in this entire world is left of me. He is not a wacko. I love him dearly and named my son after him. We discuss our political differences all the time - and without even getting upset.

But that is not to deny that there are wackos on the left and radicals on the right. Words mean things. The word wacko means something and the word radical means something. The word reactionary means something. The word fanatical means something.

Now there are people out there that hate our President. He can do nothing good. When he comforts a 9/11 orphan they accuse hin of only doing it because a camera was near. Now when it comes out that even in his personal life he doesn't hate gays, they accuse him of changing. They are filled with hatred and look only to ways they can criticise.

I will tell you that I didn't like President Clinton as a man. But I made it a habit to mention something good about him every time I spoke about him. One of the reasons I know about a lot of the good things he did was because I was always looking for them. Clinton wasn't a bad President. He had a lot of personal issues that I think had to do with his poor childhood and the 60's culture he grew up in. I, by no means, have hatred for anyone. However those I dislike I do have to use a determined effort to look for good in them.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Sister Rosie, I work with a draftsman that I consider to be with the wacko left and he is far from being a Democrat. He is more of a socialist. Those I know of the wacko Left are what I call "fringe" Democrats. They are not really Democrats but given only two choices they will choose Democrats over Republicans.

By no means are all Democrats wackos. Nor are all Republicans radical fanatics.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Shane a lot of people who voted for Bush have lost faith in him. Some switched parties over it, even. Are they "haters" and "whackos"? or are they honest people who just feel and think what they feel and think? At some point you are going to have to lay down your hero-worship and allow others the freedom to not appreciate the policies and procedures and changes wrought by this administration, to challenge and criticize both it and them, AND to let off a little steam by expressing themselves -- or else you make yourself fundamentally dishonest with both yourself and others about what fuels or motivates those who don't share your views. Regardless of your refusal to see it, others will, and will respond accordingly, whether that means telling you off -- or writing you off. Basically if you insist on this course you are training people to not take you seriously on these subjects. I'm not sure that's quite the response/reaction you're after, though.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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..We were telling you that it was a figment of your imagination. Rather we were telling you that you were a part of it, the hating mongering.

This should read-

..We were NOT telling you that it was a figment of your imagination. Rather we were telling you that you were a part of it, the hating mongering.


But that is not to deny that there are wackos on the left and radicals on the right. Words mean things. The word wacko means something and the word radical means something. The word reactionary means something. The word fanatical means something.

Yeah, and with the meaning comes emotional baggage. You continue to call those on the left, "wacko".., Again, I have asked you to stop. As a Christian, you should respect the boundarys that others have set if you want to continue to discuss things with them. But you have continued to irk others on this board with your reckless wording.

Now you accuse me of "bearing false witness" when I have shown you from your own posting.

For shame, Shane...espeically that a moderator of C/A should continue to not respect other requests...


But I made it a habit to mention something good about him every time I spoke about him. One of the reasons I know about a lot of the good things he did was because I was always looking for them.

You never did to me. Every post that had some reference to Clinton, to me was always negeitive. Always. I have even intimated that you should not mention Clinton because all you can do is run him down. Remember, I told you every time you brought him up, that you were living in the past.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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  • Moderators

I actually like your distinction between the left and the wacko left, Shane. It's a far superior alternative to 'bush haters', even if it describes the same group or a similar group.

It allows for some distinctions that otherwise get lost in the partisan debate. Two issues, but please do consider them as 'friendly amendments' rather than attacks:

1. Would it be possible to substitute the term 'radical left' for 'wacko left'? That makes a neater set with 'radical right', and is descriptive rather than pejorative, which is probably healthier in discussion.

2. In your opinion, is it possible to criticize Bush's policies - not the man, not the character, the policies - and remain in the 'left' category? Or does criticism of Bush automatically qualify one for the 'radical/wacko left' club?

Truth is important

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

At some point you are going to have to lay down your hero-worship

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Now Sister Nico, you need to be careful. Brother Neil is fast becoming the "word police" and may not approve of you using the term "hero-worship" as that could be inflamatory. After all we don't want people thinking I am bowing down and praying to my picture of GW at night.

But don't worry about me, I have thick skin. It all just rolls off my back with a chuckle. I still love you <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

allow others the freedom to not appreciate the policies and procedures and changes wrought by this administration, to challenge and criticize both it and them,

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Not only do I allow that, Sister. I do it myself, but tastefully and without insulting anyone's personal charachter. I admire this President as an individual but disagree with many of his policies.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

a lot of people who voted for Bush have lost faith in him.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

First, remember that a lot of people that voted for Bush were not real crazy about him in the first place. He just seemed to be the better of the two evils.

Second, Bush is not a people pleaser. He does what he believes is right regardless if it is popular or not. He does not take polls to make up his mind. Anyone like that is bound to disappoint many that voted for them.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

if you insist on this course you are training people to not take you seriously on these subjects.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

I am a straight shooter. I am not out to win a popularity contest. I am here to participate in the open exchange of ideas. If your ideas were not different than mine we wouldn't have anything to exchange now would we? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

As a Christian, you should respect the boundarys that others have set

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

So I should walk on egg shells for you? I use commonly used political language. I don't do the politically correct thing. I call a liberal a liberal and not a progressive. I call a conservative a conservative and not a traditionalist. I respect that some liberals want to be called progressive because they don't want to be lumped in with all the wackos. Likewise some conservatives want to be called traditionalists so as not to be lumped in with all the radicals. But really now... a rose by any other name is still a rose. Isn't it?

I do make one exception. I call gays gay instead of homosexuals because that is what they want to be called. Since I ministered to them I have a soft spot for them and respect their desire to be called gay. I know some refuse to call them gay because there is nothing gay about it.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Brother Bravus, I just see them as terms. I admit to a little teasing but all in fun. I give it and take it. Wacko left - fanatical right.

I don't believe most on the left are radical but a lot of those in the Press seem to be sympathetic to those that are.

Nor do I believe most on the right are radical. Although Hanity and Limbaugh are sympathetic to those that are and IMO border on being radical themselves. Bill O'Reilly, on the other hand, is quite critical of the radical right, especially Matt Drudge.

I criticise the President on a number of policies. 1. I don't like Dick Chenney as a VP. 2. I don't like his relaxing of EPA regulations 3. I think the space program is a waste of money. 4. I disagree with his lack of attention to the illegal immergrant problem. 5. I agree with temporary work visas but disagree with letting them stay here afterwards to become permenant residents. 6. I disagree with much forgien aid given 7. I disagree with much of his spending in his first term 8. I favor increasing taxes slightly during a strong economy. 9. I disagreed with his tax cuts for the poor (he made many exempt) I think we should all contribute something.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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