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West Virginia Miners


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As I'm sure by now many of you are aware that this past Monday, there was a horrific explosion at a West Virginia coal mine. 25 people died as a result of the explosion, 2 survivied and 4 were unaccounted for. All week the rescue teams have tried repeatedly to get into this deep mine but problems kept sending them back out.

Tonight, the rescuers went back in but I've not heard yet (and it's just past midnight here in WV) if they've had any success or not. No matter the outcome, there are at least 17 bodies that must be recovered and buried. And to be quite honest, we may be looking at 21 bodies at this point, but I sure hope those 4 unaccounted for miners are ok!

I would ask that you keep the families of all these folks that were directly involved in this accident in your prayers as well as those 4 unaccounted for miners and not to mention the rescuers as well. They are hiking 5 miles with 30 lb packs of rescue equipment plus 4 extra incase those 4 unaccounted for miners are found alive. I've been in a coal mine and let me tell you, it's not just dark but pitch dark!

I'm acquainted with a family member of one of the two that survived and I can tell you that both survivors are improving which is an answer to many prayers.

It's the not knowing that slowly gnaws away at you and I truly cannot imagine what the family members of the 4 that are unaccounted for are going thru.

I'm one of the unusual WV'ns in that I do not have any of my family that works in the mines but yet I do work indirectly in the mining community. This accident happened about 35 miles from where I work and has deeply affected the residents of Southern WV in a way I've not seen in a long time. We are a close knit bunch but just knowing that prayers are being offered is such a blessing.

I read an article on CNN that commented about how the reporter was amazed at the grace and dignity of the folks in the Montcoal/Marfork/Whitesvile communities during this difficult time. This is no oddity. You can't live/work/exist in this line of work without God's grace...it's the only way to even try to survive. And believe me, these dear folks that some consider "backwoodsy" are very deeply committed Christians and they know in Whom their strength is from.

Thank you for your prayers!

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MONTCOAL, W.Va. – Rescue workers located four bodies deep in a West Virginia coal mine, dashing any faint hopes of finding more survivors of a deadly explosion that has claimed 29 lives, the worst U.S. mining disaster in a generation.

Officials announced the grim discovery at the Upper Big Branch Mine around 1 a.m. Saturday, after first notifying family members.

"We did not receive the miracle that we prayed for," Gov. Joe Manchin said. "So this journey has ended and now the healing will start."

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It is really sad. I hope they go after that mine owner really good and make an example out of him. The mining company isn't even a union operation and had been cited several times for safety violations.

These miners provide the fuel for electricity for much of America. It is one of the dirtiest and most labor intensive jobs in the country. Everything possible should be done to make it safe.

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That is very sad. :( I was praying they would be alive.

Why do we even still have coal mines? We already have the technology to replace them with a safer source of energy. But I digress. I'm just saying... this should not have even happened.

"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." - Oscar Wilde

�Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets." - Jesus

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well, be aware that there are abandoned mines all over the country, especially the East, well into Illiniois. My aunt's house is sitting on top on one.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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That is very sad. :( I was praying they would be alive.

Why do we even still have coal mines? We already have the technology to replace them with a safer source of energy. But I digress. I'm just saying... this should not have even happened.

I would answer this ... but then this thread would have to be transfered to 'politics'.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
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I believe in Hematology.

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