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What’s in the Seasonal Flu Shot?


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Aluminum adjuvant: An aluminum-

containing compound. It has

been linked to Gulf War Syndrome

that has caused tremendous

permanent damage to thousands

of military. Aluminum is a known

cause of cognitive dysfunction.

Egg proteins: Including avian

contaminant viruses.

Gelatin: Known to cause allergic

reactions and anaphylaxis (are usually associated with sensitivity

to egg or gelatin). Often pork-


Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™): This

ingredient is known to cause

infertility, grand mal convulsions,

spontaneous abortions, and life-

threatening anaphylactic shock.

Formaldehyde: A known

carcinogen and reproductive or

developmental toxicant.

Octoxynol 10 (Also known as Triton

X-100): A detergent, emulsifier,

wetting and defoaming agent.

[Octoxynol-9 is a spermatocide.]

It can alter metabolic activity,

damage membranes, and cause

a rapid decline in cell function.

Sucrose: Table sugar.

Resin: Known to cause allergic


Gentamycin: An antibiotic.

Thimerosal: Contains a proven

neurotoxin: mercury. Any amount

of mercury is highly toxic. There

is no safe level. This is has been

repeatedly linked to the increasing

rates of autism, multiple sclerosis,

and ADD. Is used in all multi-dose


GlaxoSmithKline Plc Vaccine Ingredients:

The following is an incomplete

(but significant) list of vaccine


Aluminum adjuvant: An aluminum-

containing compound. It has

been linked to Gulf War Syndrome

that has caused tremendous

permanent damage to thousands

of military. Aluminum is a known

cause of cognitive dysfunction.

AS03: The company's proprietary

squalene adjuvant. (See: squalene


Daronrix: Glaxo's H5N1 bird flu


Disodium phosphate: A white

powder, water-soluble salt. It is

used as an anti-caking additive in

powdered products. This inorganic

chemical is also used as a

fungicide and microbiocide.

Formaldehyde: A known

carcinogen and reproductive or

developmental toxicant. Octoxynol 10 (Also known as Triton

X-100): A detergent, emulsifier,

wetting and defoaming agent.

[Octoxynol-9 is a spermatocide.]

It can alter metabolic activity,

damage membranes, and cause

a rapid decline in cell function.

Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™): This

ingredient is known to cause

infertility, grand mal convulsions,

spontaneous abortions, and life-

threatening anaphylactic shock.

Sodium Chloride: Refined table

salt. Salt is a naturally occurring

complex mineral that balances

the water inside and outside our

cells. Refined salt, sodium chloride,

is chemically treated and contains

many other hidden chemicals

that destroy natural salt's healing


Squalene: A natural oil found

in sharks (mostly found in their

livers) and humans. The American Journal of Pathology (2000)

reported that rats injected with

squalene triggered «chronic,

immune-mediated joint-specific

inflammation,» i.e., rheumatoid arthritis. How will this affect people who already have an immune

inflammation, or will it cause untold

new cases (lupus, chronic fatigue)?

Squalene is being added to all

new vaccines. It is linked to the

thousands of military who have

contracted «Gulf War Syndrome»

and have suffered irreparable

auto-immune damage, including lupus, multiple sclerosis,

fibromyalgia, and rheumatoid


Thimerosal: Contains a proven

neurotoxin: mercury. Any amount

of mercury is highly toxic. There

is no safe level. This is has been

repeatedly linked to the increasing

rates of autism, multiple sclerosis,

and ADD. Is used in all multi-dose


Vitamin E: This anti-oxidant vitamin helps protect the body's red blood cell functions, and helps

to oxygenate our tissues. Vitamin

E from corn or soybean oil now

often comes from genetically

engineered sources.

This was taken from the HOPE INTERNATIONAL NEWSLETTER Dec 09'


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It also contains dihydrogen monoxide, which has been linked to cancer, heart disease, and many other diseases, and is a major component of herbicides, pesticides, and other commercial poisons.

"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." - Oscar Wilde

�Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets." - Jesus

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I'm going to go out and get my shot right now!!! :):):):):)



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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I'm going to go out and get my shot right now!!! :):):):):)


I am getting my flu shot this year, and have done so every year since I started medical school. I used to get the flu regularly every winter in high school, but not once since I started having the shot.

In my experience, the same people who go around spreading graphic warnings about the horrible chemicals in vaccines are the same ones who shout the loudest about how "they" (the government? doctors? who?) should have "done something" to prevent it if people die of preventable infections.



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You know what, Richard, if you eat junk food and commercially raised meat and dairy products, you are putting a whole lot more toxins into your system on a regular basis than you could ever get from vaccines. I'd be more concerned about the impact of those things on your health.

I subscribe to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger's, newsletters. But he is a fanatical conspiracy theorist, & I take everything he says with a grain of salt. Sometimes a very big grain. One of the ideas he has repeated many times is that diseases increase in vaccinated populations. I don't buy that.

When I was a child, everybody got measles, mumps, chicken pox, and rubella, during childhood. I know of not a single case of any of those disease, except chicken pox, occurring in any of my children, my friends' children, or my own & my friends' grandchildren.

The soil of the farm I grew up on contained the tetanus bacillus. Every time one of us stepped on a nail or something, my parents took us to get a tetanus shot. Not a one of us ever got lockjaw, but some of our cattle did. They died. We're all still here.

Last night, I chatted with a young internet friend from Mexico. He said that where he was born, there was no polio vaccine. He got polio when he was three. Thankfully, he didn't get it so badly that he couldn't breathe, or he wouldn't be here anymore. A few years later, his family came to the US to get treatment for him, and he is no longer confined to a wheelchair.

Polio was a serious problem in this country in centuries past. In my entire lifetime up to last night, I have only personally met one person who had ever had polio. She was my parents' age.

I have no use for the flu shot, because it's not very effective, and has a history of side effects that are often worse than the flu itself. That has been confirmed in the experience of a sister in law who's an RN working with geriatric patients. But I wouldn't be so quick to jump on the anti-vaccination bandwagon.


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26.

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." -- C. S. Lewis

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The problem with vaccines, IMHO is the bypassing of the normal immune mechanism. Viruses don't inject themselves into the bloodstream or into the muscle. Shots do. The body's immunity is primarily generated through the respiratory and digestive systems. Vaccines that use/stimulate these normal systems would be preferable by far, to me.

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I have no use for the flu shot, because it's not very effective, and has a history of side effects that are often worse than the flu itself. That has been confirmed in the experience of a sister in law who's an RN working with geriatric patients. But I wouldn't be so quick to jump on the anti-vaccination bandwagon.

I agree with your post GLG. I have never had the flu vaccine and have never had the flu. And I also know not just one but many people that have gotten the flu shot and gotten really really sick. Many got pneumonia. A few of these were friends in the military, and they were medics. LOL

But having said that I do agree that we should not reject all vaccines because its obvious that they have stop many dieases (sp) that are coming back now that parents have decided not to have there children immunized. I think that I was a little to flippin with my saying that I was going to run out and get my flu shot, to Aldona, because I would never tell someone that believed in shots that they should not get them.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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You know what, Richard, if you eat junk food and commercially raised meat and dairy products, you are putting a whole lot more toxins into your system on a regular basis than you could ever get from vaccines. I'd be more concerned about the impact of those things on your health.
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The problem with vaccines, IMHO is the bypassing of the normal immune mechanism. Viruses don't inject themselves into the bloodstream or into the muscle. Shots do. The body's immunity is primarily generated through the respiratory and digestive systems. Vaccines that use/stimulate these normal systems would be preferable by far, to me.
The last flu vaccine I got was inhaled through my nose. And those are actually supposed to be better anyway.

"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." - Oscar Wilde

�Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets." - Jesus

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Originally Posted By: GreatLakesGramma
You know what, Richard, if you eat junk food and commercially raised meat and dairy products, you are putting a whole lot more toxins into your system on a regular basis than you could ever get from vaccines. I'd be more concerned about the impact of those things on your health.

I don't eat those things. I will eat a bit of cheese, but that's about it.


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26.

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." -- C. S. Lewis

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I agree too, but a stronger scientific case is valuable. The comments on sodium chloride in the original post are just laughable from a scientific perspective. And, as the video I linked to shows, there was one badly conducted study that suggested a possible link between thimerosal in vaccines and autism, and there have since been a large number of well conducted studies that have showed there is no connection at all. Lots of guilt by association with things like Gulf War Syndrome, very little solid science. "Test all things, hold fast to what is good" applies to this kind of stuff too.

By the way, I can completely accept and stand behind someone's decision not to routinely take the seasonal flu vaccine... but the evidence would need to be higher quality than that presented in that original post.

Truth is important

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It's them jesuits, they be trying to poison us!! I read it on the web, thank you very much. bwink

Doug Yowell. Isn't his middle name Merck? He wants to make sure we get the point in the end.

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Because ww totally still have smallpox and polio and measles, mumps and rubella running wild and killing millions. Oh, wait...

Truth is important

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Because ww totally still have smallpox and polio and measles, mumps and rubella running wild and killing millions. Oh, wait...

The last naturally occurring case of smallpox was in 1977. It is the only disease that has been completely eradicated throughout the world. The only existing virus is contained in 2 laboratories, one in Russia, one in the US. The remaining stock of virus was scheduled to be destroyed, but it was decided that those samples could be useful for developing new vaccines, anti-viral drugs, and diagnostic tests. I remember reading about it, probably in the Readers Digest, way back then.

Emedicine.com: Smallpox

Smallpox - Wikipedia


God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26.

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." -- C. S. Lewis

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Exactly! I was being sarcastic: vaccines have made our lives massively safer, better and longer, and uninformed opposition to vaccines is badly endangering that. The flu vaccine is a different kind of issue, because the flu mutates more quickly than some of those other diseases, and is usually less fatal. But uninformed opposition to the flu vaccine easily extends to other vaccines. *Informed* opposition to the flu vaccine I'm fine with: but it *does* work, so to say 'placebo effect' is... uninformed.

Truth is important

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There *are* real concerns with some flu vaccines: http://www.theage.com.au/national/residu...00501-u0dd.html

But, again, its about understanding the science and the real risk, and about making better vaccines, not about just avoiding vaccination. As mentioned, life expectancies have almost doubled in the past century, and that is very largely owed to vaccines.

Truth is important

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