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Hey, Jimmie boy, wondering if I should read any more of your messages. I could just use ditto marks every time I see your name!!!

crazyjacky_seilchensmiley1.gif (see the jumprope go round and round)

In all friendliness,



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Seems monotonous doesn't it?

I am kinda serious on this one about the GC agenda..but fat chance of course...

Maybe it seems so trivial..yet if I gave you some details on how it cause personal grief, frustration and disappointment to others because of the connection..you might see the significance more..

I really feel sorry for a pastor right now...

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Sorry JimBob7,

But I am finding your interpretation of what NFDMTTS to be quite nebulous... It is really subjective, and subjectivity is objective. What you may feel is NFDMTTS may be enough for another in the pew to be motivated for Christ...

Frankly, I wish you would drop your pet cause/peeve and be more constructive...

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Tony, you are probably right. What may seem an insignificant or trivialan sermon to one person may be the message that helps get another person into heaven. Who am I or anyone else to judge? That is up to the Holy Spirit and God working on the heart.

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Sorry JimBob7,

But I am finding your interpretation of what NFDMTTS to be quite nebulous... It is really subjective, and subjectivity is objective. What you may feel is NFDMTTS may be enough for another in the pew to be motivated for Christ...

Frankly, I wish you would drop your pet cause/peeve and be more constructive...

Yeah, yeah, yeah..this is what I always get...

The implication of your post is that a pastor could say anything or the same thing every sabbath for 40+ years and that would be fine..

ie: "Be nice and look to Jesus" ..our closing hymn is...

Why have any homiletic classes in our seminaries?

Why not gut all of the counsel in the works of EGW regarding sermons?

Why should we have any sermons at all? Just have a kid go up there and say "Jesus will never leave or forsake you..keep your eyes on Jesus.."

Why should Ministry magazine print pastor burnout articles or counsel on homiletics??

Someone will ALWAYS be reached by words ..even ones that say..greasy grace...

I was just on another religious site the last 24 hours...new one for me..and like always..there were some who were hostile, fragile,touchy, insecure, readers and there were ones who were tuned into my words and were very encouraging

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Sorry JimBob7, I think that you are drawing a rather extreme conclusion based on my words... Maybe there is a reason that you get a response from people that steps on your toes?

Remember, "...but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety".

- Proverbs 11:14

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I am hardly surprised at any of the responses I get..either way

I just posted the variety for the record.

What I was referring to is the words about someone getting a morsal out of any sermon theme..

It is the usual copout/ excuse...

That is why I posted the words..

Darlene followed suit.

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My sensitivity is because of my background...

people with NFDMTTS backgrounds are more easily impressed...

If you are starving..a greasy spoon cafe serves just wonderful food.

If you have been served at a 4 star restaurant...it can make you lose it.

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Regrettably, Taylor, this is a question asked by most "Newbies" to the forum. It is an acronym devised by JimBob7 which refers to Non-fat, Dry Milk, Typical Topical Sermons. His explanation is that these are the sermons given by most of our Adventist pastors in which there is generally a topic at hand, but little Biblical reference in the sermon.

JimBob7 would like to see more sermons based on Biblical readings so that the preacher will have more Biblical support of the topic as dictated by the Bible.

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on "more Biblical support of the topic" ...

The trouble with sprinkling Bible texts all over is that it still doesn't necessarily put meat on the table. Frequently, the soup's as insipid, or more so, than ever. Give me a steak every now and again. I wanna sink my teeth in it.

Debile fundamentum, fallit opus. - "Where there is a weak foundation, the work falls."

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But, we have steak everyday. It is our Bible in our own hands. It is what we do with it that really matters. Our pastors can only lead us so far in an hour. They can only show us the "cut". It is up to us to "eat".

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4 review..

Choosing a topic..is the wrong approach from the start..

A sermon can be awful even with a bunch of bible texts...especially if they are used to support a single trite topic and drive it into the ground...

People get the point in about 30 seconds..no need to harp on it for 20 - 45 minutes...

This is why a pastor should preach/teach the word....exegete through books...not do 52 topics a year...year after year..with the same topics covered over and over again..

The topics come out in the right flow by teaching the books..they are all in there..and interrelated as inspired by the Holy Spirit...

Whe a pastor isolates a single topic each sabbath..it is like taking vitamins..



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Now pay attention....

This is why I guest speak on Jude..

I can unpack a minimum of 3 topics from it

Contend for the faith







There are anti commercials for the once saved always saved doctrine

and for the anhiliation concept vs hell

In 25 verses I can unpack so many principles to address various levels of maturity in the audience .

The book gives a head's up on false teachers.

I can campaign for the SDA message, lift up Jesus, and challenge complacency, apathy, passivity, indifference.

The letter is loaded and timely..

What is nice is it can all take place in ones session...and the congregation can leave knowing they have heard a whole book of the bible preached on.

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Choosing a topic..is the wrong approach from the start..



This is why I guest speak on Jude..

I can unpack a minimum of 3 topics from it: Contend for the faith, Contempt, Conquer; or Effort, Enmity, Empathy.


Confusion as to what your rant against NFDMTTS is all about.

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JimBob, why do you think you are the only authority on preaching sermons? I am truly curious. I must say, I have heard some mighty good sermons from pastors recently. Sermons that have spoken to my heart and drawn me closer to the Lord. I really don't think there is anything wrong with that, is there?

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I am not the only authority..however what I present is based on the teaching and input of scripture , EGW, Ministry magazine and GC ministerial directors...and one of the best pastor teachers in America.

Remember..much can draw us closer to God..movies, songs, a personal conversation...

refer to Neh 8:8 , Eph 4:12, 2 Tim 4:2 again..

Most SDA and others of different denominations have no idea what they are missing because they have never been on the receiving end of constant competent teaching of the scriptures...

The sermons and sabbath school classes hardly ever approach it at all.



Most are on the receiving end of religious dope...and once in awhile get some euphoria which lasts a couple of hours.

Much scripture presentation is like a person speaking in tongues..with the language still being English..

shallow ambiguous theology and soteriology.

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JimBob wrote:

"... Much scripture presentation is like a person speaking in tongues .. with the language still being English .. shallow ambiguous ..."

I hear you, JimBob. Reminds me of the story of the new con in the prison dining hall. They ate in total silence every day. Except every so often one of the guys would stand up and call out a number, followed by roaring laughter from everyone. But nothing else was said. Just a number. It happened this way frequently.

One day he asked a friend, "What's going on?"

"Guys are telling jokes," was the answer.

"How?" he asked.

"We know them all, so we just call out the number of the one we want to tell."

"Is it OK if I tell a joke?"

"Sure, try it."

Next day he stands up and calls out a number.

Dead silence.

Tail between his legs, he sits down, and slinks out after the meal. Later he catches up with his friend.

"What did I do wrong?"

Friend shakes his head. "Some guys can tell a joke, other's can't."


That's the way sermons are regarded by too many preachers: They've heard it all before; we know them all; why bother to explain what's being said? Hit the old lingo buttons ... repeat the rote phrases/verses ... benediction ... exit.

But was anything actually said? Sorry, there's more to it than some sort of magic in knowing how to tell a joke.

And right with that, there's also more to preaching a good sermon than just an abundance of "proof" texts sprinkled liberally hither and yon.



Debile fundamentum, fallit opus. - "Where there is a weak foundation, the work falls."

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JimBob are you a pastor?

If not, maybe you should become one...seriously. Then you won't have to listen to NMTSFDS. I'm not joking either.

Back when I was reveling in hedonism, I was a hardcore clubber. I would go to clubs (dance clubs) and raves every weekend. It got to the point that I thought I knew the music better than the djs, and I was sick and tired of what they were spinning. So, what I did was learn and practice to become a dj myself, eventually I was spinning all over the west coast. Well I'm not going down that road anymore, but my point is...I was sick and tired of what I was hearing, and so I decided to do something about it. So I encourage you to do something about it! You can do it. Of course if you're already a pastor, I'm going to feel pretty silly.

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JB is not a pastor.

I am a manager..

This poster has preached 10 sermons at 3 different SDA churches.

As noted in the profile...I am a clergy confronter.

On several internet sites, I have campaigned the NFDMTTS theme. .. have done it on Christian talk radio and even syndicated national talk radio a few times when the chance arrived.

Opportunity for communicating this to several pastors and ministerial directors, GC staff has taken place..

This is a grass roots effort..

There are so many SDA's spoiled and ruined on NFDMTTS that I would never consider being a pastor..

Jesus knew it well...

old wines skins principle...

This will be a person to person efort until several competent pastor teachers get into the limelight..

I expect most conference staff or the clergy in general to not embrace it...

Enmity against God's word still is epidemic in SDA circles..

Jer 17:9 and Rom 8:7

Evidence for this is seen in the Adventist Review...by the lack of exposure to scripture in the articles...by the lack of scripture exposure in the sabbath school discussions and in the sermons..

Many are deceived into thinking they love Jesus...

Playing church and listening to religious dope is widespread.

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