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South Lake Tahoe Camp Meeting


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South Lake Tahoe Campmeeting

August 1-6, 2005

Evening Speaker: Greg King

Morning Speaker: Stephen Chavez

Health Seminar - Reversing Diabetes: Don and Rolene Hanson

Evangelism - How to love our children so they won't leave the church: Myrna Tetz

Family (counseling): Doug Ammon

Deadline to reserve RV hookups: May 1

Contact Virginia Rose 916-967-5932 or []tahoecampmeeting@juno.com[/]


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Evangelism - How to love our children so they won't leave the church: Myrna Tetz

This really frustrated me when I was an SDA. It puts the blame for the chlidren's departure on the individual parent or congregation.

My three children and I have all left the SDA church because the SDA is wrong, and not changing, in several areas.

The SDA church

  • is anti-women, denying them the the intellectual and political respect they deserve
  • is anti-other-denominations, the members regularly actively attack the integrity and sincerity and holy-spirit-ledness of members of other denominations
  • is anti-gay, making more press releases and public positions about this than it does about adultery and other major inter-personal issues
  • wastes vasts amounts of money and effort on styles of evangelism that it knows are ineffective
  • has truely hypoocritical standards around entertainment, clothing, and jewelry
  • is actively pro-creation and anti-science at a time when many denominations and congregations have recognized that it is time to start discussing alternatives and not being dogmatic

If it wants to keep the children, it should fix its fundamental problems, not just accuse parents of not loving their children enough.

Love is simply creating glue so that your children will be emotionally torn all their lifes by disliking being members while being unable to leave because of other bonds.

It is a receipe for disaster.


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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

is actively pro-creation and anti-science at a time when many denominations and congregations have recognized that it is time to start discussing alternatives and not being dogmatic

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Im curious about this statement bevin. Do you believe that other forces were at work, aside from creation, in our development as beings? I believe totally that God created us, yet I also believe in science. The belief in creation kinda goes hand in hand with ones belief and faith in God. To say that its time to consider alternatives tells me that your pulling out of the church was probably wise. Its not a argument you would win.

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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"How to Reinvent the Church to Appeal to This Generation" might be a better topic.

I understand where you're coming from, Bevin, but I think we're all attacking the problem from the wrong perspective.

Jesus said, "Other sheep have I, not of this fold." I truly believe having one's name written on the SDA church membership rolls is not a prerequisite to eternal salvation. But on the other hand, when one has learned the wonderful message of grace and salvation which Christ brought to this universe by His life and death on the cross... why would we not want to spend every Sabbath in fellowship and worship ?

If the Sabbath is made a delight, and we come to look forward to being with God that day, much the same as we look forward to a date with a human lover, we will want to "come apart and worship Him."

I'm actually tired of the "lifestyle religion" I grew up with. The lifestyle which concentrated on "don'ts." I thank God that as an adult I've learned so much of the "dos" which really turn me on to His love and graciousness.

And as for teaching this enthusiasm to our kids... well, we have to be just like a good teacher always is -- we let the students "catch" the enthusiasm as it spills over from us. We can never force anybody to do anything! [Even God lost a third of his (perfect, sinless) angels when they chose against Him during the war in heaven.] Each person is endowed with freedom to choose for him/herself. We can only pray, and live, and love our faith and our kids.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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I think that there are some very valid points being made here.

Some has been addressed, but not as fully as it should be, ie women issue

Some issues have been ignored, ie Kinship International, [sDA homosexualaity, if you will]


wastes vasts amounts of money and effort on styles

of evangelism that it knows are ineffective

Believe it or not, this is being addressed but adoption of the most effective evangelical style is difficult for today's SDA due to time constraints....


has truely hypoocritical standards around entertainment, clothing, and jewelry

While there are pockets of resistance, there is a major overhaul in attitudes...


actively pro-creation and anti-science at a time when many denominations and congregations have recognized that it is time to start discussing alternatives and not being dogmatic

While I probably disagree with your stance [we have talked about this before in another forum], I realize that my stance is on as shaky ground due to previous arguements for creation were more flawed than I had understood....and there needs to be more teaching/education in this area and review such that the lay person can talk to and be congnate of various forms of research in support and non-support...


If it wants to keep the children, it should fix its fundamental problems, not just accuse parents of not loving their children enough.

I agree that there is a grave dysfunctionallity in the community. But this is also being addressed as we speak. There is more use of counselors, especially SDA counselors who can give support. Although, I would tend to suspect that we need to see some good non-SDA counselors and learn from them.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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