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Theological Input Requested on SSL


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Pardon me while I interrupt the games..

However..I would appreciate it if some of the religious think tank members would input on the SS lesson thread regarding the Abraham negotiating and theme of the cross connection in the lesson...

I am having trouble with understanding the soteriology presented by the SS author or staff.

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I don't know if I qualify, but I'm willing to give it a go.

After reading the SSL thread, I'm not certain what your question is.

The point in the lesson was about some being spared because of others, not for their own merits.

The Lot/Sodom story is a replay of the Noah/Flood story. The Bible does this sort of thing all the time.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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Thanks for some input.

I am getting closer to why it doesn't make sense..

People are not asking why questions enough and

also people are ignoring God when He says..."Come lest us reason together..."

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The point in the lesson was about some being spared
of others, not for their own merits.

Oooh, I shall have to drop in then ...

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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