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Now just settle down...sheesh!

Some SDA theologians know exactly what is meant by the thread title.

In this week's sabbath school lesson, we are focusing on the kernal of truth regarding the gospel.

The words in the lesson are vague and too general...

Unless one starts' asking more why questions..the usual trite conclusions will be maintained.

Even the lesson acknowledges the debate over the significance of the cross yet beats around the bush.

It uses the word explication but doesn't fulfill on explication....and that is to the detriment of the denomination.

The opinion of others regarding the character of God is involved.

Refer to John 17:3 as a tie to why this point is significant.

A good start would be to see if readers of this post even understand what I mean by the words that I am posting.

If one gets corrupted teaching regarding the correct theme on this week's lesson..then next week's lesson theme is corrupted..

and on we go perpetuating playing church and have the constant cries for reformation and revival...yadi yadi yadi..

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Here..let me raise the stakes..

In politics..some make a big deal about the contrasts between Democrat and Republican..yet many know it is just Socialist party A verses Socialist party B with a few subtle differences..

Is Catholicism, Mainstream Protestantism and Adventism that much different???

When it comes to the gospel??

Pagan soteriology A , B, or C???

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