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Or not to build the Mosque


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Thanks pk. This is an interesting question that could affect SO many people especially those who lost loved ones on 9-11.

We the people of the United States need to decide this issue.

And to clarify ... the issue is not how the un-affected feel. But it is how does it impact the survivors of 9-11. Those who don't care can say "Well it doesn't matter because the building would not be right on Ground Zero". OR .... What about the government imposing it will on where religious buildings can be built.

No folks ... the issue is not about any of those. The issue before us is to seek a compromise and find a way for ALL to be happy. And I have to believe there IS a way.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I don't think we should compromise with Islam. This is a "religion" that stones it's people, and blew up how many of our citizens ??? I cannot for the life of me understand why we think we have to close our eyes to the horrible act their "religion" teaches. I thought we were at war with these people. How many of our soldiers have died in this war with them ?? To honor them with the permission of their building their mosque on the very site where they attacked us is simply unthinkable. Why do we have to try to make the Muslims happy ??

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To honor them with the permission of their building their mosque on the very site where they attacked us is simply unthinkable. Why do we have to try to make the Muslims happy ??

I wasn't aware that we had any legal right to withhold them from building. So, yes ... we do need to try to make them happy with a compromise. What I had in mind was a bribe. I would offer to build it free of charge in the city of their choosing.

Perhaps someone else has another compromise in mind. There has to be one. Think folks think.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I don't think we should compromise with Islam. This is a "religion" that stones it's people, and blew up how many of our citizens ??? I cannot for the life of me understand why we think we have to close our eyes to the horrible act their "religion" teaches. I thought we were at war with these people. How many of our soldiers have died in this war with them ?? To honor them with the permission of their building their mosque on the very site where they attacked us is simply unthinkable. Why do we have to try to make the Muslims happy ??

You seem to be saying that America is at war with Muslims. That is not correct. That means that America is at war with itself because there are just under 2 million Muslims Americans. The UK was at war with the IRA but not at war with Irish Catholics even though all the people who bombed the UK at that time were Irish Catholics. Muslims solders have died fighting Islamic extremists. Muslim Americans have died fighting for America.

The Mosque is NOT on the very site.!!!!! You don't have to make people happy just live by the constitution. They should build it. They have a right to build it. This is another step in America growing up to the place where it will live it's ideas. It's a long painful road but one she needs to travel.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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I don't think we should compromise with Islam. This is a "religion" that stones it's people, and blew up how many of our citizens ??? I cannot for the life of me understand why we think we have to close our eyes to the horrible act their "religion" teaches. I thought we were at war with these people. How many of our soldiers have died in this war with them ?? To honor them with the permission of their building their mosque on the very site where they attacked us is simply unthinkable. Why do we have to try to make the Muslims happy ??


Who are "they" that you are talking about? 9-11 perpetrators are hardly "Muslims" by any definition of Muslim faith. To call terrorist "Muslims" would be like calling Natzis "Christians". It's a slippery slope association that you really don't want to go to. It leads up to all kinds of wrong that will eventually destroy and rip this nation apart.

Let's not forget that there are quite a few Muslims died in both WTC and on the ground. Likewise, there were plenty of Muslims who are fighting in the US military ranks, and that were on the ground that day trying to save people and minimize the damage.

When we indiscriminately reduce a group of people to the actions of the extremists that were carried out in the name of their God, how is it are we better then the terrorist themselves that do exactly that?

Are we so blind that we can't see the difference anymore?

This is not about "making Muslims happy". The Muslims have as much right to be there as Jews, Hindus, Atheists, or Scientologists. This is what America is about and we should never abandon it because of tragedy.

Tragedy is all around us constantly, we should never let fear and vengeance be the driving force behind our society.

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