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What Our Kids Need


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I posted this under an Education thread, but it is an old thread so I thought I would pot it here.

Not long ago I worked one summer for an SDA camp. The kids were adorable and although some were problamatic nothing compared to the Teen camp when they arrived. A great deal of them were bilgerent and had a surly attitude. They seemed to delight in picking on each other, saying insulting things and complaining. These kids came from public schools, christian schools, SDA schools, the whole gamet.

I asked the camp director (a very godly man) if I could do a worship one night on the topic of missions. He granted my request but said something to the effect of "make it short. These kids aren't much into listening." (That was a very true statement. Of course some were dear young people as well but like I said, there were some who were incredibly problemematic.) I prayed much about this and went to work on a mission talk with power point pictures. (I have done quite a bit of mission work through the years etc.)

My topic was "God needs Special Forces". At first the kids were squirming, whispering loudly, or sleeping. However, I challenged them that God is looking for young people like themselves to join his "Special Forces". Specia Forces that will go fearlessly into the battle. I told them many stories of God's miraculous power, how he has used many ordinary people and that there is no "high" like working for God and experiencing Him working through you. The place became deadly quiet. Thirty minutes later the camp director was motioning me to continue if I had more to say. I talked to those kids for about 1 hour. I challenged them with the thought that God had an amazing plan for their lives and a challenging but rewarding job he was calling them to. That no matter their chosen careers, this was the time in earth's history to stand up, to make a difference, to join God's Special Forces etc etc. AT the ened, we turned the lights back up and I was shocked to see some of the kids crying. The others were very sober.

There was one young man in particular who was just incredibly obnoxious, mean spirited and difficult to love. He came up to me with tears in his eyes and asked me (I was shocked! I didn't think he knew how to cry....) "But do you REALLY think God could use me? You have no idea how bad I am, on the inside. I don't want to be the way I am but I have had no hope of doing anything worthwhile. My father drinks a great deal. My Mom is an SDA but I have been pulled the way of my father. But....if God could use me....wow that would be awsome! Would he help me change? Could I really become an influence for good and not bad? If what you say is true, then there is meaning in life and I want that!" Needless to say I was deeply touched. I prayed with this young man and many others that night.

I am not some gifted orator but what our young people want and need is to be challenged for the Lord. They don't need an endless list of rules or the philosophy that "all rules are wrong and just do what is right for you." . The first squelches a relationship with Jesus and the later makes religion nothing more than baby food. Could it be that we have given our young people just enough religion to immune them to a vibrant on fire relationship with Jesus? Could it be that what they need is not more "religion" but an experience with Jesus that says "Wherever you lead me I will go". An experience that shows that the teachings our church hold dear has a direct bearing on their daily lives. That God has an answere to their perplexities. That the Bible is relavant to their life no matter their age? Yes, teach them Bible doctrines, Yes there needs to be rules but more importantly a relationship with Jesus that takes ahold of the soul, that inspires them with God's great love AND direction for their lives.

One thing I think our young people need is to experience God working through them. There is NOTHING compared to seeing God work first hand. I believe that our church needs to be much more active in mission trips, both here and abroad. Give kids the chance to preach, to work with medical teams, to see the poverty that most of the world lives in. They will come back from these trips on fire for Jesus (I know, I have seen it happen on numerous occasions!). They will come back not just knowing in theory that God can do anything but experiencing it for themselves. They will come back grateful for what they have and realize that the poorest of them is "rich" by comparison to many others in this world. They will come back knowing the God can work through their shyness and give them a holy boldness for God. They will come back with a vision. AFter taking them on a foreign mission trip, have them do something radical in the USA for the Lord. The sky is the limit. And don't think that the poorest of students can't afford such a trip. God has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing! Maybe in another post I will tell you a story about a girl that came from a family of 6 kids, blue color parents and no way to afford a trip and how God miraculously financed it! (It is an amazing story!)

College isn't just to find a career, it is for studying what God has called you to be. Live work should be a calling not just a career. That doesn't mean they have to be pastors. God calls people to all kinds of careers where they can influence those around them for God, where they can use their monies earned to help the local church and missions.

What our kids need is a mission in life, adults who show them a passion for loving the things of God, an experience that shows them that God can use them and help them overcome the areas which are hindering their work for God. Young people don't want to be just entertained (there is a place for just relaxing of course). They want and need to be challenged, whether they realize it or not. They need to come in contact with a Christianity that works, that is vibrant, purposful, and meaningful.

Now I will get off my soap box. lol I just feel so strongly about this and yes I think that some of our schools are doing this and that they all could if they were to catch this vision. God is awsome! There is no limit to what he is willing to do. We are living in the last few hours of this earth's history. Lets go for "broke" (Give it all we can.), for the sake of the gospel and our great commission.

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haha I just realized a typo I made....it should read that the girl came from blue collar working parents not blue color! Sorry about that.

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heh - she was a smurf? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Great post, Taylor.

Truth is important

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yes, well I see a number of other mistakes in spelling etc in my post too. haha. I was obviously distracted by the phone ringing etc and didn't keep on it long enough to get it all right. Oh well, hopefully there are too many other "smurfs" and such mistakes in my post. lol

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Thanks for this, Taylor. I always love to hear testimonies

I used to tell my kids that it is the youth of the world that make revolutions, that they have the spunk to do so...

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Here is the story I said I would try to post about kids not being able to afford mission trips (or adults for that matter either.)

There was a trip I went on where I was one of organizers/chaperones etc. There was a young lady who came from a large family and blue collar workers for parents. Money for them could only go to the basic necesities and the only reason this girl was in school was because her church had sponsored her in a great measure to attend an SDA school.

The day before she was to let the group leader know that she would or would not be joining them on the mission trip (i.e. she had to have enough money raised by that date), she only had about $100. She had written to all her family and friends but most were just as "poor" as she was and could help her very little ($2.00 here, $5.00 there, $10.00 when she was lucky.) She was so discouraged and crying as she wanted to go on this trip so badly. I told her "If God wants you to go, you still have time. Mail comes in at noon and you don't have to know till 3 p.m. to let the group leader know. Maybe the rest will come in by then." She looked at me and said "I can't imagine that happening. I have heard from everyone I wrote to except my favorite uncle. Now he isn't rich either but I thought he would at leas send me something. But there is no chance of getting the rest of the money I need unless God works a miracle." She needed about $700 total if I remember correctly. We prayed about her situation.

The next day I was so busy that I hadn't noticed the racing of the clock. Oh, I had prayed for her that morning but then forgotten about it. As I walked accrossed campus I heard someone screaming my name. I turned around and this girl is racing down the side walk towards me crying, laughing, and talking so fast I had no idea what she was saying. She shoved a letter into my hand and just kept saying "read read read!!!!" I read it and then I was just as amazed and emotional as she was (well almost. lol). Her letter, to her favorite uncle had gone to another address, in another state, to someone by the same name (now if that isn't a God thing what is?). This man had never heard of this school or this young lady nor was he an Adventist. However, when he read her enthusiastic letter about how she was wanting to spend her spring break building a church, helping to run a kid's VBS program etc he was impressed. He said "I am not as religious as I should be and your letter inspired me. I want you to have this opportunity and I am sure you will be a huge blessing to the ones you meet on this trip. So I am enclosing a check for the full amount you need. Just drop me a letter when you get back and tell me how it went." Is God awsome or what?!!

God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we could ever ask or think, according to his riches........ God has No limits. If he calls, he will provide.

PS: Oh and get this, her best friend was short, just the amount of money that this girl had already received. God is the same God today as he was when he walked the dusty roads of our planet.

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