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Lots of stuff to pray for


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Well first off I need prayers for my friend Perry. He is in the hospital recovering from surgery, they installed a defibrillator on his heart, the guy has been having medical problems since he was born, I am surprised he made it to 39, he is always in and out of the hospital. What initially sent him to the hospital this time was a ruptured colon. He had pains and decided to go to the hospital to get it checked out then they rushed him into surgery right then and there and fixed it. he is recovering right now in a convalescent home, I hope he can get out in a few weeks.

Secondly I need faith that i will find someone to love. it is embarrassing for me because I am nearly 35 and haven't been in any sort of relationship with anyone. I have been waiting but not patiently and I am seeing it as a sign that I need to go out and make more of an effort. I have been visiting another church that has their services in the evening and have made several friends there so I guess that is a start.

I am actually interested in a girl I know casually from my home church, and I need some prayers on that because there are things I need to deal with. She approached me onetime and I think I came across as not being friendly, but it was mostly because she never even speaks to me ever I was shocked. That was a few months ago but I have suddenly had an interest in her a few days ago. Some people at the church talk about her behind her back and I don;t think that's fair because I can see her character and I like it.

My brother and I finally moved in with my aunt, we left the bad part of Los Angeles. Now we will live in a house and pay less rent, but she wants us to put away $200 in an account but she says she doesn't want our name on the account so she can make sure we will save. We both have a problem with that because we figure if she dies or gets incapacitated even if her family knows that the money is for us there is nothing legally we can do if they change their mind.

We had an incident where we were about to move in and my aunt was in the hospital recovering and she wasn't doing good and the brother stepped in and told us not to move in because things changed even though she promised us that we could move in. She was running out of money and they were prepared to sell the house to pay for her medical bills and put her in an assisted living home. So :<img src='http://clubadventist.com/forums/uploads/default_wee.gif' alt='wee'>: need to bring this all up, also we don't have anything in writing about us living in the house. Anything could happen, even though we are sure it won't but if we have to leave we are in trouble if we want to go out on our own, I am not done with school yet and can't afford decent housing.

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You certainly have quite a load. Difinitely praying for your friend. You didn't ask for advice, but I can't help it. Do NOT put your money into an account that doesn't have your name on it. If your aunt wants to make sure that you are in fact saving money, then show her your savings account statement every month. You are right in thinking that her family will take it from you, should something happen to the aunt; since they already tried with the house.

When will you be done with school? I take it then some of your financial problems will be over?

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

Please, support the JDRF and help find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Please, support the March of Dimes.

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Lots on your mind, for sure! Will lift you up before God who cares for His children. Jesus gave us those promises about the birds and the lilies of the field and He said, "How much greater worth are you than many sparrows?"

I pray also that your way might be made clear, whatever that is supposed to be.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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