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Possible Futures for Religion in Western SocietyPosted August 29th, 2010 by Monte Sahlin

One way of thinking about the future is to use a simple set of facts to create a matrix for defining alternative futures. For example, take the attitudes of the general public toward organized religion and the interest (or lack thereof) in spirituality. These two dimensions create the possibility of four different futures:

1. An increasingly positive attitude toward organized religion combined with more interest in things spiritual would result in a future in which traditional religion prospers, conventional churches grow and aggressive, visible evangelism is appropriate.

2. An increasingly negative attitude toward organized religion combined with more interest in spiritual things would result in a future in which traditional religion declines, conventional churches die and an invisible, informal quiet evangelism is necessary.

3. An increasingly positive attitude toward organized religion together with less interest in spirituality would result in a future in which traditional religion and conventional churches prosper, but lack spiritual depth and meaning. (Maybe "lukewarm" is a good description of this possible future.)

4. An increasingly negative attitude toward organized religion together with less interest in the spiritual aspects of life would result in a future in which religion has less and less opportunity to survive.

Which of these futures is most likely given current trends? Most observers agree that there is an increasingly negative attitude toward organized religion at the same time that there is a growing interest in personal spiritual life. Is that likely to change in future years? Or, are these well-entrenched trends?

This kind of analysis is very important to anyone who cares about the mission of Christ in today's world. Unless you are content to see the church simply drift along, you need to think through this exercise and discuss it with the other members of your congregation: What does this mean for us? How should we relate to these trends?

I'm leaning towards #2 and interested to see if this matrix is applicable to the third world church?


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I agree with you about #2 Alex. We take this forum as an example. My feeling is that we have it to good in this country. But I believe that can be said about europe also. But when you look at those countries where religion is/or has been denigned(sp) for many years it seems to be valued more.


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Have to say at this point 4 seems more plausible: I'd need to see the evidence for this increase in spiritual interest, because it's not what I'm observing.

I'm talking about the developed world there - the impetus is different elsewhere.

Will expand on reasons a bit when I get home and have a proper keyboard.

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Right, back with a full keyboard!

First, I should note that I foresee Future 4 without glee. While I have my own issues with organised religion, an entirely irreligious society would be poorer for it. I have a particular affection for Adventist Christianity and continue to believe it has the potential to change the world for the better.

In any discussion of this kind it's hard not to take our hobbyhorses out for a ride... I'll try not to, but will look forward to other views and ideas.

As I said above, I'm not seeing the claimed increase in spiritual interest. Perhaps there's a blip from the 'Eat, Pray, Love' book and film, and from the 'The Secret' nonsense Oprah was peddling a while ago, but in general the trends I see are toward on the one hand increased consumerism, hedonism and a 'reality TV' view of life, alternatively a 'hardening of the attitudes' into either atheism or very conservative evangelical Christianity.

I think one factor that needs to be taken into account is the very strong sociological finding, across multiple studies, that people whose daily lives are secure, with access to the necessities of life, take up religion less often and discard it more often than those with very insecure lives. The wealthy countries of Western Europe are particularly secure and particularly irreligious, whereas the most rapid growth in religious faith is in the developing world and in insecure places like Russia. The Bible recognises this as well and talks about the self-sufficiency of the wealthy. Short of making people's lives less secure, there may be a need for an adaptation of faith if it's to survive in the developed world.

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While this matrix is fair in it's application to most of western society, the attitudes of western society are varied as the region in which it abides....

Having been in Oz, and talking to a few people there, perhaps #4 is a good pridictor....

Western US is totally different than eastern and southern states...hence a different outcome should prevail in each of those areas....

for the West, I predict #3 to be of order...

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I didn't want to get into this, but it seems as though the reason the US is an anomaly in the developed world in its level of religiosity is related to that sociological finding and the fact that it is also an anomaly in the developed world in the low level of physical and material security it offers to it's citizens. And the geographic patterns on those measures within the large and very diverse nation closely follow the differences I'm religiosity Neil described.

Make of that what you will.

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4. An increasingly negative attitude toward organized religion together with less interest in the spiritual aspects of life would result in a future in which religion has less and less opportunity to survive.

Welcome to the New World Order...

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