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Where can you run? Where can you hide?


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There are so many desasters happening these days where people must evacuate and change their lives, leaving all behind. The record of deaths are being covered to deceive.

There are no warnings, no help, and no love.

Devastation has been a common word used in today's news, but not all have witnessed it on the streets. We believe the police, government, or church will be there when all our efforts fail us. We don't mind the devil destroying others.

When one is in pain and crying uncontrollably maybe some passer-by will say something to cheer them up. But what about the masses? who will help them? Who will help you? We are prepared to die in a major desaster in every city in america. There is no, I repeat, No where to go, no where to hide, NO WAY OUT.

Anyone knows the answer to this riddle?

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The coming of Christ in the clouds is the answer!

I have thought much about it, too... What happens when the disasters happen in such rapid succession that the hospitals, governments, relief agencies, etc can't keep up? The victims will be left on their own to cope.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Los Angeles, CA has over 9,000,000 population count. The surrounding cities may add 3,000,000+ people to that count. Can you imagine the desperate dash for water? gas? food? It will definately be chaotic, and a sad sight for the world. Violence will be the focus for the government. We all will be left to fend for ourselves. Who will still turn the other cheek when their children can't eat or drink?

Who can bear such great tribulation? I tell you that some are already doing it. Which brings the question. Who are blessed?

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God will take care of His own. Those that die in Christ will rise again. Daniel 12:1 says there will be a time of trouble like never seen before.

I was just watching a video on CNN about the random violence in Juarez. This reporter says he saw at least ten bodies a day there. People here on the other side of the border think that everything, the violence, will stay over there, and that everything will be la de da here. I don't think so.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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The way things are going now you can be sure things won't be la de da. No one is prepared or care to be prepared for desasters. Our leaders are such sluggards. The people need Jesus. They are blind, lame, dead, and need to be awaken. They have no idea what to do. They don't want to lose their license or jobs. Money seems to rule all. The culture tells them what to like and dislike, but they lack holy reasoning. They don't reflect good as a goal.

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...if any further evidence were needed for cardw's contentions about the role of fear in Christianity...

Truth is important

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As soon as I see Cardw's name I switch to another topic, or another website, or I turn the pc off.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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No one is prepared or care to be prepared for desasters

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Desaster on the scale of Katrina. There is no plan. What if the city is partially destroyed? A few buckets of water can't get you out the chaos. What we all need is to have something that is great enough to bring supplies from other states or countries that cannot be stopped by FEMA. If you can't satisfy a large amount of people in such a large city, all plans are futal.

The Christ way is not only feed one or two, but the multitude. Christ brought all people together in a spirit of love. Where is that today? Where are the Churches before the desasters? Instead of building new buildings they need to be prepared for the people. I see much money being wasted on travel and entertainment. May God have mercy on us all.

We just pay our taxes and give our money to the crooks and think all is ok. The insurance companies will abandon everyone. No one will hold them accountable for about 50 years. That is the U.S.A. way. It is important to speak against an evil government.

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Desaster on the scale of Katrina. There is no plan. What if the city is partially destroyed? A few buckets of water can't get you out the chaos. What we all need is to have something that is great enough to bring supplies from other states or countries that cannot be stopped by FEMA. If you can't satisfy a large amount of people in such a large city, all plans are futal.

Really,no plan?In 1965 our area was hit by a F5 tornado.Damage was horrendous.Went for miles and miles. Within 12 hours all the surrounding small towns had a plan in place and were running with it.This year a similar situation hit about a 100 miles west of us.Those in charge finally had to turn away volunteers and donations as they were overwhelmed.You may think their plans and work was futile but those of us left without anything saw it in a much different way.

The Christ way is not only feed one or two, but the multitude. Christ brought all people together in a spirit of love. Where is that today? Where are the Churches before the desasters? Instead of building new buildings they need to be prepared for the people. I see much money being wasted on travel and entertainment. May God have mercy on us all.

The entire area and that numbered 100's of people were fed 3 meals a day for 10 days.It was not 1 or 2.Chruches around here are pretty responsive to needs around them,whether large or small.I am not sure you were elected judge to determine how others spend their money.I don't recall anything biblical that cautions me not to travel or have good clean entertainment.What was Jesus doing at that wedding feast.He certainly could have fed more than 1 or 2 with the food consumed there,or he could have been out preaching gloom and doom

We just pay our taxes and give our money to the crooks and think all is ok.

Who is "we".It might be best to speak for yourself as you have no idea what others might do with their money or time.

The insurance companies will abandon everyone. No one will hold them accountable for about 50 years. That is the U.S.A. way. It is important to speak against an evil government.

What on earth do you mean the insurance companies will abandon us.They are not charged with taking care of me,are they? Prior to the coming of Christ we will be abdandoned by everyone.

Other than that the insurance company owes me just what our agreement was.Specified medical coverage for as long as I paid.

There are a lot of scounderals in government but also decent people trying to do their job. There are a lot of rotten people in this country but also a lot of good people.Sorry if you have not met any of them

It must be a dreary life for some

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Those in charge finally had to turn away volunteers and donations as they were overwhelmed.

Which city? What year? Times have changed sinse then. Katrina floods and Gulf oil spill are example of missing equipment, volenteers, and desaster readiness. Recent desasters have proven an incapability to help the desperate. I don't take babies dying lightly. Those seem to be the first to die.

...100's of people were fed 3 meals a day for 10 days.It was not 1 or 2.Chruches around here are pretty responsive...

That is how it was supposed to be. What happened after Katrina hit? These things you bring up had no voice...and all the people died and screamed for weeks. Guess what? They are still screaming. Where is the justice?

He certainly could have fed more than 1 or 2 with the food consumed there,or he could have been out preaching gloom and doom.What was Jesus doing at that wedding feast?

Nicely said out of context. Do you know what Christ was doing most of his time here? Bearing sin! I don't think it was a big ole party. He was teaching hebrews how to do good always. He spoke against the wicked people who thought they had no need to work.

Who is "we".It might be best to speak for yourself as you have no idea what others might do with their money or time

I think I speak of the majority who are trying to do the right thing by paying taxes.

What on earth do you mean the insurance companies will abandon us.

Have you heard about what insurance companies were doing after the Katrina flood? People who had flood insurance were not paid. Those insurance companies were national. Yes, the ones you see out here. They are responsible to care for their customers.

There are a lot of scounderals in government but also decent people trying to do their job

Really? Are you joking? Haven't you paid attention to the sayings about gov. and lawyers? They called them scum for a reason. Now it is worse. Look at the Market and Foreclosure. Yes, gov. is responsible.

good people.Sorry if you have not met any of them

It must be a dreary life for some

No one is good but God. Many people don't read or comprehend the Bible, they live in sin and believe the preachers who tell them their sins are forgiven them when they don't even repent. If Jesus was here he would be going for tables at the churches.

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Which city? What year?

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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God will take care of His own. Those that die in Christ will rise again. Daniel 12:1 says there will be a time of trouble like never seen before.

Daniel 12:1 also says that Michael stands up. While it doesn't say so I believe that He stands up for us like a Big Brother against the satanic bully. I think He is saying "Enough! It's time to go get My people." That is my favorite verse in Scripture and it gives me tremendous hope and courage because I have little within myself.

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Agree--why would anyone who wanted to testify to the words of Jesus want to run and hide? Sure, that is what Elijah did, but the Holy People during the time of trouble will be the ones who testify to the truth, bringing the gospel of (about) the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 24:14) to the whole wicked world in order to give up their lives to save the un-numbered multitude found in Rev. 7:9-16.

I believe we have been sold a bill of false goods from those who say we should find a place to hide and be safe during the time of trouble. Shoot, that is the time to make thier voices be heard all over the world because people will be hungry for the real truth! Sure, the world will hate them, and so will their old friends and family members who will be among the 5 foolish virgins--but since they are true bond servants for Jesus and the bride, they must do what the Master wants them to do. And that to help get the bride ready for the wedding.

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Wadena,Mn Summer of 2010

Saw it. Yes, it was a desaster. I didn't see masses crying on the streets, but I'll accept it as a desaster area. Matthew 5:4

I rather doubt much has changed since this summer

Maybe it's just a racial thing. I saw no minorities there. Matthew 7:24-27 For all the no more racism sayers. Repent!

Most don't take babies dying lightly. The Katrina floods are a classic example of people not helping themselves at the first warnings

Matthew 5:20 People need to do real research on what happened. The news misled the public. People need to stop BEARING false witness! Bear-to carry; false witness-lie = to carry a lie

..."victims" that took the debit cards that were supposed to go for emergency care for families and by designer purses,TV's etc.Just a quick look shows a little bit different story. It is always best to read the fine print instead of blaming someone else for not knowing what it says...

Are you saying that these people didn't lose everything and are criminals? You are walking a fine line. Did you see the countless people out there? Those are whom I speak. People lost whole families out there. Show some humanity! To the believers of the type of church that don't see compassion for the poor and afflicted the Lord say, Revelation 3:16

best to read the fine print

I know a lot of snakes will be happy to hear that. For the poor and unfortunate that try hard only to get deceived by these tricks of crafty businesses, it is frightening to hear. I reject this practice of trickery. For those people there is clear print in the bible. Proverbs 12:6

Not out of context at all. I don't think Christ objected to or found sinful clean entertainment.

I'm saying be prepared to ones who I know are unprepared. Show diligence in these areas, because it is good for your souls. Luke 12:16-21 I speak against this spirit.

Yoou don't have a clue as to those that pay their taxes and continue over and above that to help the poor.

If it is so, so be it. It is a good thing. Are these (tax)monies going to help the poor? For all that think they are good. Mark 10:17-30

Sorry,the foreclousures are a result of people buying homes they could not afford and then remortgaging them sometimes two,three times.

This is called preditor lending. Proverbs 12:6

Didn't say anyone was as good as God.

I know what you wrote and I know what I wrote. ...good BUT God

There are good people on this earth.

For the many that don't read their bibles,that is the first remedy for them.I think it says >>>Study to show thyself approved.Not blame the other guy because you were not interested enough to educate yourself.

Studying thyself is good, but this is an actual scripture that make sense in this context. Luke 14:7-11

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God's people will be proclaiming the Three Angels' Messages until the time of probation closes. Probation closes just before the falling of the 7 Last Plagues. There's no use in preaching after that because everyone will have made up their minds by that time. But the Loud Cry under the power of the Holy Spirit will be given until the close of human probation, which occurs just a short time before the plagues fall on those who have received the mark of the beast.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Remnant wrote: "Sorry,the foreclousures are a result of people buying homes they could not afford and then remortgaging them sometimes two,three times."

While that may be partially true, the real truth of the matter is a control issue for the ONE WORLD ORDER. They took the note, duplicated it (counterfeited it) many times (it is easier to counterfeit a note than it is a $20 note) and used these to back securities paid for by unknown people who had them paid off by insurance when they went into default. They hid their fraud by using MERS. All of this was intended and it is much worse than the media will ever tell. EVen the government is involved as this is how they fund the black opps projects. Almost every judge is paid off by them is my guess and that is why they get by with what they do.

But read Habakkuk 2:1-9 to get a glimps of what is going on with a few of 'us' right now.

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Remnant wrote: "Sorry,the foreclousures are a result of people buying homes they could not afford and then remortgaging them sometimes two,three times."

This was someone else's quote I replied to. I'm just figuring out how to use that feature. Please excuse me.

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Saw it. Yes, it was a desaster. I didn't see masses crying on the streets, but I'll accept it as a desaster area. Matthew 5:4

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I am quite sure there are those that will make this a "racial thing".I suppose it might be possible you din't see any minorities.

John 4:22

Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.


Although you are a gentile let these scriptures talk to you.

Luke 11:47-51 “Woe to you! For you build the tombs of the prophets, and it was your fathers who killed them. 48 So you are witnesses and approve the deeds of your fathers; because it was they who killed them, and you build their tombs.

Do you fear this judgement?

The slaves were God's chosen people. Be careful how you speak on their murders.

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Where can you run? Where can you hide?

I have a tent and a sleeping bag. I can forage off the wild plants in the forest. Not worried about it. I'd like to have a dog with me, though.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Los Angeles, CA has over 9,000,000 population count. The surrounding cities may add 3,000,000+ people to that count. Can you imagine the desperate dash for water? gas? food? It will definately be chaotic, and a sad sight for the world. Violence will be the focus for the government. We all will be left to fend for ourselves. Who will still turn the other cheek when their children can't eat or drink?

Who can bear such great tribulation? I tell you that some are already doing it. Which brings the question. Who are blessed?

"Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. 11 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death.’" Rev 2:10-11 ESV

I know it is not a popular message, but to those who are able:

"Out of the cities; out of the cities!''--this is the message the Lord has been giving me. The earthquakes will come; the floods will come; and we are not to establish ourselves in the wicked cities, where the enemy is served in every way, and where God is so often forgotten" CL p.32

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I know it is not a popular message, but to those who are able:

"Out of the cities; out of the cities!''--this is the message the Lord has been giving me. The earthquakes will come; the floods will come; and we are not to establish ourselves in the wicked cities, where the enemy is served in every way, and where God is so often forgotten" CL p.32

Hi Gerry,

That message is unpopular and quickly dismissed by Adventists who won't believe Ellen White's warnings, attributing them to human origin.

Unfortunately many make light of these prophecies when they could instead be expositors of Bible truth.

Soon the trade unions will rise up and then comes real violence. Guns, money, paycheques and insurance will be shown in their true light.

Those who have lived through major urban disasters in the West know that support services from outside are required to stabilize & cope. Katrina and more recently Haiti illustrate what happens when outside regions can't/won't help.

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I have a tent and a sleeping bag. I can forage off the wild plants in the forest. Not worried about it. I'd like to have a dog with me, though.

I want there to be a better way. I think there is a lot of power in the churches to prepare the citizens.

It is a must that churches should bare the burden of caring for society, not the government who is clearly saying that they can only do so much. No one wants fascism.

Society is saying that government should not take over where the people should have enough sense to help itself.

We can't rely on corporation. That's a no-brainer!

So the only one's left are the churches. They must join together and plan some type of communication system that isn't easily broken.

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