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Southern Sudan is voting today if they will become a new nation. It very well may be the poorest nation.

While Dufar has been getting so much media attention, the really tragedy has been Southern Sudan. It has been reported that Millions men and boys have been executed at the hands of Gov't troops over the years. The word genocide has been used often in the same sentence as Southern Sudan.

The summary is this, Muslims killing black african Christians.

Was told about 1 year ago that we no long have any Pastors there.

Here is a link to the Washington Post


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Stan, this morning's Yahoo news is carrying a story about Somali Muslim's who are threatening to punish those men and women who shake hands in public, and other evil practices like women who ride alone in public.I heard Friday that the No. Sudanese have already announced that if the South votes to create an independant state that the No. will declare itself under Sharia law,an official Islamic state.

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Hi Stan,

I do wish the 'Save Sudan' campaign was about humanitarian aid or even genocide prevention. But when one sees the Pentagon, Evangelicals & Hollywood joining hands in a multi-year campaign, the real goal is not 'democracy', but regime change. It happens wherever we find energy resources (oil, gas, uranium) combined with poverty or unstable government. And it happens all the time.

Where there is oil, there is blood.

The U.S. Role in Darfur, Sudan: Oil reserves rivaling those of Saudi Arabia?


Energy War: NATO meddling in Sudan to block China


Interview with General Wesley Clark:

"We're going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran.."


'Muslims killing Christians' makes for good P.R. but I'd rephrase your summary: Rich people killing weaker people, or where possible, fomenting civil war, so the poor people kill each other.

If separation occurs for southern Sudan, it may well become another Pentagon/Halliburton protectorate. The locals will not matter, live or die.

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The problems I spoke about have little to do with Darfur, there has been millions of killings in Southern Sudan long before Darfur had media attention.

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Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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Thanks Stan. I'm sure sectarian violence has long existed in the south, but I'm afraid the proposed solutions will not quell the killing or suffering. Real change requires laying the axe at the root of the tree; honestly examining cause, admitting mistakes, taking responsibility, making reparation. It's unlikely to happen for any African former colony.

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