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The People of egypt wants freedom from the 30 years oppresive rule of mubarak. Devolpment of their country..so young people can get jobs. Freedom to practice religion with out any Government intervation (yes it is true muslim are restricted to practice islam). To stop abusive kidnaping of civilians and torture for speaking against the government. They want right to vote for men and women. Stop goverment to create problems between muslim and christian communities. They want America to stop backing mubrak so that they have pupet country in middleast on the expense of human rights. If you see all the demostrator are young people both muslims and christians who have suffered in the hands of government for very long time. I pray to Allah they get a better government who is fair to the people of egypt

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The People of egypt wants freedom from the 30 years oppresive rule... (yes it is true muslim are restricted to practice islam).

This is why Egypt or any Muslim nation cannot be a truthful democracy. If they are Muslim, people don't have any freedom to change religion. Such lack of freedom can only be enforced by someone who has civilian government support. The real problem is that there are many gray areas of what constitute secular or religious. Therefore, those enforcing religious purity will also enforce many aspects of a secular civilian life; such enforcement will be with the dual purpose of bringing religious and government stability. Nonetheless, since the Bible teaches that we "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23), those enforcing religious and government stability will do it in order to bring in some kind of monopoly on power and other good things that could be obtained through power at the expense of those who have less political power.

Those who see themselves at the short end of the stick (since they cannot change their Islamic religion), are forced to emigrate to another nation where the government would be less intrusive in their lives and find better economic opportunities. Those who cannot emigrate in order to acquire better economic opportunities, are likely to develop bitter feelings toward the government and become recruited into an Islamic terrorist movement. This is how a very wealthy Saudi named Osama Bin Laden who disagreed with his government, regarding how to deal with the West, recruited disgruntled Egyptian and Saudi Muslims in order to inflict terror on those "infidels" of the West.


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  • 3 weeks later...

>>The People of egypt wants freedom from the 30 years oppresive rule of mubarak.<<

Freedom (in its larger sense) would be awfully nice – should that happen. However, in their thousands of years history – have the Egyptians ever had a government that was not Oligarchic in one form or another?—I don’t think so. That stated,

the mention of Mubarak recalls to mind that he was a rather benign ruler, yes?—at least, comparatively speaking – given the increase of atrocities against Xtians in that country since the demonstrations began... Further, look at what is thought hopefully to be

the emergence of an improved government in Egypt – its naissance hardly inspires… (read my proffer of a lady journalist being gang-raped midst some 200 onlookers chanting, “Jew, Jew, Jew!”

Does one seriously think there will be enlightenment rising over the Nile – soon?

One can only hope – however slightl its justification.

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Will put my desire to travel to Egypt on hold - until such time as they've softened their views vis-à-vis those of the West - and they've begun to dig up the evidences of a once and Great civilization, which I suspect is hidden beneath the sands...

There are many more fantastic places to visit without having to endure the evil eye.

Hopefully, I will be proven wrong - about the hospitality of the peoples of Egypt - re the touring Westerner.

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Will put my desire to travel to Egypt on hold - until such time as they've softened their views vis-à-vis those of the West - and they've begun to dig up the evidences of a once and Great civilization, which I suspect is hidden beneath the sands...

There are many more fantastic places to visit without having to endure the evil eye.

Hopefully, I will be proven wrong - about the hospitality of the peoples of Egypt - re the touring Westerner.

We will know more about that in a little while.

His child Henry 

Bible student/Author https://www.loudcry101.com

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