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Events in Egypt and a dreadful threat to the advance of Jesus' gospel

Felix Florimon

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Washington DC

February 14, 2011

Dear US Government Official:

Re: A dreadful psychological link between what is taking place in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and a horrible event on January 8, 2011 at Tucson, Arizona. How Egypt could turn out to be the next place in this culture of violence. How this is a dreadful threat to the advance of Jesus' gospel and to the physical lives of pacifists who are secular non believers. Our two worst enemies: The spiritual sleepiness of Jesus' followers and the spiritual blindness of the United States Congress, the White House and the judicial government within the United States of America.

This letter is a reaction to how American government officials (whose primary mission should be domestic tranquility and prosperity in their homeland and throughout the world) have been reacting to the "peaceful" and forceful removal from power of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. This letter is also written in order to ponder about a real paradox: While the US government speaks very tenaciously against state sponsored oppression against its own citizens in other nations, it says almost nothing against those who seek easy accessibility of weapons that may be used to easily kill fellow citizens or against those who seek political power in order to use their beliefs as a means to oppress or discriminate against those who whish to promote a biblically grounded faith in Jesus Christ.

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Since the revolution in Iran, the United States of America has become an influence that it is just the opposite of the values it tries to defend through "lips service". The reason behind such kind of influence is based on the fact that the political leaders within the US don't really keep in mind that peace or war is based on how we, "the people," are trained to react and think. For instance, peaceful changes in government is always a good possibility; however, it would be impossible to have a bloody revolution or human individuals killing fellow humans in any part of the world where most people could be guided to desire and know about the "fruit of the Spirit" according to the Apostle Paul in Galatians 5: 22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control." People should also be guided to get rid of "the deeds of the flesh ...hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like" 16 "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh." However, if anyone in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan or Egypt would dare to tell any Muslim that those words of the Apostle Paul are much closer to the will of God than the hatred that Muslims are taught to have against Jews in Israel or against those who leave the Muslim faith in any Muslim nation, such person could be easily lynched by a mob or could be handed to the established authorities for a very severe physical punishment. This is specially truthful if such person says that the Apostle Paul's teachings are more important to please God than whatever prophet Muhammad said. Regretfully, politics is many times a game played by people mostly interested in grabbing and keeping power in order to enact laws on how "we the people" should behave. However, there is very little interest in having people to express or modify their truthful way of thinking. This is specially truthful when people that advocate easy accessibility of physical means designed to kill fellow humans or the political authority to do so are encouraged to enter into the "political process." The next step taken is to develop a culture of violence in which an individual who perceives to be slighted (even if such perception is wrong) gets easily armed and uses the element of surprise to kill his victim and anyone close to such person in order destroy any witness who could testify to other people against him and/or to prevent any possible resistance. Even though the victim could also possess a firearm and could be good using such weapon, the victim gets killed not because a lack of a firearm and the knowledge on how to use it but because the attack comes when it is not expected or the mind of the victim is busy on a given task that has nothing to do with self-defense.

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This is how Jared Lee Loughner (born September 10, 1988) an American citizen by birth on January 8, 2011 at Tucson, Arizona was able to use a weapon designed to be used in a war zone and began a shooting that killed six people, including Chief U.S. District Court Judge John Roll, and left 14 others injured, including U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords. We need to remind ourselves that both Judge John Roll and U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords were gun owners and most likely were trained in the use of guns. However, even well trained professional soldiers with powerful firearms could be easily killed by an enemy with a much less powerful weapon through the element of surprise.

Regretfully, the laws written by elected officials in the American democracy do not take into account if an individual has an irrational way of thinking and may later or turn to violent behavior. As long as such individual is a "law abiding citizen" such individual has a "constitutional right to buy and own a weapon" regardless of how many people could be killed in less than ten minutes with such weapon and regardless of the fact that the person doing such killing may turn the weapon against himself. Only if the weapon owner is lucky enough to get out alive of such ordeal is when such "constitutional right" can be legally be revoked.

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The way of thinking that has been used by American lawmakers which made possible the kind of horrific disaster mentioned above is very similar to a way of thinking that has enabled very horrendous consequences in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Lebanon. This is the same formula which will enable a disastrous future for Egypt. This is the same kind of thinking that American lawmakers wish to establish in Egypt when dealing with the popular uprising against the government of such nation. American lawmakers are encouraging the Egyptian government to bring into the "democratic political process" even those who advocate violence against Jews in Israel and those who advocate discrimination and violence against religious minorities in Egypt. The real issue is not what people have done or have not done. The real issue is how key players in this very serious problem think and what they really believe.

American lawmakers should never forget the Beirut barracks bombing (October 23, 1983 in Beirut, Lebanon) when two truck bombs struck separate buildings housing United States and French military forces, members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon, killing 241 American and 58 French servicemen. The organization Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the bombing, but that organization is thought to have been a nom de guerre for Hezbollah—or a group that would later become part of Hezbollah —receiving help from the Islamic Republic of Iran. This killing of American and French personnel was facilitated by people who were being courted into the "political process" of bringing a "democratic peaceful government" to Lebanon. It is quite truthful that our Lord Jesus Christ left an explicit instruction to his followers of turning the other cheek (Matthew 5:39) but this does not mean that we shouldn't do anything to change how people think or behave. The assistance that the nation of Iran wishes to give to those hating Jews and Americans is a way of thanking the United States of America for its role of accelerating the fall of the despotic and authoritarian regime of the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi on February 1979. This was a man who was on his way to die of cancer 17 months later.

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Thinking about 9/11, and the number 11, if the sources I read from are not wrong, I find it very eerie that Mohammad Reza Pahlavi died in Cairo on July 27th 1980 from lymphoma. He was 60 years, 9 months and 11 days old when he died; I also find it very eerie that Jared Lee Loughner (born September 10, 1988) on November, the 11th month of the previous year, felt an inclination to buy and that he bought a deadly weapon enabling him on the first month of 2011 at the age of 22, (2 x 11) to begin a killing spree that killed a girl born on 9-11-2001 (the killer and the victim missed having the same birthday by one day) five other people including a Chief U.S. District Court and left 14 others injured, including U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Also at the 11th day of the second month of 2011, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak at the age of 83 (8 + 3 = 11) resigns from power opening the way for those who think that it is a religious duty and honor to hate or even kill Jews, American, and Muslims who dare to change their religion. Now these religious zealots feel quite hungry to acquire political power in Egypt in order to advance even more their agenda of hate to anything that they imagine to be against the further advancement of their own particular religious views.

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Regardless of the fact that secularists like to accuse as a group of irrational and superstitious people those of us who believe in the ability of God to protect us, I really feel that before we do anything, all of us, including the President of the United States and every American lawmaker, we should dedicate few minutes to ask God through meditation and prayer to guide us so His Holy Spirit helps us to always make the right and safest choices instead of leaving those choices to the wishes advocated by highly vocal and aggressive activists that have nothing to do with real prosperity and domestic safety. I honestly feel that if we have to chose between what is the wish and the aspirations of highly vocal and aggressive activists that has nothing to do with real prosperity and domestic tranquility versus what the God of the Lord Jesus and the God of the Apostle Paul teaches regarding a given issue, we should always try to be on God's side. At the end, this will enable us "the people" to become real winners and we will be able to conquer a more prosperous, safer and better future for ourselves and for future generations to come.

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However, we need to always be aware that there is a very serious clash of values between the kingdom of God and political power on this earth. This clash of values is responsible for executing a death sentence against the ability of politicians throughout the entire world to bring peace and real happiness to people on earth. Politicians could take pride of financial prosperity and technological advance in this nation. However, they are dead wrong on their ability to eradicate human violence and they are unable to eradicate the suffering inflicted by humans against fellow humans. Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” Matthew 11:29-30 (NIV). While Jesus teaches us to be guided by a spirit of humility, politicians are very good in appealing to the aspirations and pride of the people in order to gain and keep political control. For instance, in the case of firearms, people wish to feel the pride of letting others know that they have the ability to defend themselves with guns. However, since humility is not part of the American political process, people running for public office feel that their political life would be in danger if they try make their constituency to take a common sense humble approach to the guns control issue: This is that if you have an enemy motivated to kill you, such enemy will patiently wait to kill you when you least expect it and when you are least able to offer any significant resistance. Now if the government makes it easier for people to legally acquire guns this will increase the number of people being killed by guns when they are least likely to defend themselves. This is the same formula used by terrorists in the Middle East and this is how we have been getting many body bags of individuals who were highly trained professional American soldiers serving their nation in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is how Mr. Loughner at Tucson, Arizona was able kill six people including Chief U.S. District Court Judge John Roll.

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We (those who feel that the teachings of the Apostle Paul in the Epistle to the Galatians 5:16-23 is word of God regarding how we should shape our thinking, actions and behavior) look with horror and dismay how American lawmakers disregard our need to work in order to get such kind of thinking replicated in the lives of millions of individuals living in the United States and all over the world including Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Personally, I have a very hard time understanding how Iran takes out of their political process those whose way of thinking could be considered a threat to their religious revolution while the United States of America is more than willing to extend its hands in order to bring to the "political" and "democratic process" those hating democracy, as we know it in the USA, even those who don't feel any kind of remorse when they say that they hate Jews, Christians who see Jesus as the savior of the human race and that they also hate America.

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My question to American officials shaping the future of the USA, why are we having people in charge of foreign policy in the USA feeling that Egypt will enjoy a much peaceful and better future by encouraging their government leaders to bring into the political process those who think that it is their sacred duty to hate Jews in Israel and to hate and discriminate against religious minorities in Egypt after the "peaceful" and forceful departure of an ailing 83 years old Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak instead of emphasizing on how key players feel and believe and what vision they have for a more prosperous and safer Egypt since this is the only way that terrorism will not keep its foothold either in the Middle East or within the United States of America?


cc: Each member of the US House of Representatives, US Senate, President Barack H. Obama, Vice-President Joseph R. Biden, and to the members of the United States Supreme Court of Justice: Chief Justice John Roberts, Jr., Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Justice Stephen G. Breyer, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice Elena Kagan, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, Justice Antonin Scalia, Justice Sonia M. Sotomayor, Justice Clarence Thomas.

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PS: Even though I wished to finish and post this letter before I knew that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak would resign from power, things beyond my control did not allowed me to. I note that I am posting this letter on the day people celebrate the day of love and friendship. However, we are getting many tragic results here in America and throughout the world with violence and AIDS because people have been taught that it is acceptable and "normal" when we seek out love with other people in the wrong way, at the wrong time and in the wrong places. A love that has nothing to do with bringing new generations to this planet earth and creating a better future for those who are not yet born. This means that all heads of state including the President of the United States of America and all citizens of all nations, including myself, should all learn to emphasize the love that comes through the Spirit and not the love that comes through the flesh or carnal passions. We all need to reset our "spiritual clocks" to two thousand years ago when the spiritual commander in chief of the Christian faith taught us that the reason we are put on this world is not to fight for "our rights" but in order to learn how to properly love one another. Our fight is a fight of love and for love. First love, then human rights will naturally follow. If we fight for rights and forget about love then dissension, war and even bloodshed will naturally follow. The problems in the Middle East and America is the same: We have too many people fighting for their rights and the rights of others but almost everybody is neglecting love, specially the love of the one who, when he was having a severe physical pain and he was mumbling his last words, said: "Father, forgive them, because they don't know what they are doing." Luke 23:34. FF

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I surely feel that when we make comments regarding the Middle East we should always keep in mind the words of our Lord Jesus when he said: "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters" Matthew 12:30

The reason the US policy in the Middle East has been an abysmal failure in the Middle East is because the US seems to ignore the great "I AM" who in order to fulfill the plan of redemption became human like any of us 2000 years ago.

Moreover, US policy makers have wrongly felt that politics in the Middle East is like politics in the United States of America: Here in America politicians need to reach a "middle ground" and compromise in order to move the nation forward. However, in the Middle East, the land where the great I AM walked as a human being over 2,000 years ago, no one could really find a middle ground policy regarding the teachings of our Lord Jesus. Either we are with Jesus or against Him regarding the advance of God's kingdom and having Him as our savior, friend and king.


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PS #2/ Letter review on 2-27-2011.

I feel that this time US policy makers are getting a right sense of priorities regarding how to confront the problems in the Middle East. Regarding Libya: 1) They just limited themselves to ask for a cessation of violence from al sides. 2) When this fell on deaf ears, they went to talk to other heads of states in order to get an unanimous response from the world community. 3) After this happened, they waited for Muammar Gaddafi to lose more control from many different regions within Libya. 4) This was followed by a defection of the Libyans diplomats. 5) Then US policy makers began to say that the Gaddafi regime has lost legitimacy and that it is time for him to leave power. US policy makers did not have the same sequence of reactions to the Shah of Iran in 1979 and to Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003. In Libya, US policy makers waited for a more united Libyan and world community response before they began to take step #5. This is very similar to how we should confront a very reprehensible action by any other another individual according to the teachings of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 18:15-17.The consequences of US policymakers not following such sequence of actions with Iran and Iraq has been responsible for the loss of life of many American soldiers with very little in return regarding human rights, justice and freedom in Iran and Iraq. I hope that no one wishes Muammar Gaddafi to be assassinated by anyone close to him. He deserves to be given the opportunity to later regret and mourn what has done to his people.

Like Jesus taught, everything we do for other people should first be guided by loving first God above anything else and second by loving our neighbors (including other nations) as we love ourselves. Since love and marriage should be inseparable, based on the teachings of our Lord Jesus, the Apostle Paul, and the Apostle Peter, I disagree with the current administration regarding the position of marriage. However, like in the first week of creation according to Genesis 1 and based on the sequence of reactions of US policy makers toward Muammar Gaddafi, I feel that certain things should be first before jumping to something else. Therefore, I leave to God, human physiology, human biology and human psychology the last word regarding what marriages and functional families should be on the the face of this earth. If we do otherwise, our words will sound no more than a non sensible noise... "a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal" (1 Corinthians 13:1).


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  • 1 month later...

Let me put some prespective here.. Islam dosen't Preach hate against jews or christains. The pretext of hatered against israel is soley political. This help oppersive rulers of middle east people keep in check. This is how it spread... there is problem with jobs the government of egypy, Suadi and Iran blames it on israel. there is problem of poverty they blame it on existance of islrael..I have been there and listen to propanga several time. they are pupet goverments who have their own agenda .. they are not followin islam. Since Americas stongerst support to opersive leader like mubrak ... terriost get many recruits. Why do you think people in middle east hate america so much.. A disgrunted citizen make a great recruit for Terriost.. By the away it is very clear and bold in Quran. Killing children, women and unarmed civlian is haram and considered one of the great sins.

You cannot solve probelm till you understand it



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Interesting post,ZK. There's another problem you didn't address here. The Koran is generally understood by the people (like the Bible is)in how it is explained by those in charge of it's teachings(imams?). Islam has for centuries tied itself to politics. This is reflected in ayatollah Khomeini's leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran's (and many others)legal system. This has nothing to do with merely economic conditions or repressive governmental policies.Iran has simply exchanged one repressive secular govermnent for an equally repressive Islamic one.The proponents of Islam seem to be largley responsible for the hatred of Jews and the U.S. by their teachings from the religious arena not the political. Many places in the world where Islam is not politically oppressed have Islamic populations that contain very hateful and violent elements. Shouldn't Islam punish those who distort Islam in the name of Islam?

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Welcome to the Adventist Club, friend. Hope you come often and make friends and post your thoughts.

Sounds like you've given this topic a lot of thought over the years.

How are the events in Egypt a dreadful threat to the spread of Christianity? I would like to hear your views on this.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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If memory serves me, Iran's hatred towards the U.S. was mainly fueled by President Carter's failure to hand over the Shah to them for execution. I think that the embassy takeover was in response to our just say no policy regarding the shah not our previous support of his pro American policies.

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If memory serves me, Iran's hatred towards the U.S. was mainly fueled by President Carter's failure to hand over the Shah to them for execution. I think that the embassy takeover was in response to our just say no policy regarding the shah not our previous support of his pro American policies.
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How are the events in Egypt a dreadful threat to the spread of Christianity? I would like to hear your views on this.
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According my own best recollection, the Shah of Iran was suffering from some kind of illness and (due to the Iranian revolution against his own government) he could not longer receive optimal treatment in his own nation while being physically safe at the same time. His plane departed from Iran without having any permission to land on any nation for the treatment he needed. Even Jimmy Carter thought that just for political reasons, it was a very bad idea to have him landing in the USA. However, the humanitarian instincts of President Carter became much stronger than his own political instincts and this is why the Shah of Iran's plane was given permission to land in the USA when many other nations were denying such permission. Moreover, the administration of President Jimmy Carter was known as an administration that strongly promoted human rights. Before the Iranian revolution, the government of Shah of Iran tried to please the administration of President Jimmy Carter by releasing many political prisoners and giving more freedom of expression to its opponents. The enemies of the Shah of Iran's government became more and more emboldened and this provoked the Iranian revolution. Now, if the administration of the Shah of Iran's government was overthrown from power after following the prescription given by President Jimmy Carter's administration regarding human rights, the least President Carter could do for the Shah of Iran was to allow his plane to land on the USA to continue medical treatment.

This is one of the reasons I admired Carter over most other Presidents. He had a councious(sp).


By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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