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When it happens here______


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_____,which in due time it surely will, I hope we as Christians in America, will be able to say the same thing.

"...So we are Christ’s ambassadors..."

2 Corinthians 5:20 NLT


"I never expected to have to live through anything like this," he said mournfully. Suzuki is one of Soma's lucky residents, but the tsunami washed away the shop where he sold fish and seaweed.

"My business is gone. I don't think I will ever be able to recover," said Suzuki, 59.

Still, he managed to find a bright side. "The one good thing is the way everyone is pulling together and helping each other. No one is stealing or looting," he said.

"It makes me feel proud to be Japanese."


Alabaster reported from Onagawa. Associated Press writers Elaine Kurtenbach, Tomoko A. Hosaka, Kristen Gelineau, Jean H. Lee and Jeff Donn in Tokyo, Eric Talmadge in Soma and Johnson Lai in Sendai contributed to this report.

God blesses! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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Comment taken from AP news story:

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the world could take a good lesson from the way the Japanese have come together and with no whining, no finger-pointing, they have simply begun the daunting task of recovering. The do themselves proud with their sense of community and hard work. It is sad that they must be tested like this , yet it shows their best qualities.

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God blesses! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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And if they don't "get along" or follow the herd mentaility?

They will be scandalized by those around them, and quickly. It is taught from an early age to go along with the group. Punishment is severe for those who would dare step out of line with an independant thought or action. At home, in the schools, everywhere. Civil laws support this concept of the "group thinking". Severe punishment from the earliest age for things like stealing, a great reward for returning a lost item rather than keep it. A carrot and stick society to a high degree.

Something to be admired? Not really, I remain unimpressed.

Can you imagine the struggle one must face when contemplating becoming a christian? Stepping out of line? Having an independant thought? Perhaps this explains why after so many decades of christian work there, their are very few converts as a percentage of the population? It could be said accurately, christianity has merely scratched the surface of this society. Not that we should stop trying, indeed, we should double our efforts!

Many pictures of the Japanese are now on-line, "praying". Making their offerings to false gods would be more accurate, not "prayer" as we know it. Formalism, tradition, idol worship,,, I remain unimpressed with their apparent "good works".

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And if they don't "get along" or follow the herd mentaility?

Something to be admired? Not really, I remain unimpressed.

I remain unimpressed with their apparent "good works".

Perhaps it would be good to remember our Lord's admonition to His last day church, as I understand you might be a part of it.

"So then....Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see."Revelation 3:16-18 NKJV

God Blesses! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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I hold no ill will toward the Japanese, I think they are lovely people. Their restraint and cooperation during their earth quake crisis is admirable. There is much to be admired about them.

But the reality check is, the methods by which they achieve these apparently worthy goals is not something I admire. It's not something I want to emulate. I do not think it is a system based on love.

I'll take liberty, freedom of thought, freedom of spirit and I'll take it with all the "bad" stuff that comes with it. If that freedom means someone might steal my stuff, or riot in the streets, such is the price of freedom. Freedom of the mind.

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