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Pope Denies Evolution Theory on Easter


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I must confess that I am in complete agreement with the pope on this issue. I do agree, also, that evolutionists should not be barred from being members of the Catholic faith.

If I didn't believe that prophecy teaches the papal and Catholic system is the little-horn of Daniel 7 and 8, and if I believed Catholic theology, I would almost certainly join the Catholic Church.

I can see why so many people are attracted to it. I watch both the protestant and the Catholic channels, and I find that the protestants are too emotional and foolish. While I find many Catholic teachings are false, I am more in agreement with Catholicism as a general viewpoint philosophically. I like the Catholic Church's appreciation of music, art, philosophy, and history. But the things I disagree with the Church-- particularly its view of Bible doctrines-- are more important to me than those things in which I agree with it.

One thing I especially appreciate about the Catholic Church is the fact that its translations of the Bible are among the very best and most faithful to the Biblical languages. It is a tragedy they are so wrong on so many things and teaching billions to believe in error. There is no question in my mind, though, that God is still at work among them. It teaches enough truth that people can still find salvation in the Catholic Church, although its truths are too often mixed with lies.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Was it John Paul II who endorsed evolution, then? That's sort of confusing.

if I believed Catholic theology, I would almost certainly join the Catholic Church.
Well, of course. bwink I prefer Orthodoxy. Quick (serious) question though: do Orthodox churches count as the little horn beast monster because they're similar to Catholics, or not because they do not have popes?

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�Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets." - Jesus

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I must confess that I am in complete agreement with the pope on this issue. I do agree, also, that evolutionists should not be barred from being members of the Catholic faith.

If I didn't believe that prophecy teaches the papal and Catholic system is the little-horn of Daniel 7 and 8, and if I believed Catholic theology, I would almost certainly join the Catholic Church.

I can see why so many people are attracted to it. I watch both the protestant and the Catholic channels, and I find that the protestants are too emotional and foolish. While I find many Catholic teachings are false, I am more in agreement with Catholicism as a general viewpoint philosophically. I like the Catholic Church's appreciation of music, art, philosophy, and history. But the things I disagree with the Church-- particularly its view of Bible doctrines-- are more important to me than those things in which I agree with it.

One thing I especially appreciate about the Catholic Church is the fact that its translations of the Bible are among the very best and most faithful to the Biblical languages. It is a tragedy they are so wrong on so many things and teaching billions to believe in error. There is no question in my mind, though, that God is still at work among them. It teaches enough truth that people can still find salvation in the Catholic Church, although its truths are too often mixed with lies.

The Papacy and the Jesuits sole purpose for endorsing evolution is that it does away with Genesis and the 6 days of creation. Why keep the Sabbath if there is no definitive date of rest?

"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made." Gen 2:2-3.

By endorsing evolution, what the Pope really is doing is endorsing Sunday as the proper day of worship for Christians based on tradition.

Evolution makes the Sabbath a moot point.

As for the Catholic transalation of the bible? You have got to be kidding! The Latin Vulgate and Douray Rheims Jesuit bible are Arian in nature. The Jesuits and the Catholic Church proved to be the greatest opponents of the Textus Receptus or they wouldn't have started wars over it.

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TR, you did read that the Pope *denied* evolution, not endorsed it, right?

Truth is important

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The Catholic See and Papacy do not endorse, nor do they denounce evolution, as all Christanity should. Although, they do ellude to evolution as an acceptable theory that is not in conflict with the bible. However, if you read most Jesuit literature, they exclusively endorse evolution and suggests that evolution.


Quote from AP from the Easter Announcement:

"Church teaching holds that Roman Catholicism and evolutionary theory are not necessarily at odds: A Christian can, for example, accept the theory of evolution to help explain developments, but is taught to believe that God, not random chance, is the origin of the world. The Vatican, however, warns against creationism, or the overly literal interpretation of the Bibilical account of creation."


If found the above last sentence quite obvious as to what they are implying.

You don't even have to research that hard. Just do a wiki search for "Catholic Church and evolution".

You find this interesting also.


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Was it John Paul II who endorsed evolution, then? That's sort of confusing.

I thought the same exact thing Sivart when I read this.


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Pope Denies Evolution Theory on Easter

I disagree with the Pope. I think Easter HAS evolved over the years.

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Pope Denies Evolution Theory on Easter

I disagree with the Pope. I think Easter HAS evolved over the years.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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The Papacy and the Jesuits sole purpose for endorsing evolution is that it does away with Genesis and the 6 days of creation. Why keep the Sabbath if there is no definitive date of rest?

"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made." Gen 2:2-3.

By endorsing evolution, what the Pope really is doing is endorsing Sunday as the proper day of worship for Christians based on tradition.

Evolution makes the Sabbath a moot point.

As for the Catholic transalation of the bible? You have got to be kidding! The Latin Vulgate and Douray Rheims Jesuit bible are Arian in nature. The Jesuits and the Catholic Church proved to be the greatest opponents of the Textus Receptus or they wouldn't have started wars over it.

TR is correct to point out that the article-title not withstanding -- in the text of the article it states that evolution-married-to-the-Bible is the preferred view of the RCC and that creationism is condemned by the Catholic church.

Details details.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

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