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When you are sick...


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do you need attention or would you rather be left alone?

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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hahahaha probably a little of each.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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When I am sick I would rather be left alone, but do need others to check on me from time to time to make sure I'm not delirious. Actually, I need that all the time. Not just when I'm sick. LOL

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For those of us who live alone, what choice do we got? :)

I'm finding more and more retired and older folks in the situation in my growing circle of friends. All though I am healthy and active I'm right in the middle of remodeling my house with eye toward wheel chair or crutches type access. Doors, counter tops, switches, bathroom, etc.

Another class of folks I'm becoming more concerned with and working on a way to help are those that are house bound or institution bound and can't come to church. They get visits from time to time from various folks, but I'd like to see what else can be done.

Some kind of video feed for church services on Sabbath? Maybe go spend a Sabbath with them studying the quarterly, playing a video sermon, singing a song? I don't know, I'm looking at some options.

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For those of us who live alone, what choice do we got? :)

Than get a mate! :)


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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When I am sick I would rather be left alone, but do need others to check on me from time to time to make sure I'm not delirious. Actually, I need that all the time. Not just when I'm sick. LOL


Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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For those of us who live alone, what choice do we got? :)

I'm finding more and more retired and older folks in the situation in my growing circle of friends. All though I am healthy and active I'm right in the middle of remodeling my house with eye toward wheel chair or crutches type access. Doors, counter tops, switches, bathroom, etc.

Another class of folks I'm becoming more concerned with and working on a way to help are those that are house bound or institution bound and can't come to church. They get visits from time to time from various folks, but I'd like to see what else can be done.

Some kind of video feed for church services on Sabbath? Maybe go spend a Sabbath with them studying the quarterly, playing a video sermon, singing a song? I don't know, I'm looking at some options.

I share that sentiment... I've been visiting elderlies but would like to do more.

When I'm older I don't want to live alone... was thinking about a commune or a room in a boarding house. I do like my privacy but it's nice to have someone around. If my kids buy a house I would like to rent their attic and turn it into an atelier and just paint. And go online.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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do you need attention or would you rather be left alone?

depends on the illness... if migraine, N/V, dizziness, earache, or jungle trots, I'd rather be left alone....

And contrary to popular belief, if someone's in the hospital with an acute illness or just had surgery, most would prefer not having visitors.. they have enough to contend with without having to entertain guests..

And yes, I realize some here would LOVE to have visitors under those circumstances....oddly enough...

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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A good friend and mentor of mine at 82 lives in a really nice apartment building that caters to older folks. Everything is set up for easy access and there is always someone on call if you need help. That looks like a nice way to do it. No more lawns to mow, no house to maintain, maybe I'll do that someday.

I'm not crazy about living alone, but I'm not about to jump into a relationship either! :)

Good point on folks in the hospital rudywoofs.

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On the flip side of this question: If you know (or are related to, as is my case) to someone elderly who really should have visitors--how often should they be visited? And who should do the visiting?

My grandmother is 88 and insists she's doing fine--until I visit and she complains about no one ever visiting and not even knowing what day it is unless she reads the paper. I mow her lawn, take care of the house-cleaning, drive her to her doctor, sort her bills and do her taxes. I see her at least once a week, if not two or three times. Is this not enough?

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It's a personality thing, introvert versus extrovert. I'm an introvert, and just want to go into my cave and be left alone when I'm sick. My wife, Sue, is an extrovert. She would rather have a million visitors. I got in a lot of trouble after she had her major lung surgery because I made the mistake of judging her by me and told people not to visit for a couple of days so she could recover. She'd prefer to have had a crowd waiting when she woke up from the anaesthetic!

Truth is important

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So I guess the upshot is, try to catch the vibe through the politeness, and to give people what they need, not what you need to give.

Truth is important

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