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You know, this very morning one of my Facebook friends made that declaration publicly, that she had left the SDA church.

I don't really know what I would say... I'm still trying to come up with something for her. That fact doesn't change our relationship for the greater part, because I am not sure she attended church frequently as long as I've known her.

But I still feel warmly toward her.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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To my understanding, some people leave any church because they were offended by someone's actions in the church or for their own convienence. I dont have an answer to this but I know personally when I felt like leaving the church in the past is that..im not in the church for people, I need to focus on God and the truth and cant be swayed by how other Christians are acting around me because we all fall short.If we choose to leave the church because someone offended you by their actions or its just easier to live your life in another denomination, then you will never be satisfied. I hope this helps. I pray that you can get through to your friend Gail.

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We do all fall short, but one of the main purposes of attending a church is to gather together--to be with other people and fellowship with one another. If it were not for the people,then we could just stay at home.

If a person can find peace with another congregation, I think that would be a great choice. Not all churches have the same style of togetherness--it's important to find one that "fits".

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I do agree that we are to gather together but if we use that as our focus, someone might be disappointed when they have issues with someone else. We all process things different. some can forgive others with no problem while others hold a grudge, and others might just leave the church. I have heard of people leaving a church just because the pastor was accused of something scandelous. So going to church for people is just what Satan wants..he will use that to his advantage so that people will quarrel with one another and possibly leave. everyone should be gathered together with the main purpose to get their healing and seek God's presence and share each others testimonies.You are right that churches have different styles of togetherness and its important to find one that fits, but there will always be some disagreements and the person will have to just learn that its a tactic of the devil, and running from church to church to find the "Perfect Church" will never happen.

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Knowing the *reason* for leaving would be crucial to being able to say anything useful. There's a huge range of reasons - I know because I talk to a group of X-SDAs on a regular basis. Making assumptions about the reasons will lead to saying things that are less than helpful.

Truth is important

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I would let them know that I still loved and cared for them. I would also let them know that it would not affect my ability to be a support system for them. I would let them know that they would still be in my prayers witht the hope of seeing them in heaven. If I knew the specific reason for them leaving the church I may or may not address the issue. I would have to be lead by God on that one.

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I would let them know being a member of the church SDA church is not some gaurentee of salvation. Many sheep have I that are not of this fold. Those aren't just words, I really truly deeply believe that.

Your personal relationship to God is what is really important. Not have you left the church, but have you left God?

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I would let them know being a member of the church SDA church is not some gaurentee of salvation. Many sheep have I that are not of this fold. Those aren't just words, I really truly deeply believe that.

Your personal relationship to God is what is really important. Not have you left the church, but have you left God?

Club, if you are going to talk about what Jesus said, then be correct. Jesus said that there were other sheep in other flocks, but that they would all be gathered into ONE fold and that ONE fold is the Kingdom of Heaven. To be in that Kingdom of Heaven, one must keep all of the commandments and hold fast to the testimony (words) of Jesus Christ. (Rev. 12:17)

Yes, membership in anything does not count. What counts is to be WITH those in the Kingdom of Heaven.

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The time for the gathering into one fold is not yet upon us, soon, but not yet. Until that time comes, there are many folds, many sheep, through out the world.

If your truly close to God, really have a relationship and a sincere heart, you will find your right place in due time.

I am reminded of William Miller, who never accepted the Seventh-day Adventist message, and yet angels gaurd the dust of his grave. God laid him in his grave to protect him, to save him, from the men leading him down a wrong path. He will be among the Saints. And those who led him astray, will have to answer for their actions.

We know that a National Sunday law will be the great final test for many who are now keeping Sunday. Sincere, God loving folks, seeking truth. And many will come into the fold, Gods church, during those last final moments of earths history. But not yet, not now, but soon.

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Thats why I said "some" key word is some...not speaking for a majority or stereotyping..Next time pay attention to the content of the words instead of jumping the gun to correct someone. Thank You for your "helpful" Words

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Thats why I said "some" key word is some...not speaking for a majority or stereotyping..Next time pay attention to the content of the words instead of jumping the gun to correct someone. Thank You for your "helpful" Words Bravus!

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Thats why I said "some" key word is some...not speaking for a majority or stereotyping..Next time pay attention to the content of the words instead of jumping the gun to correct someone. Thank You for your "helpful" Words Bravus!

I think a nice slice of pizza is in order here...

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Club, It appears that you are attempting to help here, but when you present false or mistaken opinions that are not and can not be found in the bible, then you may be pushing someone away from the Adventist church rather than accepting them as they are. There is NO such thing as any National Sunday Law and if you are going to wait for that you will have a long wait. Just don't hold your breath.

Many silly and stupid ideas come from good meaning folks who are Adventists only because they are too lazy to actually read the words of Jesus for themselves and because they have been told by others the traditions of man instead of the real thing. People are getting tired of being told lies from the preachers, teachers and leaders, who for the most part are not interested in souls won, but the membership who will pay for their jobs.

And Club, there is a difference between a fold and a flock, as Jesus said "And I have other sheep which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they shall hear My voice; and they shall become one flock with one shepherd." Jn. 10:16.

Jesus also said "But do not be called Rabbi (teacher) for only ONE is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth your Father, for ONE is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be called leaders, for ONE is your Leader, that is Christ." Matt. 23:8-10

It was Paul's words that cause people to choose leaders, teachers and pastors. He said he was appointed a preacher and an apostle and a teacher, in 2Tim.1:11. Well, since Jesus was against this, then just WHO was it that did this appointing?

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Dr. Rich, there is nothing to be gained by shouting in the ears of the deaf. In my opinion your theology is grossly mistaken and seriously flawed. There is no point in pursuing a discussion on it for either of us. Our respective positions are intractable.

When and if you choose to accept the SDA position on this issue, I'd be glad to discuss the details.

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to someone considering leaving the Adventist chruch?

If they asked my viewpoint, I would tell them to examine their reasons for being in the church in the first place. Was is for the sake of the people? Or was it for God? Was it because they liked some individuals in it or liked a particular preacher, or was it because they believed the Seventh-day Adventist Message?

My second question would be, What's changed?

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Dr. Rich, there is nothing to be gained by shouting in the ears of the deaf. In my opinion your theology is grossly mistaken and seriously flawed. There is no point in pursuing a discussion on it for either of us. Our respective positions are intractable.

When and if you choose to accept the SDA position on this issue, I'd be glad to discuss the details.

ClubV12, are you saying that you know it all and that you are not ever going to change? Is it possible that you might be wrong? Yes or No?

It's (the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven) is not 'my theology'. It is what Jesus taught. (see Matthew 4:23). If you have a problem with the theology of Jesus, don't blame me, take it up with Jesus!

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Originally Posted By: ClubV12
Dr. Rich, there is nothing to be gained by shouting in the ears of the deaf. In my opinion your theology is grossly mistaken and seriously flawed. There is no point in pursuing a discussion on it for either of us. Our respective positions are intractable.

When and if you choose to accept the SDA position on this issue, I'd be glad to discuss the details.

ClubV12, are you saying that you know it all and that you are not ever going to change? Is it possible that you might be wrong? Yes or No?

It's (the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven) is not 'my theology'. It is what Jesus taught. (see Matthew 4:23). If you have a problem with the theology of Jesus, don't blame me, take it up with Jesus!

It goes both ways Dr. Rich. You claim that Club knows it all, but you seem to know even more according to your posts. So I'm not sure why your scolding Club when in reality you seem to know it all. Personally from my studying of the Bible, I like what Club has to offer.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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pk, it is not what I have to offer or what club has to offer, it is about what Jesus has already offered, his words. If you choose club's words over the words of Jesus that is your own choice.

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