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Thoughts on the forum, and the future..


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Dear Stan:

I have enjoyed this forum until now. When moderator starts a topic and proposes a question and then a reply is given which is precisely "on topic" and contains Bible verses and Ellen G. White quotes and the Moderator deletes the Ellen G. White quotes that he or she does not like which are precisely "on topic", should this be tolerated on this forum?

I always thought one was allowed on a forum to add whatever content they felt would add to the conversation, except that which was found in the bylaws to be expressly forbidden. Even different threads I stay away from because the title is prohibitive, although in reading certain content there were many who were not abiding by the titles prohibition, and evidently without censure.

As an Adventist Christian it seems the better part of wisdom to follow Jesus' example, Who did not stay where He was not welcome, except in His Father's house where those who usurped the Father's authority welcomed only those who thought God was only a set of rules, and not Love Himself.

"And heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ But whatever city you enter, and they do not receive you, go out into its streets and say, ‘The very dust of your city which clings to us we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God has come near you.’" Luke 10:9-11

God blesses! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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My dear brother, I pointed you to the thread I started for you on the Meet It! thread. I apologized to you on that thread for not reading your first post more carefully and keeping the parts that were relevant to the topic.

While I edited the second post of yours on the Meet It! thread I moved your complete post to its own thread in its entirety . I realize that for you the entire post is relevant, but I could see people responding to various points in your post and the thread ending up way off topic in all kinds of directions. As I said I started a thread with your post in its entirety where all your concerns and thoughts could be kept together. I don't know what more to do for you. And yes, please keep me in your prayers. I do need them. Thank you. http://clubadventist.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/466220/Re_Meet_It.html#Post466220


Dear Stan:

I have enjoyed this forum until now. When moderator starts a topic and proposes a question and then a reply is given which is precisely "on topic" and contains Bible verses and Ellen G. White quotes and the Moderator deletes the Ellen G. White quotes that he or she does not like which are precisely "on topic", should this be tolerated on this forum?

facebook. /teresa.quintero.790

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someone's taking themselves and "job" way too seriously important... imho

(reminds me of my 3rd and 4th grade teacher whom I detested due to her seriousness and inflexibility causing a gloom and pallor to be cast over the classroom...)

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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I have made my views clear before.

But will express them again.

If this board wants to represent itself as an "Adventist" board, then those that run and moderate the boards should be "Adventist".

A regular member in good standing with their local congregation.

I do not consider this an "Adventist" board.

More a place where people come and share their views (for whatever motives they have) on Adventism.

To be an Adventist board, it has to be controlled by Adventists, plain and simple.

That means agreement with the 28 fundamentals of the church.

I cannot imagine Paul and Peter letting the local priestess of the Diana temple join them in their "counsels".

Yet here it seems, it is held up as a "good idea"...

Mark :-)

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So in short.

A moderator should be:

1. A confirmed member of the SDA church.

2. In agreement with the 28 fundamental positions of the church.

If that is not the case, then the board is not an "Adventist" board, but a "sounding board" discussing Adventism.

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Twilight: care to remind me who Jesus reserved his most stinging rebukes for?

Truth is important

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someone's taking themselves and "job" way too seriously important... imho

(reminds me of my 3rd and 4th grade teacher whom I detested due to her seriousness and inflexibility causing a gloom and pallor to be cast over the classroom...)

So noted.


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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BR, What you failed to mention was that your first 3 posts which only picked at others comments that you disagreed with, were left on the Meet It! thread. While I tried to explain the intent of the board to you you seemed more interested in, well, something else. You were perfectly free to give your reasons as to why you believed EW's statement to be referring to evolution. Its on you that you didn't.

Instead you continued to "spam" the thread, as someone else has called it. I had to close it down before it got even more out of control and far off topic.

Misrepresenting another's post is definitely not allowed in that forum. It might be entertainment for those who enjoyed watching the christians being torn to pieces by wild animals, but is not suitable for the bible/EGW study forums.

Or perhaps some are afflicted with a form of dyslexia. I don't know.

Originally Posted By: teresaq(sda)
Where is that "ban" button? lol

At one point I assumed you were at least half joking.

Here is an interesting case in point


Originally Posted By: addvantage
WOW, So much censorship going on here, perhaps the topic should have never been brought up.

Dear Advantage -- Here is a post on this thread that did not get censored - maybe we all should have followed this model a bit more closely --


Oh well - free will being what it is. Let each reader decide for themselves if there is something to that.

in Christ,


facebook. /teresa.quintero.790

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So in short.

A moderator should be:

1. A confirmed member of the SDA church.

2. In agreement with the 28 fundamental positions of the church.

If that is not the case, then the board is not an "Adventist" board, but a "sounding board" discussing Adventism.

I disagree with the "should be's" of a moderator...but I do think this is not an Adventist forum; rather, a "sounding board discussing Adventism".. It's become rather pitiful..

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Originally Posted By: Twilight II
So in short.

A moderator should be:

1. A confirmed member of the SDA church.

2. In agreement with the 28 fundamental positions of the church.

If that is not the case, then the board is not an "Adventist" board, but a "sounding board" discussing Adventism.

I disagree with the "should be's" of a moderator...but I do think this is not an Adventist forum; rather, a "sounding board discussing Adventism".. It's become rather pitiful..

What has become "rather pitiful" rudywoofs, I do not follow your post?

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So in short.

A moderator should be:

1. A confirmed member of the SDA church.

2. In agreement with the 28 fundamental positions of the church.

I didn't think we practiced confirmation!

Those conditions are met by the vast majority of the people posting here. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. It would make no difference.


If that is not the case, then the board is not an "Adventist" board, but a "sounding board" discussing Adventism.

What folks often claim to be Adventist is often their preference or tradition rather than what is Biblical or Adventist doctrine.

This is a place to exchange ideas, share experiences, learn, fight and make up and fight all over again. Grow a little, meet some weird people, meet some great people, be honest but hide behind a mask all at the same time.

It's great to be able to do that with SDA's, that what drew me here but I would welcome Catholics, Muslims, atheists, even members of the Tea Party!

I would never want to be part of some mind numbing, backslapping, bunker mentality forum where all folks do is exchange Ellen White quotes, bemoan the state of the church, and exchange barley ice-cream recipes. bwink

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Originally Posted By: Bravus
Twilight: care to remind me who Jesus reserved his most stinging rebukes for?

What has that got to do with the price of cheese? :-)

The pillars of the church: those who tithed mint, anise and cummin - which to me is analogous to the qualifications you described for moderators, at least potentially - were the ones Jesus needed to rebuke, chasten and correct.

He was gentle with the hurting sinners like the woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery, the Samarian woman and the Roman centurion with the sick son and the tax collectors. He got a reputation for hanging out with those who drank and partied, and they enjoyed his company.

If this forum is about reflecting Jesus, as I believe it should be, then it should not be about orthodoxy but about love and inclusion.

(Responses should be about Jesus, not about club rules.)

Truth is important

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This board should welcome all and sundry, I agree with that.

As any manifestation of Adventist presence in the world should.

But it should be controlled by "Adventists".

The minute it isn't, it becomes a "liberal think tank" that discusse Adventism, rather than an Adventist board.

Some on here may struggle with that "straight talking", but it is true.

So many Adventists confuse "liberalism" with "love".

That is how those not of the faith then gain "influence" over others.

But I doubt this board will ever change, because these points have been made again and again by many posters on here and they have always been dismissed as "Phariseeism" or "bigotry".

And those posters will often get banned from forums and sub-forums on the grounds of "not respecting the moderators authority".

When they have no authority over Adventists, but only have the authority handed them here by others thinking it is in someway "positive" to have "non-Adventists" influencing Adventists on a supposedly "Adventist" board.

How incredibly crazy is that?

Mark :-)

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Originally Posted By: Twilight II

What has that got to do with the price of cheese? :-)

The pillars of the church: those who tithed mint, anise and cummin - which to me is analogous to the qualifications you described for moderators, at least potentially - were the ones Jesus needed to rebuke, chasten and correct.

He was gentle with the hurting sinners like the woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery, the Samarian woman and the Roman centurion with the sick son and the tax collectors. He got a reputation for hanging out with those who drank and partied, and they enjoyed his company.

If this forum is about reflecting Jesus, as I believe it should be, then it should not be about orthodoxy but about love and inclusion.

(Responses should be about Jesus, not about club rules.)


The old "stand up for a standard and you are a pharisee argument"...

Why would having "Adventist" moderators on an Adventist board equate to the board becoming a "phariseically" moderated board?

Did you know that Jesus handpicked His disciples?

They were all Jews...

There was a reason for that.

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To clarify, I was *not* saying that *you* are the kind of person Jesus had to correct. I am saying that orthodoxy is no guarantee. That's all.

Truth is important

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And this argument is often used on this board.

It is the classic argument of a "liberal" mindset.

Liberals assume that anyone who does not agree with them, is a "pharisee".

Making that one argument, in their minds, dismisses the other person and all of their arguments.

What is interesting is that "inclusive liberalism" soon disappears when the "liberalism" itself is bought into question...

As you have intimated in your quote Bravus.

I do not agree with you, ergo I am a "pharisee".

My viewpoint is wrong, therefore if that viewpoint was followed through the board would be ruled by "pharisees".

Mark :-)

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To clarify, I was *not* saying that *you* are the kind of person Jesus had to correct. I am saying that orthodoxy is no guarantee. That's all.

Thank you for clarifying that, that was the way it came across.

I agree that "orthodoxy" is not a guarantee.

But what makes "liberalism" any better?

There is a reason why we insist that board members of the church are fully blown members of the SDA church.

Yet here, we have an internet community which claims to represent Adventism, with moderators who are not Adventist...

And who in fact in some instances forbid the expression of Adventist viewpoints, whilst permitting others to continually present anti-Christian viewpoints.

How can that be?

So with that in mind, the only logical conclusion is that this is "not" an Adventist board, but a sounding board that discusses Adventist thought and ideology.

A carrot should not be presented as a cake...

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Those are club membership arguments, not arguments from looking at what Jesus actually *did*.

Certainly moderators of whatever stripe ought not to be suppressing any views. That is not their role. If that's going on it's something the admin team needs to look at.

It's precisely because the role of moderator is *not* one of enforcing orthodoxy that the orthodoxy of the moderator is not important. The role of the moderator is simply to protect the posters from abuse and ensure decorum. In some limited cases it also includes enforcing special rules such as the 'no quoting' rule in the Original Thoughts forum: those who 'sign up' to post in specialised forums ought to respect those specialised rules.

Truth is important

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And what advantage for "Adventism" is there in permitting such behavior?


Twilight, I think the challenge you have is this: You expect all SDA's to conform to your idea of what Adventism is. They are not going to and never will. Some of us clap some of us don't . Some will ride a bike on Sabbath, some won't. Some eat veggie bacon some say its a sign that it church is Babylon. Come Sabbath morning, however, millions of us will be worshiping Jesus. That and a bunch of other things is what makes us a family. Group hug!

One of our posters here enjoys an "adult" beverage from time to time. Last Sabbath I preached a sermon with the title "For the stomach sake" I advocated for total abstinence from alcohol. We can both coexist as cyber-friends on this board. That's the beauty of this place. I would have it no other way.

You can call me a liberal Jesuit apostate good for nothing, its all good. chickendance

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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