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Africa & 9/11


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So today is September 11th 2011, and new wars are cranking up.

Last week I met two recent returnees from Libya - one Canadian journalist and a former U.S. Congresswoman. The young newsman barely escaped with his life just days ago, after a two month stay. He reported that heavy fighting continues, and that the major cities of Libya have been virtually destroyed - carpet bombed by NATO with universities, hospitals, water and electric power grids as main targets. Civilians are being killed by the 'rebel' forces, who are actually mercenaries with an Al Quaeda mix. This journalist was on their list but was protected in his hotel by the Libyan army (Gaddafi) which is stretched thin trying to shelter the civilian population from the "rebels". He praised them as both kind and very brave in their actions to protect foreigners from the NATO assault.

His report is the very opposite of the mainstream media who are reporting few civilian casualties and a popular revolution uprising. Not true. The country has been selected for regime change. In the last two weeks of fierce fighting this journalist claims that in two days alone about 3000 Libyan citizens have been killed by NATO and 'rebel' forces. He reports seeing the French and British directing 'rebel' movements on the ground.

When this 'uprising' started months ago, where did these 'rebel' fighters get convoys of brand new full-size white pickups, many fitted with heavy gun mounts. And who was supplying all the firepower?

Gaddafi is a dictator, but Libya has one of the highest standards of living in Africa at $14,000 per capita. Education and university is govt. funded. Oh. Libya has oil reserves - the largest in Africa, and ranked ninth in the world.

So the revolution is a fraud and more coloured people are mowed down by Western tech. It really spells the end for Western democracy when the media and governments conspire to kill a country - "whosever loveth and maketh a lie." Rev. 22:15.

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So the revolution is a fraud and more coloured people are mowed down by Western tech.

You're use of the word in bold does little to to support the validity of your comments.

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