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Wonder if this is true? I read something like this a few years ago


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Divya Kandpal

(Sadly its not a hoax)

Lesser known facts about Libya and Gaddafi :

1. There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.

2. There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given

to all its citizens at 0% interest by law.

3. Home considered a human right in Libya – Gaddafi vowed that his parents

would not get a house until everyone in Libya had a home. Gaddafi’s father has

died while him, his wife and his mother are still living in a tent.

4. All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 Dinar (US$ 50,000 ) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.

5. Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25%

of Libyans are literate. Today the figure is 83%.

6. Should Libyans want to take up farming career, they would receive farming

land, a farming house, equipments, seeds and Livestock to kick- start their farms – all for free.

7. If Libyans cannot find the education or medical facilities they need in Libya,

the government funds them to go abroad for it – onnot only free but they get US

$2, 300/month accommodation and car allowance.

8. In Libyan, if a Libyan buys a car, the government subsidized 50% of the price.

9. The price of petrol in Libya is $0. 14 per liter.

10. Libya has no external debt and its reserves amount to $150 billion – now

frozen globally.

11. If a Libyan is unable to get employment after graduation the state would

pay the average salary of the profession as if he or she is employed until

employment is found.

12. A portion of Libyan oil sale is, credited directly to the bank accounts of all

Libyan citizens.

13. A mother who gave birth to a child receive US $5 ,000

14. 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs $ 0.15

15. 25% of Libyans have a university degree

16. Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great

Man-Made River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert


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I think it was Gordon1 who posted something about the accusations of Gaddafi being a sham.

I have been told that Americans have about a 7 year memory. That really sucks. What sucks even more is how many may have missed the plan (that was not a secret) to take down every country that might be a problem for us. I don't remember which countries were on that list, but I do think about it every time we go after some soul and tear up their country doing it.

God sure is patient, so very patient.

facebook. /teresa.quintero.790

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I think most of these are true, by nature of Libya having Socialist roots. Some of these invoke my doubt... like 40 loaves of bread for $.15 , unless bread is heavily subsidized to the point of it being worthless. I remember in back in Soviet Union Days a loaf of bread cost about .10 cents. A dozen eggs cost .12 cents.

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Considering the freebies and the viciousness of the attacks against Gaddafi, it seems to reveal how much importance a society places on personal freedom. Even Heaven seems unpalatable when we believe we have to accept it.

God blesses! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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A Different View

1. Page after Page, doing a Google search, of Identical quotes, no sources!

2. An old saying, "If it sounds to good to be true........."

3. If you repeat a lie often enough, it sood becomes a truth, expecially on the internet!

4. The repeats of the exact words are on blogs, anti government sites, pro Libya sites, etc....

Page after page and I still can't find an original source! Fabrication most likely and not worth repeating.

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Those are really interesting! I've said for many years, its our treatment of most of the middle east countries that has brought out the worst in them. I am not condoning what they are doing, but I would say we would probably do the same if we were treated that way.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Those are really interesting! I've said for many years, its our treatment of most of the middle east countries that has brought out the worst in them. I am not condoning what they are doing, but I would say we would probably do the same if we were treated that way.

It gives a whole new meaning to these scriptures,

"And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved."Matthew 24:12,13 NKJV

"But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.2 Timothy 3:12 NKJV

In the area I now live I feel each time I go to town as if I'm in the land the movie about the angels who went down into Sodom to deliver Lot and his family were. To be fair, considering the rapid change of societal norms, perhaps one to two decades removed into the future.

God blesses! peace

BTW, in the same area there are many very polite and considerate people, very often more so than the older generation.

Lift Jesus up!!

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