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Prayer Request


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I would like ask you to keep 2 VERY special ladies in prayer.

The first is for my Aunt Lillian. She is a colon cancer survivor and in the process of having her 10th (and hopefully last for a while) colonoscopy (sp?) since she was diagnosed with colon cancer. In order for her to get this, she had to get "ok'd" by her cardiologist, who required a heart cath. She underwent the heart cath, was given the ok to proceed with the colonoscopy. This colonoscopy is to be performed this coming Wednesday. However, last night we received a call from her daughter telling us she had taken Aunt Bill (our families nickname for my aunt) to the hospital with chest pains. We found out this afternoon, Aunt Bill was being transported to Charleston to the "Heart Hospital". I ask her point blank if she was in ANY discomfort and she laughed and said "No, and I'm just eating like a pig!" grin.gif Please keep my aunt, and cousin(s) (her family) in prayer. Aunt Bill is regarded very highly in our family and I feel safe in saying my entire family (from aunts/uncles to cousins, etc) appreciate your prayer support.

The 2nd request is for a very special lady I go to church with. Grandma Doris. I've come to several of you in the past requesting prayer for Grandma Doris. I've had the honor of knowing this very precious lady for nearly my entire life and she has been SUCH a blessing. She loves the Lord with all her heart. She is a breast cancer survivor (2 times) and now is faced with a cancer scare in the form of a little skin lesion that her surgeon didn't think was anything to worry about but we late found out it was. Doris is not down and out. She has put her faith in God and even is singing the children's song "deep and wide" but changing it a tad saying something about the surgeon will make the cut more deep and wide (can't give you a direct quote sorry!). She is to undergo surgery tomorrow (Tuesday, April 19) afternoon (after 2pm I believe). Please join me in lifting this dear friend up for healing. She was annointed this past weekend after church. Also, please pray for her beloved husband Grandpa Jim. He suffers from macular degeneration and Doris is his eyes. I don't know what their family (or our church family for that matter) would do without her. I pray we don't get to find out.

Thank you for your time and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules for these 2 very precious daughters of God.




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will certainly be praying for these 2 special ladies! and Grandpa Jim too.



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Glad to hear some of these good reports coming back, Puddles!

I want to offer a special prayer for Grandma Doris specifically: Dear Lord, I know what it is like to be in pain daily, how much it consumes every waking moment, how it robs every bit of energy, what a drain it can be on the whole body and mind and spirit when just one little part is hurting. Please be near to Grandma Doris right now and bring her relief from the pain, Lord. She is your servant and must be about her Father's business. Help her to rest in You and find her comfort in You during this time. Please be very near to her and grant her relief from her suffering, that her time and energy may be spent in praising and serving you as she loves to do. In Jesus' name Amen.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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p.s. Lord thank You for helping Puddles' aunt's health to improve too! smile.gif

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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