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Adventist Youths ?


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Might be better to allow the youth to conduct the main service a couple times a year. That can be a growing experience for them and provide adult interaction.

GYC is a fine example of the youth leading out in ways that bless older people too.

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Sometimes it is the only way to do it.

I have seen Churches that have successfully kept all youth out of the Church and the average age of the Church is 80 or so.

I would caution, that if it is done to be an anti-church service than there is a bigger problem.

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Our church youth, under the leading of the youth pastor, do a monthly service in a different location than the church (it is actually in a building on the grounds of where our new church will be.) Many adults attend bringing their children from very young to not old enough to drive. Those who can drive themselves do so.

This not only gives the youth a chance to have their own service, but also to get experience in participating in the various areas that are needed to put on a program--planning, media, speaking, etc.

Young people who are not part of our church attend, and are drawn to the main church and get baptized.

The young people have an integral part of our church leadership, one of our teenagers is an elder.

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In one of my churches we had youth church in the main church once a quarter and youth church separately the next quarter. Carefully planned this kind of worship can be a blessing to the youth and the church. It also give a kids a chance to experiment and try new things in worship with adult supervision.

Each church is different so what might be appropriate in one may be damaging in another. In itself youth church is appropriate but it should be considered carefully.

Some Spanish churches in my area are finding it necessary to have a youth service because the majority of the kids English is the preferred language and the older members preferred language is Spanish.

Some of the most memorable and moving times in my ministry has been to see young people lead worship.

Youthful talent, well organized and well trained, is needed in our churches. The youth will do something with their overflowing energies. Unless these energies are directed into right channels, they will be used by the youth in a way that will hurt their own spirituality, and prove an injury to those with whom they associate.-- Gospel Workers, p. 211.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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If I remember correctly back when I lived in NYC the Ephesus SDA church, which had a very large congregation, the youth had there own Church service each Sabbath.


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A related topic, they're having GYC here in Houston, starting 12/28/11. I just found out last night. I'm usually up on stuff like that. I happened to surf up on the information. Anyway, I know now. Will I be there? Probably. Why not? The things being promoted at this event, namely Jesus, is more important that a lot of other stuff going on.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

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wouldn't allowing youth to hold separate divine service contribute to a generation gap which seems to be there already in church? I read the above comments but to me there is still that question, what can be done to overcome that?

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wouldn't allowing youth to hold separate divine service contribute to a generation gap which seems to be there already in church? I read the above comments but to me there is still that question, what can be done to overcome that?

I've seen relationships between the youth and adults improve sometimes. In one church we asked senior adults to come to the youth service and take part in discussions, just be there and get to know the kids better. There are some adults who come to youth services because its more interesting. In my experience youth have felt a greater sense of belonging and connection to the church because they are given an opportunity to be creative, plan and execute a program themselves.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Perhaps there is not a one correct answer that all should follow.

Rather this may simply be an issue that the   local congregation should address and determine what works in their situation.



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On 12/25/2011 at 10:53 AM, GCR said:

wouldn't allowing youth to hold separate divine service contribute to a generation gap which seems to be there already in church? I read the above comments but to me there is still that question, what can be done to overcome that?

The young people are the church of tomorrow, i feel allowing them to experience these responsibilities is great training, but they should have some guidance and support.  Being on their own entirely without any accountability does not seem best.

In drivers training a teacher or licensed driver is there.


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