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What do you like about Sunday churches?


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This is a thread about the positive things you have witnessed about Sunday churches. I do not want to hear debates. I don't want to hear negatives. This will be a good test. Do we have ANYthing positive to say? OR will this thread remain silent and just die a quick death?

Note: If there is anything negative in this thread - I will ask for them to be removed.

So go at it. Let's see if this passes the mustard.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I like our fellow Christians for their faith in Christ. We worshipped in a non-denominational church that worshipped on Sunday, and a Baptist church, for a while, and found loving, sincere Christian people who knew their Bibles well and loved the Lord. They were earnestly seeking to know and to live within His will.

Truth is important

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A lot of youth and more men -- not the preponderance of "church widows" - married women who come to church alone.

I guess our youth are missing because they go away to academy and college (and don't usually come back), and men are missing because Sabbath keeping is so hard for them job-wise.


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Woody, I like that you asked "What do you like about Sunday Churches?" My partner is LDS and his church is faithful in keeping track of their members FOREVER. He has not been an active member for a long time and we have lived in different areas across the US, but they always manage to find us, visit us every month and never leave our home without a Bible thought and prayer. Is that Christian or what? I like it when they come.

Chow, Arnie

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I greatly appreciate the kindness, close family connection that our local Sunday churches extend to each other.

When I was recenly hospitalized one of our local Pastors and his wife came as soon as they knew and stayed for the afternoon and returned the next day. At the same time they had a member in serious condition 50 miles away ... they divided their time between the two of us.

Last year when I had he flu another local Pastor & wife brought soups,and other things. Also, picked up a 'script at the drug store and called daily to see if I needed anyhing.

It said a lot to me about their sincerity and caring for a non-member of their church, but a member of our community.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Woody, I like that you asked "What do you like about Sunday Churches?" My partner is LDS and his church is faithful in keeping track of their members FOREVER. He has not been an active member for a long time and we have lived in different areas across the US, but they always manage to find us, visit us every month and never leave our home without a Bible thought and prayer. Is that Christian or what? I like it when they come.

Chow, Arnie

Cheers Arnie. Thanks for this contribution. That is really cool. Praise God.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I greatly appreciate the kindness, close family connection that our local Sunday churches extend to each other.

When I was recenly hospitalized one of our local Pastors and his wife came as soon as they knew and stayed for the afternoon and returned the next day. At the same time they had a member in serious condition 50 miles away ... they divided their time between the two of us.

Last year when I had he flu another local Pastor & wife brought soups,and other things. Also, picked up a 'script at the drug store and called daily to see if I needed anyhing.

It said a lot to me about their sincerity and caring for a non-member of their church, but a member of our community.

Wow! What a wonderful report. Thanks Naomi. I am loving this. Keep up the good work folks.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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When we go to Maryland to visit our son & his family, we go with them to their Baptist Church. We feel welcome there. When I came to NC over 5 yrs ago (my wife was left behind in CA to sell our house), the mobile home I was temporarily staying in was a stone's throw away from a Baptist church. I was invited to their services. So until my wife finally joined me after selling our house, I was going to church regularly on Sab & Sun. Lately, I have joined a Wed a.m. discussion group that meets at the Chik Fill A. Hearing them speak of their devotion to God, there is no question in my mind that God has sheep in other folds as well.

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When we go to Maryland to visit our son & his family, we go with them to their Baptist Church. We feel welcome there. When I came to NC over 5 yrs ago (my wife was left behind in CA to sell our house), the mobile home I was temporarily staying in was a stone's throw away from a Baptist church. I was invited to their services. So until my wife finally joined me after selling our house, I was going to church regularly on Sab & Sun. Lately, I have joined a Wed a.m. discussion group that meets at the Chik Fill A. Hearing them speak of their devotion to God, there is no question in my mind that God has sheep in other folds as well.

cool2Yipppeeee This is SO cool.

A former professor of mine - Russell Burrill from Andrews stated in his book “Radical Disciples for Revolutionary Churches” “Find ways of staying in touch with people who are OUT of touch with Jesus”. How much more should we also touch the lives of those who ARE in touch with Jesus but with just a different slant on some teachings.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Well I don't know if my opinion counts much here cause I am not an Adventist, but I see a lot of the Sunday type churches have a lot of Celebration going on. They love the fact that they love their God. Lots more singing and handclapping and praising. I think thats kinda cool.

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Well I don't know if my opinion counts much here cause I am not an Adventist, but I see a lot of the Sunday type churches have a lot of Celebration going on. They love the fact that they love their God. Lots more singing and handclapping and praising. I think thats kinda cool.

Your opinion is always welcome EC


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Well I don't know if my opinion counts much here cause I am not an Adventist, but I see a lot of the Sunday type churches have a lot of Celebration going on. They love the fact that they love their God. Lots more singing and handclapping and praising. I think thats kinda cool.

We've adopted you EC.


May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Thank you guys so much - you are all too kind!!! I do like Jesus - whatever he was he was pretty awesome about it!

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Woody, I think what you are after in this thread is awesome. It is that very celebration of your God I spoke of earlier.

Great thing to do!

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Gibs, Check this out:

"there are now true Christians in every church, not excepting the Roman Catholic communion, who honestly believe that Sunday is the Sabbath of divine appointment. God accepts their sincerity of purpose and their integrity before him."

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Woody, Correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding of what you are attempting to accomplish on this thread is not to celebrate Sunday Churches, but to gather observations on what they are doing right.

Because we believe we are the Remnant does not make us perfect. Just as we must do honest personal self-examination in the hope of self-improvement, so it is with examination of what the Sunday Churches offer. Perhaps we could learn about their methods of worship and how they interact with their members and communities.

If we can more fully accept our Sunday keeping friends, family and neighbors or non-churched peoples of the world perhaps they can see God in us. And, want to understand what we have: to see that our relationship with God is what gives us the peace,love and joy. That of truly knowing our Lord.

If we withdraw, and are inclusive we are viewed as cold, legalistic and unloveable. Who would want to ge to know us better?

The greatest mission field in the world is just outside our own front door. LOVE LIFTED ME ... AND will save our friends, family, coworkers and the stranger in the mall.

Perhaps that is why we have been told that the youth will finish the work. They are more accepting and less judgemental. It was the youth who began and it is our youth who are stepping out today.

let us examine the good in the Sunday Churches and learn and apply what we learn. We do not have to compromise our beliefs.

Sorry, I'll get off my soap box now.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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There are like five Baptist churches, in a two mile radius around us. They are constantly, and I do mean constantly, telling us/inviting us to weekly programs for the kids and adults. They are always starting programs in our trailer park clubhouse for the children that reside here, everything from story time to tutoring programs.

Our son just joined a Wednesday night youth group that is Southern Baptist, after they delivered Christmas presents to all of the trailer park kids, and mine were included.

The Baptist churches, at least the ones I've seen, don't just talk the talk, but they actually walk it and they want to walk it with you.

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

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Here's a good one:

"I will pour out my Spirit upon ALL flesh" Joel 2:28

This means that even the Sunday Worshippers have the Spirit of God.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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There are like five Baptist churches, in a two mile radius around us. They are constantly, and I do mean constantly, telling us/inviting us to weekly programs for the kids and adults. They are always starting programs in our trailer park clubhouse for the children that reside here, everything from story time to tutoring programs.

Our son just joined a Wednesday night youth group that is Southern Baptist, after they delivered Christmas presents to all of the trailer park kids, and mine were included.

The Baptist churches, at least the ones I've seen, don't just talk the talk, but they actually walk it and they want to walk it with you.

Cool. Super. This is the kind of thing I am hoping to hear more of. Look at the impact it has made on people in your community.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I don't have any negativity against sunday, or 1st day churches or church members. I just try and do what I think is best for me based on the Word of God. Except for the people I know and worship with on sabbath, everyone else either attend sunday churches or they are mentally and spiritually oriented to accepting that mode of worship. Many of those folks are good and sincere people, some aren't, but that is true anywhere. Only the Lord can truly judge.

I work a full 40 hour + week M_F, I worship one weekend day, and the other weekend day I use to run errands, clean up, do community service at my church, etc. The bible clearly tells me which weekend day to set aside for worship and rest. If someone elses faith belief and or tradition tells them to worship on another day, well, I don't have a problem with that. It will all be straightened out in the end.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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Besides, there is no one person or one church, or church denomination that is totally wrong and evil. There is always the good mixed with the bad. The bible describes the adversary and once being an angel of light, a covering cherub, who had great beauty, intelligence, and musical abilities. That's how it works. If the drink is totally poison, no one will touch it. The trick is mix a small lethal dose of poison and mask it with a lot of kool aid.

I read once that back in the mid to late '50s there was this protestant churh in Indiana that was a trend setter in regards to mixing black and white worshipers in one church service. In the mid to late 50s this kind of thing was radical. This church did a lot of other good and great things in the community. Somewhere along the way they got away from totally following what the bible says. That church eventually left Indiana and moved to Northern California. Their leader was some guy named Jim Jones.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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Does ANYone have something positive to say about Sunday churches?

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Does ANYone have something positive to say about Sunday churches?

They are a lot more friendlier than Adventist Churches....We have soo much on love and how to do love, but ...we are so dysfunctional....Baptist churches have sooo little info on how to love, and they do such a marvelous job of being friendly....





....til you talk doctrine.....then they can't drop you fast enough...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I've only been to a few sda churches. I haven't been to all the churches in North America. The ones I've been to were friendly, at least friendly enough that I draw from that they are all friendly. that whole 'friendly' issue is subjunctive. But, that's what some folks do on so called 'adventist' message boards and forums. They sit around and think up clever, unique and inventive ways to bash the sda church. Many of them claim to be current adventist or former adventists, or maybe they ran into an adventist during rush hour traffic. Who knows? There is a certain spirit that motivates and controls people who sit around and complain and bash like that. I don't think that spirit came from God.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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