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I have been praying(and after reading the bible) and I am feeling moved to join an Adventist church where I live and I have also been doing research on the Internet but I haven't gotten a couple questions answered so I was hoping the great folks here could clear up some confusion.

1) What bible do use?

2) Are women allowed to speak in church?

3) What is your stance on music and dancing?

4) what about women wearing headcoverings( different translations seem to have varying things on this)

5) I saw a lot on modesty but what is the official stance? I am by nature a modest dresser but not always modest in the way I speak. Is it a whole package thing?

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To also add to my questions what is their stance on jewellery specifically engagement and wedding rings? Seems to be differing opinions on he Internet.

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Will answer one of your items, or attempt to.

Generally for Number 1,

Most Adventist support what the translators of the Bible said in their preface that it is important to read various translations to get the full meaning of the text. If you know other languages you know how are it can be to move from one language to another.

Many use the KJV because of it's majestic wording, the Amplified Bible for study, and the NIV for reading out loud. It is would be hard to read the Amplified Bible out load in Church,

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Hi, Alysee!

I'm thrilled that you have decided to learn of Jesus! May you be blessed as you read your Bible and grow closer to Him through prayer and believing His word :)

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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I have been praying(and after reading the bible) and I am feeling moved to join an Adventist church where I live and I have also been doing research on the Internet but I haven't gotten a couple questions answered so I was hoping the great folks here could clear up some confusion.

First of all, I want to welcome you to the forum. I hope you will find it helpful. Be forewarned, however, forum members do not speak with one voice. If you want to know the official teaching of the church, you would have to consult an official publication.


1) What bible do use?

The Adventist Church does not endorse one translation over another that I know of, although the majority of English-speaking members probably use the KJV. I have personally started with the KJV, but got tired of the archaic words and moved on to the RSV. But I grew tired of the "thou" & "thine" remnants from the KJV. I have used other translations but I am currently using the ESV. So far I am very pleased with it. What I have found is that every translation has its strengths & weaknesses. Generally speaking, the word-for-word translations are more accurate than the others but they are not as readable. The more translations you consult, the more accurate will be as to how you understand a passage.


2) Are women allowed to speak in church?

I have been to many SDA churches. I have never to one that did not allow a woman to speak. However, very few SDA conferences employ or ordain women ministers/pastors.


3) What is your stance on music and dancing?

Dancing is a no no, but I am not aware that dancing with one's spouse in the privacy of one's home is forbidden. Music is a hot button issue. There are certain types of music that are discouraged due to style and content.


4) what about women wearing headcoverings( different translations seem to have varying things on this)

Headcoverings are neither required nor discouraged that I know of.


5) I saw a lot on modesty but what is the official stance? I am by nature a modest dresser but not always modest in the way I speak. Is it a whole package thing?

Yes, indeed, modesty in one's apparel is a basic teaching. I'm not sure what you mean by not being modest in your speech. While a change in one's thinking can take place instantaneously when we come to Christ, it will take time for a complete transformation of our behavior. While you don't have to accept any of the SDA beliefs to worship with them, one has to agree with the Adventist fundamental beliefs to become a baptized member.

I hope I answered your questions. I am confident that as you continue to study the Bible, you will find us to be true to its teachings.

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I have been praying(and after reading the bible) and I am feeling moved to join an Adventist church where I live and I have also been doing research on the Internet but I haven't gotten a couple questions answered so I was hoping the great folks here could clear up some confusion.

1) What bible do use?

2) Are women allowed to speak in church?

3) What is your stance on music and dancing?

4) what about women wearing headcoverings( different translations seem to have varying things on this)

5) I saw a lot on modesty but what is the official stance? I am by nature a modest dresser but not always modest in the way I speak. Is it a whole package thing?

None of us here speak officially for the SDA Church .org. However I do know a great deal about the SDA Church .org.

I will offer my two cents worth and attempt to answer your questions.

1. SDA use a variety of Bible translations. It is best to use "word to word" translations in order to know what the Bible actually says. The SDA Church .org has no official Bible that it uses. My two favorites are the NIV(1984) and the New King James Version. However, the ESV, the KJV, the RSV are also excellent translations.

2. Women are allowed to speak in Church. Many women hold leadership positions and speak from up front in the local SDA Church.

However, there is a huge discussion going on the SDA Church .org at present especially in North America and Europe over whether to have woman function as pastors/ministers/Administrators in the hierarchy of the SDA Church .org. at large.

No one is forced to speak. However disruptive behavior is not allowed. There are proper times to speak and proper times to be quiet.

3a. The music in most SDA Churches is generally "conservative". However, there are Churches that have more "modern"/uptempo music. It depends on the make up of the particular Congregation. Sometimes a Church has different times for different types of praise to God.

Music varies and there is no set rule across the Church .org. Each local Congregation pretty much sets its own tone.

3b. As to dancing the Official stance is "no dancing". However, this is never strictly enforced by the hierarchy of the Church. If the local Congregation gets in snoot it might make some issue over dancing.

However, I know many SDA who dance outside of the Church circles and are officially SDA members in regular standing. Again this depends on the "nature" of the local Church and how far it wants to go in this regard.

Personally I don't have issues with dancing as long such behavior does not lead to other issues that would be objectionable. These other issues would include but not limited to the "environment" in which said dancing takes place, the kinds of behaviors expected in such a place, etc.

4. There is no Official Standard in regard to head coverings in the SDA Church .org. However as with all dress issues it is correct that such dress always be "modest" and "appropriate"

I put the words "modest" and "appropriate" in quotes because these words depend on what we mean by them. What is "modest" and "appropriate" to one may not be so to the other.

Again, I would counsel you to become acquainted with the "norms" in your local Church/Area because not all localities are the same.

Many SDA women wear no head covering at all.

5. Like I said above, "modesty" means different things to different folks. What is modest on one place might be seen as very risque in an other area and/or vica versa. Thus, it is best follow the norms of your local Congregation.

If you live in an area where there are a number of SDA Churches you can test out each one and see what fits best for you.

6. The most important thing for you no matter what happens and/or what Congregation you align with and/or what Denomination you align with if any, is:



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I have been praying(and after reading the bible) and I am feeling moved to join an Adventist church where I live and I have also been doing research on the Internet but I haven't gotten a couple questions answered so I was hoping the great folks here could clear up some confusion.

1) What bible do use?

2) Are women allowed to speak in church?

3) What is your stance on music and dancing?

4) what about women wearing headcoverings( different translations seem to have varying things on this)

5) I saw a lot on modesty but what is the official stance? I am by nature a modest dresser but not always modest in the way I speak. Is it a whole package thing?

Welcome to the forum, and hope and pray that you will learn from us and we from you. Gerry pretty much summed up the SDA church, the only thing that I'll add is, I've read a number of the Bible's out there, and my favorite one is the Complete Jewish Bible. I have no love for the KJV even though it is a very good translation.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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If you desire to join us as a member of this Christian body - you would need to study and agree with the following:


Other than that - GO 4 IT. Pretty much anything goes.

Good to have you join us. Have fun.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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